The Dark Knight Batfans - One Last Time

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Sep 26, 2005
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Bat fans over the last few months we have destroyed every delicious puzzle Warner Brothers has thrown at us. We have been organized, we have been determined, we have been victorious.

That was in the name of fun, the name of entertainment. We have, one more thing we have to do. One more thing, we should do.

As more and more of you are learning, the Westboro Baptist Church is protesting - yes PROTESTING - Heath's church. These people are disgusting. They are repulsive. These people should not be able to cause Heath's loved ones any more harm.

So we should organize. Our Joker needs his crew one more time.

I am not sure where the funeral is (any google search I do is filled with notices about Westboro). We have people in New York. We have people near Hollywood.

I live in Florida, and even toying with the idea of trying to bus up to New York for a day - depending on my schedule.

But if we can organize to run to cake stores, mapping the country to take pictures of buildings, capturing at least a picture of every scene shot in Chicago - we can certainly do this.

If you are interesting, please PM me or email me ([email protected]).

This is the most worthwhile post ever on this board.

These people are modern day Nazis.
I hate religious nuts. If there is a hell, they should be the ones to get sent there.
great idea Norm- way to pick up the ball and run with it.
Jesus, is that REAL?

That's outrageous and hideously cruel...Christ it hasn't even been 24 hours and THIS s**t gets pulled.

Unbelieveable. This is officially the worst week of 2008 so far, not just because of the obvious, but because this pisses me off to no end.

I can't justify my time or money, and cosidering my stance and beliefs, that is sad for me to say.

My best for all the stand for this.

If at the least, a scene shouldn't be made; a stance of honor and privacy should be demonstrated.
PM sent :up:

I agree. This is just sick.
Wow, they should tell us how they really feel.

Did Heath go to this church at some point?

I never thought I'd see the day where a church calls something a, "sordid, tacky bucket of slime."

Freedom of speech is a b*tch sometimes isn't it? Wish some people realized how privilaged they are to talk.
I live in Chicago and would have no way to join, but I strongly, strongly support this idea. I can't believe they would do something like this. What would the group do if we were able to assemble?
I can't believe those religious nuts would picket the funeral of a great actor and terrific man, just because he played a gay man on film. I cannot fathom just how ridiculous and insane this is...
I have no way to go, but I support each and every one of you who go. Someone give them a double ass-kicking for me.
I'd do it if I could, Norm, but you have my FULL support. You know what you're doing, so I won't worry about you getting yourself hurt or arrested (yes, honest Hypsters care about their own).

But whatever you DO plan to do, you give these f**ks hell, man. I'm with you in spirit all the way.

Wow, that's one of the most repulsive things i've ever read in my life. These people believe they're great Christian, yet are willing to do this...

Kudos to anyone who goes and stops this demonstration and shows support for Heath. We didn't know him, but at the heart of this, that's a man's funeral...
The best thing to do about Fred Phelps and his sick, twisted excuse for a church is to just ignore them. They are only after the publicity. Heath Ledger's funeral should be about celebrating his life and acting career, both cut tragically short, with those who knew and loved him, not focusing on the petty ignorant bigotry of some losers who try to use his death to get their own ugly faces on television.
If at the least, a scene shouldn't be made; a stance of honor and privacy should be demonstrated.

This is my greatest fear.

This will need to be a matter handled with great delicacy.
Guy's, these people are nothing more than publicity hungry maggots. Do not do anything to draw attention to them. Thats what they want, they are psychotic wack-jobs.

Besides, I doubt they would fly to another country to do their crap. They give enough greif here with their "protests" . If anything, they will do their protests where he died in NYC.

You want to give them grief, if they do protest, bring a huge banner and block them from view. Thats what the Hell's Angels do at soldiers funerals, and it takes away what these nutballs want.
Wow, they should tell us how they really feel.

Did Heath go to this church at some point?

I never thought I'd see the day where a church calls something a, "sordid, tacky bucket of slime."

Freedom of speech is a b*tch sometimes isn't it? Wish some people realized how privilaged they are to talk.

Google Westboro Baptist Church. They are simply disgusting, hateful people.
Wow...these guys aren't even real Christians but professional noise-makers. The loudest bible bashers who are so quick to condemn others in such an aggressive manner have no idea of the doctrines they think they're reppin'.
*Note: I am not trying to start a debate*

I am a devout christian and people like that make me sick, its people like that who make the rest of us who are actually trying to communicate love get a bad rep, even though I don't agree with some of Heath's lifestyle choices from what has been reported by his family and friends, I still pray for his soul and family while showing him some respect in these sad days. If I were near the funeral I'd go in Joker face paint and show some support for him and his loved ones.
Guy's, these people are nothing more than publicity hungry maggots. Do not do anything to draw attention to them. Thats what they want, they are psychotic wack-jobs.

Besides, I doubt they would fly to another country to do their crap. They give enough greif here with their "protests" . If anything, they will do their protests where he died in NYC.

Agreed, some things are shocking, but this is above that and into pure attention-****e territory for sure. :whatever:
This is my greatest fear.

This will need to be a matter handled with great delicacy.

And THAT's why something has to be done, for those of you thinking it shouldn't.

I'm not saying a f**king RIOT should break out, but these whack jobs can't be allowed anywhere NEAR the funeral.

Someone's gotta intercept them and keep them from causing more harm to the Ledger family, as Norm put it.

Guy's, these people are nothing more than publicity hungry maggots. Do not do anything to draw attention to them. Thats what they want, they are psychotic wack-jobs.

Besides, I doubt they would fly to another country to do their crap. They give enough greif here with their "protests" . If anything, they will do their protests where he died in NYC.

Is the funeral taking place in Australia? I hope thats the case. I do.

I can't find word on where it is located yet.
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