The Dark Knight Batsuit- teh good or teh bad?


Make Mine Marble
Feb 7, 2005
Reaction score
I noticed that, while we had a poll asking whether we wanted a change to Begins Batsuit, we didn't have one asking whether we liked what we got. So here it is!
No to the bat symbol and the weird buisnes on the legs. Yes to the rest.

so it's 90% in favour which is actually pretty good. think of it this way, it could be MUCH worse
I'm on the fence until I see him move. If he moves like Batman should, and not like a man in a rubber suit, then it will be awesome. The legs however...

Also, compare the bat-symbol on the suit with the bat-symbol on the original Batman in the first comic.
i think they took the dark "KNIGHT" abit to seriously, when does he get his horse and sword, it actally looks like he is armoured up

right now he is looking less creature of the night and more robotic warrior

but im sure nolan will make it work
Could be better, but could be worse -- look at previous incarnations as proof.

I like the look of the armour, but think it looks a bit strange as it continues onto the legs. The symbol is fine apart from the blob/make-do oval it resides on.

Also, there is a touch of grey on the chest area, making it look like he's wearing a bra. Trunks, nope; bra, check.

Heh! Regwec said 'teh'. :D :up:
I like everything about it, he looks more battle ready than the begins suit
I like that it's two-tone Black and Grey (even just a little bit), and that the undersuit is apparently fabric.

I done dig the use of tech-design, and i think the head looks silly in some pictures.

I do agree that it is something different than the standard rubber suit, which is what i wanted in BB but didn't get.
I loved the Begins suit. Wish they stuck with it. I mean do they really have to change the suit in each film?

I'm not a fan of how the neck looks.
I'm ok with it.
i guess my only real complaint is that the symbol it kinda small..other wise it is totally teh kickass!!
I say YES to most of it. I think it looks fantastic.

And No to the neck and the cape behind the shoulders.
Yes and no. There's just something about it that doesn't have me completely sold.
No to the bat symbol and the weird buisnes on the legs. Yes to the rest.

so it's 90% in favour which is actually pretty good. think of it this way, it could be MUCH worse
It HAS been much worse.

I love the new suit. Besides the neck looking too small at some angles, but that might be because I'm so use to the much bigger neck from the Begins cowl. Once I see the movie a few times it probably won't bother me anymore. :brucebat:
Yes and no. There's just something about it that doesn't have me completely sold.
I think I'll be 100% sold once I see him drop kicking people in the face.
The last few pictures of the suit have really convinced me, but I still have an issue with the cowl/helmet. Something seems a bit akward about it so I'm going to have to actually see it in action to decide on that 100%. The suit is really freaking awesome though, and I think they even put a bit more angst into the look on the cowl which makes him look even more bad ass.
In some angles it looks great (the new magazine cover), but in others...


The cowl is pretty terrible in my opinion. And the cape needs to go over his shoulders, not behind.
I like the sleekness. The seemingly increased flexibility. but I do not like that it still looks like a heavy rubber suit(especially the legs)
also the emblem needs to contrasted against the background piece on the chest.
After getting a real good look with the new pic of it today I have to say I like it, my biggest concern was the neck and it is not as bad as I thought, I like the way his neck looked in BB but it actually looks pretty good in TDK, overall I like the way the suit looks. :brucebat:
He is starting to look like an action figure. IMO they only changed the suit to sell more toys. The BB costume was great. Why do they have to change it? And people complained about the SR suit? This is even worse.

I'm sure the TDK will be a great movie, I just hate that costume.
I like the new suit. I do think that the Bat symbol could of been bigger and noticable.

However, I like the 'fabric' material that they used and I like the neck. I couldn't stand the 'big neck from Batman Begins.
A Danny Ocean maybe? lol
LOl good one...I wanted to say it just before but I thought It'd be more fun to let someone else get the credit for it !:woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot:

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