So I have finally finished this. I would have finished it sooner, if I didn't get an illness and if I liked this game.
This is the one Ac game that took me the longest to adjust, like just the way things are represented is so different from the previous games. There's no small map, the chests here are fewer but harder to locate and to get due to the enemies. I didn't really like look of the menu especially when it comes to displaying the gears. It looked very mobile game to me. There's no progress tracker and sequences. Like it doesn't show the percentage you've have already completed. What it basically have is just a list of missions. The controls are different from the previous games and I just wish they didn't change so much stuff.
The graphics are really good. The attention to details is amazing. Love those big statues. The deserts are nice. I love riding the camels. The underwater sections are less claustrophobic than Black Flag. The map is humungous. The animals are nice as well especially the hippopotamuses.
The first thing I prioritized here is going to all of the locations available and getting the skills and upgrades. I liked destroying the statues and finding the constellation stuff. The rest like looting treasures, finding the papyrus can be a choir especially they aren't exactly quick to find. Taking down king animals and leaders were engaging if I could beat them. When I was around level 35, I cleared the map when it came to finding treasures and killing captains, which was really time consuming because I just went on and on. The elephants were the hardest, I thought I was gonna skip them but they reward ability points so I finished them. But I was always close to death with those elephants.
The story missions here were tedious as hell. For example, Egypt's Medjay had nine freaking objectives and I was just so over it. I hate using the Eagle to find the target and a lot of the missions here require that. Sometimes it took me 5 minutes just to find my target, it was so annoying. I really hated that a lot of missions had like 7 to 15 objectives and it takes at least 30 minutes to finish. Go to this, follow that person, go to this, talk to this person, investigate, talk to this person, go to this place times infinity. It was always like that! It could have just jumped right through the action after those long cutscenes. By the end of each mission, I was just over it. I also thought the final mission with Aya was odd. I was expecting one more mission with Bayek. There were some nice missions like the naval battles, shooting enemies in a horse ride and the Snake boss fight. But nothing really wowed me.
The side missions, I didn't care at all. There are so many in the maps. I just didn't feel doing them as I know they'd be as tedious as the story missions. Though I was forced to do some of them so I could level up to 40. I didn't solve those papyrus except for one, which gave me a fire weapon and that I used that one until the end.
One of the things I dreaded doing here is the tomb raids. I dislike going to these creepy locations especially in Assassin's Creed, in which a lot of locations are filled with people. I'm used to being surrounded by people in these games, and when I get to the more isolated locations and its just me, it creeps me out and it makes me not want to play or when I'm playing, I just want to get out there as soon as I can. I didn't even do all the secret areas in II and Brotherhood for that reason. In Origins, I felt like I would be missing if I skipped things so I went to all the tombs.
One of the things I hated in this game is you are pretty much doomed if the enemy is like three to four levels above you. And the thing is when I was on the road with my camel there were plenty of times I got killed because they saw me and I was just passing through in the freaking road. 1 arrow hit and I got desynchronized and those weren't even the bounty hunters. The map is big but almost too big, that I don't even remember what the other locations look like.
Bayek also doesn't have a "base", where his gears and weapons are displayed in a wall. Every Ac game I've played before, the protagonist has a safe place and you can view stuff. In Origins, its just gone and there's not even a database like character profiles! I just miss those. I didn't really like Bayek and the story just didn't interest me. Layla was meh and the present day scenes aren't as interesting as the present day scenes from the previous games. It didnt even have a proper ending. The only one I liked was Aya. The story also felt gloomy it wasn't fun and engaging to me.
I didn't really like this game. Sure, the graphics look great. But I wasn't that happy with the gameplay changes and the missions were really tedious and the worst in the series, in my opinion. The map quests though were addicting.