The Dark Knight Batman is a loner...

While I'd certainly prefer Batman to be solo for the time being, I wouldn't mind Robin being introduced later on somewhere down the line. He's not nearly as bad as you all make him out to be. His story pretty much mirrors Bruce's own.

With all this hate, you'd think f'n Bat-Mite was going to be brought on-screen or something. :dry:
I agree...

When you think about it, Batman just began. He is no way ready to be a mentor, when he hasn't fully established his own identity and abilities yet.

i agree. we still have storylines to develop with fox and gordon, let alone with robin.
Every time I see the title of this thread I think it says, "Batman has a *****."

Which I really didn't want to know.

Damn this thread. Damn it to hell.
While I'd certainly prefer Batman to be solo for the time being, I wouldn't mind Robin being introduced later on somewhere down the line. He's not nearly as bad as you all make him out to be. His story pretty much mirrors Bruce's own.

With all this hate, you'd think f'n Bat-Mite was going to be brought on-screen or something. :dry:

I agree. I often wonder how these people can look at anything Batman-related if the slight mention of a Robin can cause them to abandon hope in the series. Seeing as the character is one of the biggest things in the Bat mythology and everything..

But yeah, Robin should appear down the line. I don't get the people that want him to appear in the second film or whatever either. Way too early for the character, Batman needs to be established better in order to be ready for a "son."
Every time I see the title of this thread I think it says, "Batman has a *****."

Which I really didn't want to know.

Damn this thread. Damn it to hell.

I was going to say the same thing (esepcially after someone commented it looked like "Batman is a loser"), but decided against it.

This thread title can be mistaken for so many different things.
Every time I see the title of this thread I think it says, "Batman has a *****."

Which I really didn't want to know.

Damn this thread. Damn it to hell.

I like your sig, but you should change "Batmanite" to "Bat-mite." Hehe. :yay:
robin red **** should never be brought in to Nolans films
no one gives a **** about robin


Speak for yourself. I wouldn't mind Robin being introduced in the fifth film, being trained, and finally donning his suit in the sixth film. And as cool as Batman is, he is only human, so of course he needs Comissioner Gordon and the rest of them. But if you call the interaction they had in BB being friends, then you, my friend, really need to get out more.
I love Robin as much as the next guy, and I wouldn't be upset if he was introduced some time way way way down the line. But I still can't fathom how a little kid would fit into Nolan's universe fighting beside Batman.

To me, it just seems that Batman would spend more time making sure that Robin wasn't killed rather than trying to fight himself.
I love Robin as much as the next guy, and I wouldn't be upset if he was introduced some time way way way down the line. But I still can't fathom how a little kid would fit into Nolan's universe fighting beside Batman.

To me, it just seems that Batman would spend more time making sure that Robin wasn't killed rather than trying to fight himself.
You know who would fit perfectly into Nolan's world?

Cassandra Cain. MAYBE they'd have to make her a bit older than she was in the comics, but besides that, she'd be perfectly believable in a Nolan Batman movie.
I think Batman and Gordon are friends, as much as Batman is capable of being friends with anyone.
I love Robin as much as the next guy, and I wouldn't be upset if he was introduced some time way way way down the line. But I still can't fathom how a little kid would fit into Nolan's universe fighting beside Batman.

To me, it just seems that Batman would spend more time making sure that Robin wasn't killed rather than trying to fight himself.

He couldn't just immediatly become Robin. It took Bruce seven years to train to become the caped crusader because he really didn't have any martial arts training before he travelled abroad. This is showcased by how easily Falcone's men whipped his ass when he went to confront the mob boss. Dick, though, has been training in acrobatics since he was very young. I would say a 3-4 year period would be sufficient, make it a transition between movies. I say introduce him in the fifth movie, space the sixth movie four years later, and have him don the suit in the last half of the movie. Bruce training him would make for some awesome scenes.
I don't think Robin would fit that well into the Nolan Batverse.

The only way to do it right is to give it time,over the period of 2 or 3 films. Robin might be a top notch acrobat but the rest of his training would take a long time before Bruce would ever risk him being on the streets.

I'd rather they not do another movie version of Robin until they're ready to do Miller's TDKR which imo should be at least a 2 film deal.
And they should cast Mickey Rourke to be Bats. Just let him do the Marv character in a Batsuit this time.
It's basically the same character. If they gave TDKR the same treatment as they did Sin City it would be fantastic imo.
I don't think Robin would fit that well into the Nolan Batverse.

The only way to do it right is to give it time,over the period of 2 or 3 films. Robin might be a top notch acrobat but the rest of his training would take a long time before Bruce would ever risk him being on the streets.

I'd rather they not do another movie version of Robin until they're ready to do Miller's TDKR which imo should be at least a 2 film deal.
And they should cast Mickey Rourke to be Bats. Just let him do the Marv character in a Batsuit this time.
It's basically the same character. If they gave TDKR the same treatment as they did Sin City it would be fantastic imo.

Mickey Rourke to be Batman? I don't know whether to laugh or to throw up, but I suppuse after The Keaton era you can't rule out an actor to play Bats due to physical appearance.
He has Alfred and some friends but overall I agree Bruce Wayne leads a sad and lonely life.
I can handle Robin in small doses. Like in BTAS, he would only pop up in a few episodes here and there. It was a nice balance of Batman working alone and getting help from him. In Nolan's universe I can't see Robin entering the picture all that soon. Simply because Bruce himself hasn't even mastered being Batman yet. Maybe in a fourth film or something, but I doubt we'll ever see anything like that. Perhaps a nod to him by having a Dick Grayson help out Batman or something similar. It actually makes me wonder about Anthony Michael Hall's character, having it been stated that he was going to be a vigilante, but he's far too old...
No way is AMH gonna be Robin, no way, but I do want Robin. Like Deaths Head II, I say he's an essential part of the Bat-mythology. Just don't introduce him til amateur Batman has become professional Batman, and then leave him for another bit, til professional Batman is used to being professional Batman, and then don't make him so young, make him about 18, not 27 or whatever age Chris O'Donnell was.
Mickey Rourke to be Batman? I don't know whether to laugh or to throw up, but I suppuse after The Keaton era you can't rule out an actor to play Bats due to physical appearance.

have you read TDKR? Bats is coming out of a 10yr retirement. he's looking mid 50-ish. Gray Hair receding hairline. A little out of shape (at the beginning) etc..


Tell me this couldn't be Bruce in TDKR


I'm telling you Miller wrote them almost the same. Drew them almost the same. And imo Rourke owned that role.


Of course they wouldn't make him look as rough as Marv but it's still the same basic badass persona. And really Bruce after a couple of decades of fighting is not going to be the pretty boy he started out being. it takes it toll on you. I think doing it like Sin City would be the perfect way to do the story. Tone down the cursing a bit. keep the stylized "reality"
I never saw Gordon and Batman as anything more than a business partnership which is how it was presented in BB. I took the final scene where Gordon says thank you to Batman and Batman replying "and you'll never have to" as meaning he sees what he does as a job and those involved in helping him as business associates not friends.

I think this same arrangement will extend to Dent in TDK as well.

You should take into account Gordon was the cop who first found Bruce after his parents death and the kindness he showed young Bruce. I think might have something to do with it, why else choose Gordon as your go-to-guy in the GCPD?
have you read TDKR? Bats is coming out of a 10yr retirement. he's looking mid 50-ish. Gray Hair receding hairline. A little out of shape (at the beginning) etc..


Tell me this couldn't be Bruce in TDKR


I'm telling you Miller wrote them almost the same. Drew them almost the same. And imo Rourke owned that role.


Of course they wouldn't make him look as rough as Marv but it's still the same basic badass persona. And really Bruce after a couple of decades of fighting is not going to be the pretty boy he started out being. it takes it toll on you. I think doing it like Sin City would be the perfect way to do the story. Tone down the cursing a bit. keep the stylized "reality"

He's definately my choice for DKR Batman.
I'd rather they not do another movie version of Robin until they're ready to do Miller's TDKR which imo should be at least a 2 film deal.
And they should cast Mickey Rourke to be Bats. Just let him do the Marv character in a Batsuit this time.
It's basically the same character. If they gave TDKR the same treatment as they did Sin City it would be fantastic imo.

I remember reading or hearing somewhere (maybe the Sin City audio track), that Miller actually says Marv was supposed to be like a Batman figure, albeit a much much darker one.
Maybe you could read TDKR, which is the comic he proposed Rourke for, before speaking. :yay:

Marv is that version of Batman.

I mean Rourke... well he's just Marv now and forever.
look man for one their is no need for a thread about this, and to be honest i think your points are all bad

except for Gordan need'ing Batman, b/c with that point it proves that the movie is not about Gordan it is about Batman so why would they show scenes with Gordan doing what ever?
I dont know if anyone posted this but in BB Rachel asks:
Rachel: Is sargent Gordon your friend?
Batman: I don't have the luxury of friends.

I think it shows they are all business, at least from Bat's POV.

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