Bought/ Thought January 7th, 2009

If I want a story where everyone is the bad guy, I'll just rent a Quentin Tarentino movie. :p

That sweater is pretty gay dude. Get a new outfit.
That's what he said to get knocked in the mouth first.
So wait, I don't get the point of the gif, the guy getting knocked out is an Ellis fanboy right? Meaning I'm the dude wearing the gay sweater?
Hey, you left it up for interpretation. I would actually wear that sweater.
X-Men:Manifest Destiny #5: Started reading it, and realized that the Manifest Destiny cover got put on X-Men/Spider-Man #3 in the printing stages. Anyone else have this problem?

I got the same thing.
X-Men:Manifest Destiny #5: Started reading it, and realized that the Manifest Destiny cover got put on X-Men/Spider-Man #3 in the printing stages. Anyone else have this problem?
I got that, too. I'm heading back to the comic shop tomorrow.
Hey, you left it up for interpretation. I would actually wear that sweater.

I didn't think it was that difficult to grasp. The gif was meant to represent me punching you for posting one of the many ******ed things you say on a daily basis. It's not actually the real me punching the real you, see, that's why I used a gif and not some kind of video of the real me punching the real you.

And now we're all up to speed.

And for the record, I would not wear that sweater. Hell, I don't think I even have a sweater (or, incidentally, a wife who would buy them for me).
Heh... he actually explained it :p

And fyi... I bought SI: War of Kings and freakin' loved it. Iron Man wasn't bad but I'm not sure if I'll keep going on this title or not. I'm not a Punisher fan but bought the new issue on a whim due to my liking Sentry and actually found myself greatly entertained and MIGHT even pick up the next issue. Also got the 2 most recent Deadpool issues, Superman/Batman issues, and the last Orsan Randal Iron Fist one shot that I forgot to pick up months ago. Still reading all those.
What did Ellis do in his Thunderbolts run that was so mediocre and/or horrible?
Heh... he actually explained it :p

And fyi... I bought SI: War of Kings and freakin' loved it. Iron Man wasn't bad but I'm not sure if I'll keep going on this title or not. I'm not a Punisher fan but bought the new issue on a whim due to my liking Sentry and actually found myself greatly entertained and MIGHT even pick up the next issue.

Did you get the new Punisher book? Sentry's all over it.
I personally loved it myself. I know some people didn't like Bullseye's early fate in the book, but it was wonderfully redeamed later in the series, and really tied up well in the 2 most recent issues (though not written by Ellis).
Did you get the new Punisher book? Sentry's all over it.

Oh yeah, I bought it. Like I said, I'm not a Punisher fan but really enjoyed the issue. Not only for Sentry but for Punisher even. I don't know if Sentry's in the next issue but I might pick it up anyway.

My thing is, I've never been a fan of the "rated R" kind of comics, so Punisher just wasn't for me. And now that he's reintroduced to Marvel proper (and away from the artist of the previous run that I hate), I actually might grow to like him.
I didn't think it was that difficult to grasp. The gif was meant to represent me punching you for posting one of the many ******ed things you say on a daily basis. It's not actually the real me punching the real you, see, that's why I used a gif and not some kind of video of the real me punching the real you.

And now we're all up to speed.

And for the record, I would not wear that sweater. Hell, I don't think I even have a sweater (or, incidentally, a wife who would buy them for me).

If you won't cop to being willing to wear the sweater I don't think you can claim that as yourself punching him in the face. It seems like sort of a package deal.
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Okay.... got a liiiiitle bit more than I was intending to. I came home with a haul of 17 comics, and my wallet cried out in despair.

The reason for the increase in spendage was that, rather than simply picking up the most recent single issues of various Marvel titles, as I had intended, I ended up picking up the last two issues of Invincible Iron Man (from the start of World's Most Wanted), the last two issues of Daredevil (from part 3 of Lady Bullseye), the last three issues of Captain America (the whole Time's Arrow three-parter), and - sorry, Corp! - the last three issues of Thor.

I felt that, if I was going to make any kind of qualified judgement on these titles, a slightly deeper context was required. Overall, having read my first issue of each, the impressions I have are positive. With Invincible Iron Man and Captain America, I did get the sense of a fresh start that suggested I chose a good jumping-on point, coming in the aftermath of big events for Iron Man and Captain America - the Director of SHIELD/Civil War/Secret Invasion/Bastard Tony era and the Death of Captain America saga, respectively. Though I'm entering midway through this current arc of Daredevil, the handy little "Previously On" page that DC titles lack caught me up on the key points, so I didn't feel like I was totally lost. All proved to be easy, accessible reads, though I'll have to read more of each to determine whether or not I'm in for the long haul.

As I expected (and Corp warned) Thor was rather more confusing. While I am basically familiar with the broad strokes of the other heroes whose titles I was getting into, the world of Marvel's Thor is near-completely unknown to me. I'd have trouble even telling you his Stan Lee origin. And so yes, there was a lot of "Who's that guy/what's going on here?" type reactions when reading #10. But while I found myself knowing very little of the grand scheme of things, the writing was strong enough for me to definitely feel enthused about learning more. And overall, I'd say the Thor issue was arguably the best-written of the lot.

I'll offer more in-depths reviews later, likely after further reading.
If I want a story where everyone is the bad guy, I'll just rent a Quentin Tarentino movie. :p

Secret Six, Rogues Revenge, MODOK's 11, the Sinestro Corps, Black Adam: the Dark Age...I could go on and on with excellent all villian tales. Either your taste or your memory is now called into question.

Personally I like the T-Bolts now, **** you traditionalists, old T-Bolts got boring as hell after a while.
Secret Six, Rogues Revenge, MODOK's 11, the Sinestro Corps, Black Adam: the Dark Age...I could go on and on with excellent all villian tales. Either your taste or your memory is now called into question.

Personally I like the T-Bolts now, **** you traditionalists, old T-Bolts got boring as hell after a while.

I thought I was the only one who read that.

I really wish Van Lente would write a sequel someday.
I didn't think it was that difficult to grasp. The gif was meant to represent me punching you for posting one of the many ******ed things you say on a daily basis. It's not actually the real me punching the real you, see, that's why I used a gif and not some kind of video of the real me punching the real you.

And now we're all up to speed.

And for the record, I would not wear that sweater. Hell, I don't think I even have a sweater (or, incidentally, a wife who would buy them for me).

If you won't cop to being willing to wear the sweater I don't think you can claim that as yourself punching him in the face. It seems like sort of a package deal.

Bingo. Man, that gif was uttered irrelevant in 12 parsecs.
Secret Six, Rogues Revenge, MODOK's 11, the Sinestro Corps, Black Adam: the Dark Age...I could go on and on with excellent all villian tales. Either your taste or your memory is now called into question.

Sinestro Corps can't really be considered an all villain tale.

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