Justice League Release date speculation?


Dec 6, 2005
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Okay, let me preface this: Assuming Ben Affleck or whoever ends up getting the gig, and this thing moves forward with casting and such. And when and if it starts filming, which date(s) do you think WB will opt for?

I think if WB gets going on this film, it's a likely June or July 2015 release. The studio has had luck with mid-July releases starting with 2007 onwards (even though Fox stole their 2014 spot)... so July 17, 2015 or July 24th is a likely date.

But considering Avengers 2 hits May 1st, perhaps WB will opt for something earlier. WB, Lionsgate and Disney have had some luck opening big tentpoles in early to mid-March like The Hunger Games, Alice in Wonderland and 300. So maybe a March 6th or March 20th release could be in the cards as well. Or if production starts early enough, maybe a fourth-quarter 2014 release? Paramount and Fox have had big success with big-budget tentpoles in mid-December.

Thoughts? I know it seems a bit early, but WB may want to throw down the gauntlet as well and stake their claim as Disney and Lionsgate have already laid their claim on prime 2014/2015 spots for Avengers and HG sequels.
It may be delayed but im hoping for a July or December 2015 release date.
I don't see this getting a 2015 release date.

Maybe the first weekend of May 2016.
I do. The script seems to be done, they'll probably commit to the director by years end, next year will be casting and getting more **** together. So it makes perfect sense to start filming in 2014 and release it in 2015.

They also have to put this out before a Man Of Steel sequel. I can't see them waiting 4 years to release that.
I'm guessing July 2015, same as Nolan's last two movies. It's a good time to release a blockbuster.
yeah, versus a May release for Avengers 2.
Warner brothers needs a summer 2015 release so expect Justice League July 2015.
Warner brothers needs a summer 2015 release so expect Justice League July 2015.
Yes to July 2015, but needing a Summer 2015 release, no? Why would Summer 2015 need to start having dates when 2014 isn't even full yet. Every studio (minus Disney and Sony) need a Summer movie. Later this year we should get one or 2 more 2015 dates. There are only 5 2015 dates, WB has plenty of time to announce the date.
The most likely month would be July 2015 considering that for the past years they have released their biggest blockbusters during that time ( Batman , Potter , Inception , Hobbit , Pacific RIm).

Other potential months could be November ( although not as succesful as July WB did have succes with Potter) or possily December ( SHerlock Holmes comes to mind and there were rumors though never confirmed that WB was considering releasing MoS X-Mas 2012)
July (whatever the equivalent to TDKR's date is) 2015.
May...be... July... couldn't be.... June.
July (whatever the equivalent to TDKR's date is) 2015.

The 2015 equivalent to is July 17. Here's a list of potential dates WB could use for 2015:

March 20
July 10
July 17
July 24
December 18
December 25
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July 2015 seems to be the most obvious one, or if they're in need of a little more time December 2015.
Other potential months could be November ( although not as succesful as July WB did have succes with Potter) or possily December ( SHerlock Holmes comes to mind and there were rumors though never confirmed that WB was considering releasing MoS X-Mas 2012)

Jamie and Showtime can both confirm that WB was indeed considering MOS for a December 2012 release. The fact shows that this spread like wildfire (albeit mostly with 'rumor mill' labeling), and WB was ticked that this let out. So they had to release a statement confirming Hobbit 1 was staying in its December 14, 2012 spot, but not confirming whether MOS would stay in June 2013.
Jamie and Showtime can both confirm that WB was indeed considering MOS for a December 2012 release. The fact shows that this spread like wildfire (albeit mostly with 'rumor mill' labeling), and WB was ticked that this let out. So they had to release a statement confirming Hobbit 1 was staying in its December 14, 2012 spot, but not confirming whether MOS would stay in June 2013.

IMO i can't take this as a fact. Rumors are still rumors and sometimes you need to release a statement before somehing just has a life of it's own.
Besides like i've posted many times in the MoS forums , i still think it would've been a dumb move by WB to have Hobbit and MoS released during the same time.

Let's move on.
There is something to be considered for a possible X-Mas 2015 release date.
Avatar 3. Of course that entirely depends on how Avatar 2 is received but just going by the performance of the first movie , those movies will be huge.
Cameron is taking his sweet time getting these Avatar sequels off the ground. If he's still writing and mapping out the scripts by next year, Avatar 2 won't be ready by December 2015 with the extensive post-production process.

And I noticed today Dreamworks Animation and Fox have already mapped out their roster of releases well up through mid-2016. Mumbai Musical seems to be slotted in that mid-December 2015 spot.

If WB wants to nab a prime 2015 or 2016 spot, they need to get their director in place and mark that release date.
Summer 2015 is very likely.

The script appears to be finished and WB is currently shopping around for a director. My guess is casting will start early next year (with an official roster confirmed during the late-fall).
Summer 2015 is very likely.

I think so, but WB needs to get a move on and get the date set before their rivals swoop in and claim March or July 2015 for themselves. They also need to firm up their 2014 slate too, with Lego and Hobbit 3 the only ones having release dates.
I hope they give us the release date by the first quarter of 2013. Any later than that might not be a good sign. Maybe they'll tell us in a couple of months but i doubt it.

The director, also by the first quarter of the new year. Casting? who the hell knows. But a July 2015 release date would be perfect.
I hope they give us the release date by the first quarter of 2013. Any later than that might not be a good sign. Maybe they'll tell us in a couple of months but i doubt it.

I think when WB firms up the final director for JL (which will be in a few more months), they will announce a release date shortly after.
Yes to July 2015, but needing a Summer 2015 release, no? Why would Summer 2015 need to start having dates when 2014 isn't even full yet.

Because the studios have booked all the good 2014 spots for March, May, June, July, and August. There are still some good dates for November and December, though.

And studios want to stake their claim, and they're doing it earlier to ensure the best position for their films to thrive.
Studios staking claims on release dates means nothing. WB will set a release date when they're ready.
I notice WB is starting to firm up more upcoming releases -- their long-gestating Godzilla reboot will hit May 16, 2014 and the Jersey Boys musical will hit Christmas 2013.

I expect WB to announce more 2014 dates tomorrow... maybe even one for JL for a fourth-quarter 2014 or summer 2015 date while they're at it?

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