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Arrow Arrow Season 3 Episode 20 ""The Fallen"" Discussion Thread

When was the last time anyone smiled on this show. It has just become depressing teenage angst crap.
Don't worry we've got the death of a little kid and everyone missing Olie to look forward to next week.

Really starting to think they are making it bad on purpose so that when Barry does go and change time everyone will be relieved.

Please you can do a great show. Just cut down on the melodrama. Make Felicity funny, she is the comic relief.
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You would think that Oliver would have also learned his lesson by now that it's not the best idea to revive one of your loved ones by means of a questionable substance.

The last time that he did that, Slade Wilson went crazy and ended up being responsible for why Sara ended up in the LOA, why Oliver and her couldn't return home back then, and why several people in Starling City (including Ray's fiance, Moira, and countless others) are dead.

So yeah Oliver, brilliant move to do the same thing with Thea.

Lance may have been wrong when he called you a villain, but you're definitely a dumb-ass.
sorry... he did right.... saving slade was not the problem, it was the killing of shado.
sorry... he did right.... saving slade was not the problem, it was the killing of shado.

He was warned what could potentially happen and even if Shado getting killed wasn't a issue, something would have eventually driven Slade to madness as we've seen from other individuals who were injected with the serum.
as much as i like ollicity,

They should have really done a Rayicity till the end. She deserves better and she is not a dumb woman.

Ray lends her the jet and she sleeps with olliver. Not good in my opinion.
Originally Posted by TheHighlander
sorry... he did right.... saving slade was not the problem, it was the killing of shado.
He was warned what could potentially happen and even if Shado getting killed wasn't a issue, something would have eventually driven Slade to madness as we've seen from other individuals who were injected with the serum.

Even if he was warned though the result for thea Right now are weird she's mentally acting like 3 to 4 year old right now As I said just a page over. She should be overly psycho as being messed up for the rest of her life cause she'll always choose to do the opposite of what you should do ethnically or morally judgment wise. will have to be watched cause of her eroding judgment

I'm not sure what to make of this. but I do agree to a degree he shouldn't have messed with the pit. though thea should have enhanced strength with new immorality (well the virtual version of immortality anyway ) til she's fatally wounded again I think it would have reached Oliver more with his dense self if he saw kill people with that rage ray bees mode with her enhanced strength & agility I mentioned which are side effect of pit use at all times.

some of those LOA members should have been killed from a result . they(the writers ) kinda failed showing the bad side effects sadly. to show oliver he made the biggest mistake of his baby sisters life or after life .
what ever .

If you want to show the side effect's of the pit, go full court press (show it all) & show it properly. or do't both with it.

Oh & the Highlander Oliver didn't kill shado .
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as much as i like ollicity,

They should have really done a Rayicity till the end. She deserves better and she is not a dumb woman.

Ray lends her the jet and she sleeps with olliver. Not good in my opinion.

Yeah, I have to admit they were pushing "Ray,the good natured shlub" way hard there.
Thought the episode was fine. Felicity needs to go though or go back to how she was used before. Which isn't gonna happen so the show will suffer trying to force Felicity stuff.

Great job Arrow you managed to turn a good character that was fine in the role she was to force the shipper crap and hurt the show.

Also I really don't want to see Flash is so much better than Arrow posts. Let's wait until Flash gets to season 3 and then compare.

My contention isn't whether or not Flash is better,only that it's more fun.

I remember when Arrow used to be fun.:csad:
A very meh episode. Enough of this olicity crap, writers! This was exactly like the ep after Nanda Parbat where absolutely nothing happened.

The one thing that has been consistently good tho is Nable. He has killed it as Ra's and, dare I say it, managed to overshadow Neeson in the role as well. I am still fascinated by the overall endgame of this season but if it involves a three-way fight between Ollie, Ra's, and Nysaa on a plane, I am having none of it. [they constructed a plane set for the finale so i am reasonably apprehensive of the possibility]

Oh, and I still do not get why Flash is held up to such a high standard. That series has had its fair share of stumbles (the beyond crappy villains, an increasingly kiddish vibe and Iris to name a few). If anything, the one superhero show that has impressed me a lot this year is Daredevil. Insane fights, good acting, a tense plot....its everything Arrow had the potential to be this season.
Yeah, I have to admit they were pushing "Ray,the good natured shlub" way hard there.

Poor Routh, it seems like no matter which superhero he plays, he'll never end up getting the woman in the end.lol

Honestly, at this point, I can't say that I have any respect for Felicity at all.

Even before tonight's episode, she has been an complete pain to watch at times. The show makes her come off as shallow at times when it comes to their choice in men, where it seems like the number one thing that she looks out for is their physique. It also didn't help the fact that she has a bad habit of always bringing up to Oliver about their situation, as if it wasn't made clear the first 10 times. And she has no problem looking for a potential rebound when her first option isn't available.

When Oliver made it clear to her that he couldn't be with her in the Season Premiere, Felicity hopped onto the first train to Central City to see if things could work out between her and Barry.

As soon as that didn't work out, then she found Ray and saddled him along for the ride until Oliver made himself available for her.

She's no different from Raimi's version of Mary Jane Watson, who I consider to be the worst female lead within the comic book genre.

In a lot of ways, she and "Arrow's" take of Oliver are really made for each other. They don't care who they hurt along the way when it comes to their relationships, just as long as they get what they want.

I used to think that Felicity was too good for Oliver back in Season 2 but after Season 3, I don't think that as much.


This shot >>>>>> some of the entire episodes this season
Just give him a red lightsaber and his journey to the dark side will complete.
Why has Laurel barely appeared in the last couple of episodes?

She's basically a part of the team, this is weird.
Same reason why the writers knew they only had Colton Haynes till the end of the season but barely did anything with him.

Her not being there for Roys departure or Theas near death experience didn't make sense (SURPRISE!)
Well, another pretty good episode that I still couldn't fully enjoy because they didn't earn the story they're trying to tell. If I took this episode on it's own, it's actually pretty damn good, but unfortunately the writers have been so erratic, contradictory, and just plain lazy, it taints the whole thing. I don't know, this has been a rough season guys. I'm hoping they'll be able to turn it around. I think the writers need to cool it with the Batman ripoff storylines and start trying to do their own thing with the Arrow team.
In a better world, my Season 3 cast would have been made up of these characters:

1. Oliver
2. Laurel
3. Diggs
4. Roy
5. Nyssa
6. Deadshot (Recurring)
7. Maseo (Recurring)
8. Ra's Al Ghul
9. Brandon Routh as Ted Kord
10. Brick (Recurring)
This could have been a solid episode but I can't even pretend Olicity isn't ruining this show for me.
I need to avoid these forums after the shows, all you guys do is moan and complain. Must be a bummer of a life to live. If I watch something that I don't like, I don't tend to come back week after week to torture myself again.
I need to avoid these forums after the shows, all you guys do is moan and complain. Must be a bummer of a life to live. If I watch something that I don't like, I don't tend to come back week after week to torture myself again.

Most of these commenters loved this show. Most of us are probably just hoping it will get better again.
This could have been a solid episode but I can't even pretend Olicity isn't ruining this show for me.


So. Much. This.

I'm bit of an odd duck in that I've never really liked the Felicity character from near the beginning of her introduction. At first, she was a bit adorkable and funny, but since (and even more so now) it just feels forced and OTT - almost as much as the 'Olicity' and love triangles. I also don't like how they're painting with the broad brush that Oliver would never know the moral rights from wrongs if she weren't there to teach & guide him.

I feel the writers and producers really disserviced the Felicity (& Oliver) character by forcing them together by trying to appease a vocal part of the fanbase. It just feels so forced. Like; "We gotta please those fans!" "How??" "IDC, just do it!!". I honestly don't see or 'feel' the vibe or connection between the two actors, in that sense. But that might just be me.

And Olicity 'got it on', yay for those fans... but did anyone find it both a bit awkward and funny (for all the wrong reasons) that not only did Oliver not ask "what about Ray?", but they immediately start shucking clothes and then have sexy times just cause she says "I love you".

And then she drugs him, with no clear set plan or foreknown path out of the stronghold. Really, writers? Really?? *facepalm*
Poor Routh, it seems like no matter which superhero he plays, he'll never end up getting the woman in the end.lol

Honestly, at this point, I can't say that I have any respect for Felicity at all.

Even before tonight's episode, she has been an complete pain to watch at times. The show makes her come off as shallow at times when it comes to their choice in men, where it seems like the number one thing that she looks out for is their physique. It also didn't help the fact that she has a bad habit of always bringing up to Oliver about their situation, as if it wasn't made clear the first 10 times. And she has no problem looking for a potential rebound when her first option isn't available.

When Oliver made it clear to her that he couldn't be with her in the Season Premiere, Felicity hopped onto the first train to Central City to see if things could work out between her and Barry.

As soon as that didn't work out, then she found Ray and saddled him along for the ride until Oliver made himself available for her.

She's no different from Raimi's version of Mary Jane Watson, who I consider to be the worst female lead within the comic book genre.

In a lot of ways, she and "Arrow's" take of Oliver are really made for each other. They don't care who they hurt along the way when it comes to their relationships, just as long as they get what they want.

I used to think that Felicity was too good for Oliver back in Season 2 but after Season 3, I don't think that as much.
Agreed, especially on the 'too good for Oliver back then' part. Felicity used to be my favorite character. Now, she annoys the Hell out of me.
I need to avoid these forums after the shows, all you guys do is moan and complain. Must be a bummer of a life to live. If I watch something that I don't like, I don't tend to come back week after week to torture myself again.

Must be a bummer to be a browns fan.:o
This whole situation with Felicity and her relationship with Oliver reminds me of "Smallville", back when I had enjoyed watching Lana's character and her relationship with Clark for the first two seasons, before they both became a pain to watch on-screen in the third season.

I just can't believe at times on how much damage the producers were able to do with Felicity within one season after having written her so well for the last two.

I'd argue that both she and the character of Iris are the biggest things that are dragging down their respective shows.

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