Battlefield 4

Whoa,Looks f'n awesome!!
Damn, the graphics are amazing. These are easily the best human models I've ever seen, hell they might be the best graphics I've seen period.

I just hope the game is an improvement over BF3, both BF3's campaign and MP were really disappointing. Bad Company 2 was superior in every way.
I'm so used to fighting aliens, robots and space Nazis that fighting Russians seems kind of dull.

Nice graphics though.
This & Arma 3 are the shooters I will be playing next year, Call of Duty is dead.
Looks amazing! Massive jump from Battlefield 3 (on console anyway).
That looks good and everything, but goddamn it when are they going to get it through their heads that no one gives a **** about their single player?
Haha true, but people might have given more of a **** if the BF3 campaign wasn't the one of the biggest AAA turds this gen!
That looks good and everything, but goddamn it when are they going to get it through their heads that no one gives a **** about their single player?

Hah yea i dont know why they bother. Iv NEVER completed the full SP in a BF game. I always play like the first few levels to get a feel for how the game handles, then im on the mp and never look back

I just hope the game is an improvement over BF3, both BF3's campaign and MP were really disappointing. Bad Company 2 was superior in every way.

No. The SP might of sucked(i dont know, iv still yet to beat it) but the MP is one of the best this gen. Its fantastic. The only thing Bad Company 2 did better was their destruction and Hardcore mode, thats it. BF3 tops it in every other category tho(better vehicles, better maps for the most part, better weapons, better visuals etc). Oh well, BC2 did have the better expansion, Vietnam was sooo sick.
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That looks good and everything, but goddamn it when are they going to get it through their heads that no one gives a **** about their single player?

A thousand times this.
I preferred Rush on BC2 for some reason. And Vietnam was one of the best DLCs ever!
I wasn't a big fan of BF3 and I think the maps were to blame, they were all so boring. I think the huge ass updates discouraged me from playing too; I want to get into a match, but NOPE 8 hour update first. Hopefully that won't be a problem for the next gen consoles. Its a shame that I didn't like BF3, as I was all gun-ho that it'd be better than MW3... And I put double the amount of hours into MW3 than I did BF3.

But I'll give BF4 a chance, the graphics are amazing. I'm in the minority who gives a crap about FPS campaigns (COD/Halo campaigns are usually a blast), so I really hope the BF4 campaign is good. BF has potential to have some of the most epic moments seen in a FPS story, DICE jut hasn't fully realized that yet.

I do wonder how long it'll be until we some MP stuff though. E3 perhaps?
I like FPS campaigns too, but it's clear that they're little more than an afterthought with Battlefield.
& hopefully that changes with this game; if Halo & COD have solid SP and MP experiences, then certainly BF can too.
No reason why BF4 can't have at least as good a campaign as any other military FPS shooter. If the guys who are making the multiplayer so good aren't capable/interested in single player, get more guys! As SV says, Halo campaigns are great experiences in themselves and I've enjoyed every CoD campaign since MW1 (also CoD 2) & every Gears of War campaign. Maybe this is the game that changes this up.
I just dont think they need it. I mean right now on Battlelog, they asked what you are most excited for and with 10K plus votes its 90% MP and 10% SP. Clearly the vast majority of the users with this series dont give a s**t about SP. Drop it completely and put all your efforts into MP. You could deliver a MP that would be completely unrivaled.
I just dont think they need it. I mean right now on Battlelog, they asked what you are most excited for and with 10K plus votes its 90% MP and 10% SP. Clearly the vast majority of the users with this series dont give a s**t about SP. Drop it completely and put all your efforts into MP. You could deliver a MP that would be completely unrivaled.
Even that 10% is surprising. Why the hell would anyone vote for BF SP over MP right now lol. But you enjoyed Gears 3's multiplayer a lot. Would you be fine with them not bothering with a campaign for Gears 4 if they could deliver an awesome multiplayer?

I think it's a case of people not being bothered about it because there's nothing to be bothered about at the moment. Once they make a campaign that is as good as the other top shooters the split will probably be more similar to those games (although still significantly in favour of multiplayer). And the current team should maintain their focus on multiplayer as that's what they're good at. Get rid of whoever was responsible for the single player in BF3 (was farmed out I guess?) and get some talented single player writers & programmers. It's certainly possible as the other top games have shown & they have guaranteed sales for BF4 so there is not the level of risk that a lesser title would face. There are still a LOT of gamers who play more singleplayer than multiplayer.

Final example (sorry) ...what if AC multiplayer in Black Flag was made by Chuck Norris and was 100 times better than BF4. I'd still want that damn SP regardless!

Edit (to 1st point): They don't need would just be that much more awesome.
Even that 10% is surprising. Why the hell would anyone vote for BF SP over MP right now lol. But you enjoyed Gears 3's multiplayer a lot. Would you be fine with them not bothering with a campaign for Gears 4 if they could deliver an awesome multiplayer?

I think it's a case of people not being bothered about it because there's nothing to be bothered about at the moment. Once they make a campaign that is as good as the other top shooters the split will probably be more similar to those games (although still significantly in favour of multiplayer). And the current team should maintain their focus on multiplayer as that's what they're good at. Get rid of whoever was responsible for the single player in BF3 (was farmed out I guess?) and get some talented single player writers & programmers. It's certainly possible as the other top games have shown & they have guaranteed sales for BF4 so there is not the level of risk that a lesser title would face. There are still a LOT of gamers who play more singleplayer than multiplayer.

Final example (sorry) ...what if AC multiplayer in Black Flag was made by Chuck Norris and was 100 times better than BF4. I'd still want that damn SP regardless!

Edit (to 1st point): They don't need would just be that much more awesome.

Yea, id play a Gears of War game that axed the single player. I went through Gears 3 once, then the rest of my time was spent in MP and Horde, buuut i do get what you're saying. Im all for a good SP game, regardless, i just dont see the harm in axing one or the other. I mean sure AC might have a good MP but is it really needed when the vast majority come for the single player game. Same thing here, even if this game delivers a great SP, the focus will still remain on that MP. This game will live and die by its MP.
Yea, id play a Gears of War game that axed the single player. I went through Gears 3 once, then the rest of my time was spent in MP and Horde, buuut i do get what you're saying. Im all for a good SP game, regardless, i just dont see the harm in axing one or the other. I mean sure AC might have a good MP but is it really needed when the vast majority come for the single player game. Same thing here, even if this game delivers a great SP, the focus will still remain on that MP. This game will live and die by its MP.
I'd play it also, just wouldn't want it to happen. Same as how I don't want that for BF but would definitely play it if it happened to BF. Otherwise kind of agree with most of what you said & I guess I might be asking for a lot demanding the whole package in every area from all the top games. This particular game will certainly live or die by its multiplayer.

[BLACKOUT](but.... if the multiplayer is great but the single player is somehow better than (GTA x Red Dead x Elder Scrolls x Mass Effect x Uncharted x Zelda) then next time around it might be reclassified as a single player game which doesn't really need multiplayer :woot: couldn't resist sorry :o[/BLACKOUT]
Wow that's gameplay? Day 1 purchase for sure
I preferred Rush on BC2 for some reason. And Vietnam was one of the best DLCs ever!

Agreed on both points! Loved Vietnam. And rush was better in bc2. Even though I prefer bf3
EA is what keeps me from being excited for these games,Their shady business is just such a turn off and ruins great gaming experience.
EA are terrible for sure but they don't really have too much of a negative impact on the likes of Battlefield & Mass Effect (IMO). All the ME multiplayer DLC was free for eg.
EA is what keeps me from being excited for these games,Their shady business is just such a turn off and ruins great gaming experience.

How many "shady" moves can you name in their last 5 to 10 AAA titles?. Be specific.
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