Avengers Alliance - Part 1

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I just wish that they'd separate the inventory of your agent while PVE and PVP, because when I'm doing missions I usually use a different set of gears. RIght now during the PVP season I have no choice but to equip my PVP gears all the time.
I just wish that they'd separate the inventory of your agent while PVE and PVP, because when I'm doing missions I usually use a different set of gears. RIght now during the PVP season I have no choice but to equip my PVP gears all the time.

Yeah, I always have to make sure to change my heroes and weapons after I'm done with the missions. Always a pain in the ass
Black Knight is now available as a 90 CP Tactician.
Btw I got Cable and finally got Ant Man.
Black Knight is now available as a 90 CP Tactician.

BK seems like he could be a good PVP hero. Magic immunity? Able to inflict bleed or protect allies on a fly? I doubt AI can use him effectively but offensively he could be the new king of PVP.

Btw I got Cable and finally got Ant Man.

Congrats! I got CB so I think I'll just need to get Psylocke for SO8.
I don't get all the Black Knight love, except for maybe the magic immunity. I only have him at level 2 but he seems pretty mediocre, especially for 90 CP.

I'm growing pretty bored with the game and almost quit the other night. I kind of hope I lose interest all together - this thing is such a time waster!
Btw I got Cable and finally got Ant Man.

Congrats! You came pretty close to the deadline on Pym, only 3 days left!

Off topic: Where the hell is Wonderman. Between him and the Vision, I think Playdom has covered virtually all of the Avengers already. We got Tigra :-)whatever:) but not Simon Williams? He'd make a great bruiser (or blaster)!

Off topic, again: I wish Playdom would stop ruining chracters with their updates. Captain Britain is pretty useless in PVP now. I guess I'll go back to using Valkyrie (until they nerf her too).
Tigra a good fighter. got her at level 12 and she does good work from time to time in the PvP game
Congrats! You came pretty close to the deadline on Pym, only 3 days left!

Off topic: Where the hell is Wonderman. Between him and the Vision, I think Playdom has covered virtually all of the Avengers already. We got Tigra :-)whatever:) but not Simon Williams? He'd make a great bruiser (or blaster)!

Off topic, again: I wish Playdom would stop ruining chracters with their updates. Captain Britain is pretty useless in PVP now. I guess I'll go back to using Valkyrie (until they nerf her too).

What do you mean Capt. Britain is useless in PVP? I'm using him with NC and my team hardly loses a game, except against a team with insane armory bonuses and unfavorable turn order. As for Valkyrie, I think she's quite useless since I can use scroll the Deathwatch away on my turn, and without that buff she's rather useless on your team because she deals mediocre damage. Also, I rarely run into her, but when I do she's pretty much gone by turn 2 or so.
What do you mean Capt. Britain is useless in PVP? I'm using him with NC and my team hardly loses a game, except against a team with insane armory bonuses and unfavorable turn order. As for Valkyrie, I think she's quite useless since I can use scroll the Deathwatch away on my turn, and without that buff she's rather useless on your team because she deals mediocre damage. Also, I rarely run into her, but when I do she's pretty much gone by turn 2 or so.

Captain Britain rarely stuns in PVP ever since they updated his attack. Valkyrie's revive and healing powers are amazing. You're right about one thing - she's definitely not an offensive character. Back when I played PVP, I would go almost undefeated running her and Ghost Rider: Agent and Valkyrie would provide defensive and healing support to a Ghost Rider who could nuke almost any opponent using Penance Stare. CB has no defensive value at all. For a while, his attacks were strong enough to make up for it. Now that he's neutered, I'll kindly pass.
I think it's just annoying to face Valkyrie and Scarlet Witch. That's when it stops being fun. When we can't attack the opponent because that will heal him, it pisses me off.

They also still haven't nerfed Human Torch's unbelievable strong attack and his cheapness. I'm tired of facing him on PVP.
It seems like almost everyone in pvp uses Emma Frost, Scarlet Witch and Human Torch.
I think it's just annoying to face Valkyrie and Scarlet Witch. That's when it stops being fun. When we can't attack the opponent because that will heal him, it pisses me off.

They also still haven't nerfed Human Torch's unbelievable strong attack and his cheapness. I'm tired of facing him on PVP.

he's not that hard to beat, golden ax, Black Panther works good or Black Widow
I'm working to get Black Panther next. Just need 8 more CP. Then I'll train him and take him to PVP.
PD is going to be posting 50 free UIso every day until Monday due to them taking UIso off the gift page too early and not being able to put it back in time for the remainder of SO. Here's today's gift: http://play.dm/h005d

I 5-starred all the missions but am continuing to do mission 3 due to wanting the 40th Century Man weapon and it's a perfect place for leveling up Punisher, Black Knight, and Hank Pym.
It seems like almost everyone in pvp uses Emma Frost, Scarlet Witch and Human Torch.

This depends on your level bracket. I'm at level 175 and I rarely see Scarlet Witch and Human Torch. Even Emma Frost's popularity has decreased significantly this PVP season.
Crap! Ghost Rider 200 CP? :( Only have 134 CP
Won't be able too, sale ends on the 30th :(
he's not that hard to beat, golden ax, Black Panther works good or Black Widow

Black Panther has never given me a problem... it's a tactician vs. a brawler. No advantages for BP and he still gets nuked by Penance Stare.

Black Widow gets absolutely annihilated by Ghost Rider too. Simply put, its a brawler (GR) vs. an infiltrator (BW). Ghost Rider automatically gets double attacks (which means burning and Soul Fire) and critical damage in one turn.

Truthfully, the only characters to give me trouble are Scarlet Witch, Captain America, and Captain Britain (simply b/c of the high damage and bruiser bonus). I second that Scarlet Witch and Valkyrie may be the most frustrating characters to face. I once went Valkyrie vs. Valkyrie (only remaining characters). I won but the match lasted for almost 40 minutes. Same thing happened with Human Torch vs. Human Torch...
Black Panther has never given me a problem... it's a tactician vs. a brawler. No advantages for BP and he still gets nuked by Penance Stare.

Black Widow gets absolutely annihilated by Ghost Rider too. Simply put, its a brawler (GR) vs. an infiltrator (BW). Ghost Rider automatically gets double attacks (which means burning and Soul Fire) and critical damage in one turn.

Truthfully, the only characters to give me trouble are Scarlet Witch, Captain America, and Captain Britain (simply b/c of the high damage and bruiser bonus). I second that Scarlet Witch and Valkyrie may be the most frustrating characters to face. I once went Valkyrie vs. Valkyrie (only remaining characters). I won but the match lasted for almost 40 minutes. Same thing happened with Human Torch vs. Human Torch...

Only have troubles with Mockingbird and White Queen, her mental blasts are a pain and Ghost Rider penance stare does a number on my heroes
I really hate MB, she blasts through all my shields I use :cmad:
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