Announce the release date for the sequel already!!!


Mar 3, 2011
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Even the Terminator has announced a date for 2015.

Where is Man of Steel 2?

When is WB going to announce the release date for the sequel?

Announcing the release date sooner rather than later will generate another buzz of publicity to bring more into the theatres NOW.

I hope the WB suits are looking at this message board.

Announcing a date now would demonstrate to the world that they consider MOS a success. Anything less......
Hopefully at Comi-Con!

I also want release dates for Flash (hopefully December 2014 if a script if already finished), and Wonder Woman (2015).
Ugh, WB is so lazy. They could've released a synopsis at this point! Or concept art!


The first film's only been out for two weeks and people need to stop expecting their next fix & gratification immediately?

The movie just came out. That's why.

I agree. Terminator has been talked about for some time now. I am sure WB will announce plans for a sequel soon. Snyder has been on press tours but said he is getting with the studio once he does so they can go over details about the next one. I think he said Goyer was developing the story now
there are still some countries haven't seen the movie.

but i would love to hear the announcement soon too. :D
I'm on pins & needles waiting myself, it's killing me. Those rumors that came out saying they would fast track a sequel by next year had me really nervous
They'll announce it at comic-con and if not, it probably means MOS 2 won't be out til 2016.
Jesus Christ, Terminator 5 is released in 2015?! Is there any good movie not being released in 2015?

I really hope the new Terminator is a good movie. But, for serious, I'm not going to have the time and money for the usual repeat viewings of the good ones with all that's coming out. May not have enough for all the first viewings.
What about mid December or Christmas 2015? Anyone know if this slot is open?
Summer of 2016. Book it.

You won't get a good movie in 2015. They need time to work a good story around a good villain. 2 years isn't enough time unless they already have the script in the bag.
Summer of 2016. Book it.

You won't get a good movie in 2015. They need time to work a good story around a good villain. 2 years isn't enough time unless they already have the script in the bag.
there is always not enough time. to some, MOS, spent 3 1/2 years, is also no enough time.
what do they/we have in December 2014?
Snyder has stated over the past few days that he's on press and marketing junkets around the world (think they just left Australia yesterday) and has not spoken to the studios directly about future plans even for the next movie.

It'll happen in time, be patient, calm down. The guy (as well as the cast and other participants) are flying all over the world spreading the word and the movie, give it time, people, geez. :D
Snyder has stated over the past few days that he's on press and marketing junkets around the world (think they just left Australia yesterday) and has not spoken to the studios directly about future plans even for the next movie.

It'll happen in time, be patient, calm down. The guy (as well as the cast and other participants) are flying all over the world spreading the word and the movie, give it time, people, geez. :D
no!!!!!!!!!!! i want it!!! i want it now!!!!

i kid. :D

i will get my blue ray first with the extra scenes. (hopefully there is)

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