Box Office Predictions


Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
I know for James Bond movie it isn't one of the most importand parts, but what is your forecast for CR in box office numbers?

My predictions are:
Opening weekend: $42m
Domestic: $153m
Foreign: $294m
Worldwide: $447m
Worldwide: $447m? is that too much?
Two Face said:
Worldwide: $447m? is that too much?

For Bond movies it is enough.

Look at MI3, it didn't even make $50m opening weekend.

Besides CR have enough fans, but also haters. Anyway, haters will see this film, only because they have interest to it.
Cinemaman said:
Look at MI3, it didn't even make $50m opening weekend.

There is difference 007 is more popular then Hunt and 007 has 20 movies with ups and downs for 40 years.

CR will make $52m it's opening day.
Two Face said:
There is difference 007 is more popular then Hunt and 007 has 20 movies with ups and downs for 40 years.

CR will make $52m it's opening day.

But there is also serious competitor, Happy Feet.

I am looking forward to both them.

But I have feeling HF will win this competition with $193m domesticly.
i hate to be in the corner of "glass half empty" especially where bond is concerned but looking at this without any bias i will say..

US opening $20-$35m
US total.....$90-$120m

world wide $250-$300m

and i hate to feel this way,i just think the general public will not be pleased with craig.BTW i hope i am proven wrong and it is the biggest hit of any bond film i realy do.
I'd say that, at this point, it makes just about as much as MI:3. That being said, I think that with a good advertising campaign it can blow those expectations away.
I do have the feeling that this film may tank :(
I know you'll say "its Bond" but that doesn't work so much, after 20 plus movies the last 3 being awful I think some people have really lost faith in Bond
kit1982 said:
I do have the feeling that this film may tank :(
I know you'll say "its Bond" but that doesn't work so much, after 20 plus movies the last 3 being awful I think some people have really lost faith in Bond

But the last three were still incredible hits.
johnsonuk said:
US opening $20-$35m

I think the movie will at least open with $35 million, but 20??? You gotta understand that the summer movie season will have ended, and a movie like this smack dab in the middle of November will be awaited. And did someone say Happy Feet might best this movie? It's James Bond, for cripes' sake! Have some faith.
johnsonuk said:
i hate to be in the corner of "glass half empty" especially where bond is concerned but looking at this without any bias i will say..

US opening $20-$35m
US total.....$90-$120m

world wide $250-$300m

and i hate to feel this way,i just think the general public will not be pleased with craig.BTW i hope i am proven wrong and it is the biggest hit of any bond film i realy do.
For what it's worth, the numbers you just put there do qualify CASINO ROYALE as a hit.
I'm not so sure Daniel Craig will be able to duplicate the numbers Pierce Brosnan generated during his run, however if the movie can generate a decent amount of steam, I think it can do fairly well. Although I just don't see it doing DAD numbers.
Agentsands77 said:
For what it's worth, the numbers you just put there do qualify CASINO ROYALE as a hit.
i know,but compared to all brosnans it will be classed as a flop.i am as big a bond fan as anyone and want it to do billions:D but i just have a nagging feeling it is going to do bad business,maybe even worse than i have stated.
like i said i must be "glass is half empty" where this film is concerned.

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