The Dark Knight Rises Anyone else notice


Jul 25, 2012
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That Batman used his normal voice when Miranda stabbed him. "Miranda...why..." Heck he wouldn't even use his normal voice when talking with Fox while trying to track down the joker in the Dark Knight or when he was trying to save Rachel from the scarecrow toxin.
Wasn't really his normal voice, just slightly altered to take the stabbing into consideration.
That Batman used his normal voice when Miranda stabbed him. "Miranda...why..." Heck he wouldn't even use his normal voice when talking with Fox while trying to track down the joker in the Dark Knight or when he was trying to save Rachel from the scarecrow toxin.

I did notice...seems a reasonable thing to have him do in order to increase the sense of Batman/Bruce's emotional and physical vulnerability to Miranda, in addition to contributing to the shock value of the scene for the audience.
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IMO, it showed how vulnerable he was around Miranda.

Even with Blake when he rescues him, his voice isn't as growly as usual.
Its because bruce loved miranda and was hurt by the betral, essentially if she is working with the league of shadows then she would of known that batman was bruce wayne.
THeck he wouldn't even use his normal voice when talking with Fox while trying to track down the joker in the Dark Knight or when he was trying to save Rachel from the scarecrow toxin.

:huh:I always thought that was weird.
It was Bale's most hearty attempt at extracting or perhaps even embellishing the moment with some weight and depth as their most barebones romance had none.
It was a personal attack on bruce by a women he liked. Not a random stabbing by a wino.
It's hard to do the Batman "growl" with a 4 inch blade between your ribs.
I loved that he loses the voice because of the pure shock of her betrayal, plus the fact that he had a blade digging through his rib cage added to it all.
The worst was when he threw out that one liner on the roof after Catwoman disappeared.
I actually found that funny.. i mean how annoying it must be for Gordon when he does it to him, hard enough to get ahold of him to begin with.

I laugh everytime it happens now when I re-watch the films, thinking of that scene.
Did you guys ever think maybe it was because oh idk he was just STABBED IN THE RIBS?
I loved Bale's reaction when he's stabbed. He really sells the betrayal.
Anyone who gives the "Its cause he got stabbed, duh!" response must have missed it in TDKR when Bane has him by the throat, knows who he actually is and is kicking his ass...and Batman still uses the growl. Or in TDK, how he still uses the voice even after being attacked by giant rotweilers and getting hit by a crowbar multiple times. And they even made a point of having Bale use the Batvoice in that while clearly being exhausted by the attack Joker did on him.
Yup. Same here.

Indeed. One of the most powerful and emotional scenes in the movie for me.

in contrast i was irked because i still could not fathom how bruce and talia developed that kind of romance
in contrast i was irked because i still could not fathom how bruce and talia developed that kind of romance

It was definitely underdeveloped so I understand what you're saying. However, given the repeated mentions of how important she is to Bruce (Selina's "girlfriend" line, Bane's "Keep her close. He's coming for her" line, Bruce's "I won't forget you" line), the intention (although it failed in execution in the script) was to depict her as someone Bruce fell for so that scene worked for me performance wise. Both Bale and Cotillard nailed that scene if we're going with the premise that Bruce trusted and developed feelings for her IMO. It's not their fault that the execution leading up to that moment failed.
Bruce Wayne uses the bat-voice around people he knows because it helps him get into character. Its exactly like when actors act like their characters even when they are not filming.
Anyone who gives the "Its cause he got stabbed, duh!" response must have missed it in TDKR when Bane has him by the throat, knows who he actually is and is kicking his ass...and Batman still uses the growl. Or in TDK, how he still uses the voice even after being attacked by giant rotweilers and getting hit by a crowbar multiple times. And they even made a point of having Bale use the Batvoice in that while clearly being exhausted by the attack Joker did on him.

Being stabbed is a lot different than being punched, kicked, etc. His body was probably going into shock. Not so with a dog bite, the crowbar beating, Bane's initial beating, etc. He doesn't have the presence to "maintain" the same level of growl there, and its obviously an intentional choice by the director and the actor.
I thought he lapsed into his regular voice because Miranda's betrayal shocked him so deeply that he didn't even have the presence of mind to keep up the Batman facade.

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