Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Vampire - Part 3

@flickchick85 yes. I’ve seen almost every Angel episode so I did enjoy seeing what cordy came from and her growth across shows. She grew a lot.
And now I can see Wesley sure did too.

I finished the prom episode about 20 minutes after my post and I enjoyed the special award they gave Buffy at Prom. Like you said, the town knows what’s going on lol. And this was the graduating class with the lowest mortality rate!

I liked how Xander bought her the dress though. And how he didn’t out her family and financial situations to everyone. Sometimes Xander irks me, but sometimes he’s really okay. This was one of those times.
I finished the prom episode about 20 minutes after my post and I enjoyed the special award they gave Buffy at Prom. Like you said, the town knows what’s going on lol. And this was the graduating class with the lowest mortality rate!
Which is just sad, lol. How many teenagers were IN that town?! :funny:

I liked how Xander bought her the dress though. And how he didn’t out her family and financial situations to everyone. Sometimes Xander irks me, but sometimes he’s really okay. This was one of those times.
He irks me the vast majority of the time, but yes, he has his moments.
I officially finished season 3!

Watched graduation part 1 while doing 7 miles on bike and 1 on treadmill and then part 2 after shower.

Part 2 of graduation was the first episode of Buffy I had ever seen, back when it originally aired. I was interested in the show Angel and knew it was coming on right after. I vaguely actually remember sitting in my old bedroom and watching it. I was either in 8th or 9th grade. I’m not even sure I knew Angel was a Buffy spin-off though. I just thought the premise was interesting.

Now that I’ve seen both parts, and the first three seasons, I’m ready to delve into dual shows simultaneously.

I feel like the last 4 eps had more Oz than the rest of the show. Buy maybe that’s because I had a big gap in watching. I just felt like he said more, did more, etc

I’m kinda gonna miss The Mayor as a villain. I’m still not entirely sure what his motives were or why he wanted to Ascend, but whatevs.
I’m glad the cordy and Wes thing is over. I liked the fact that they showed Cordelia stake a vamp. I don’t know if that was foreshadowing to her being on the Angel spinoff, or if it was a nod to the fact that she auditioned for the role of Buffy, or maybe it was nothing at all. It just felt like they spent a little emphasis on it. And it could’ve been just to give all the characters a chance to have their moment in the last episode.

One of my favorite parts of the season finale I think was the dialogue between Buffy and her mom and begging her to leave so she could focus and do her job.

I’m wondering if I didn’t completely understand the dream/coma sequence within faiths head? First off, when did she get a cat? Or was that metaphor? Also, why did she help Buffy? Was it some subconscious psychological thing about how they weren’t really enemies after all? The weather got kinda bad here and I kept losing signal so I’m wondering if I missed something on might need to rewatch that scene.
I’m wondering if I didn’t completely understand the dream/coma sequence within faiths head? First off, when did she get a cat? Or was that metaphor? Also, why did she help Buffy? Was it some subconscious psychological thing about how they weren’t really enemies after all?

Somewhat famously (at least among Buffy geeks) that dream sequence contains a clue that will only come to fruition in two years. :wow: :cwink:
I officially finished season 3!

Watched graduation part 1 while doing 7 miles on bike and 1 on treadmill and then part 2 after shower.

Part 2 of graduation was the first episode of Buffy I had ever seen, back when it originally aired. I was interested in the show Angel and knew it was coming on right after. I vaguely actually remember sitting in my old bedroom and watching it. I was either in 8th or 9th grade. I’m not even sure I knew Angel was a Buffy spin-off though. I just thought the premise was interesting.

Now that I’ve seen both parts, and the first three seasons, I’m ready to delve into dual shows simultaneously.

I feel like the last 4 eps had more Oz than the rest of the show. Buy maybe that’s because I had a big gap in watching. I just felt like he said more, did more, etc

I’m kinda gonna miss The Mayor as a villain. I’m still not entirely sure what his motives were or why he wanted to Ascend, but whatevs.
I’m glad the cordy and Wes thing is over. I liked the fact that they showed Cordelia stake a vamp. I don’t know if that was foreshadowing to her being on the Angel spinoff, or if it was a nod to the fact that she auditioned for the role of Buffy, or maybe it was nothing at all. It just felt like they spent a little emphasis on it. And it could’ve been just to give all the characters a chance to have their moment in the last episode.

One of my favorite parts of the season finale I think was the dialogue between Buffy and her mom and begging her to leave so she could focus and do her job.

I’m wondering if I didn’t completely understand the dream/coma sequence within faiths head? First off, when did she get a cat? Or was that metaphor? Also, why did she help Buffy? Was it some subconscious psychological thing about how they weren’t really enemies after all? The weather got kinda bad here and I kept losing signal so I’m wondering if I missed something on might need to rewatch that scene.
Woo, finally! Glad you enjoyed the season. And yes, I would go back and rewatch that dream scene. It was an intentionally cryptic bit of foreshadowing, but it will come back (more than once) and is foreshadowing some pretty big stuff. I don't think it's too spoilery to say it was during the making of this finale that Joss sat SMG down and told her his plans where this is all going in S5. Yes, S5, not S4. I'd argue this is where Joss really started planning ahead and the Whedonverse became known for its great long-term arcs (a quality which would eventually carry over to Angel, of course).
Rewatched it. Still kinda clueless and don’t want to google. Must. Not. Google.

Lol anyways. Onto season 4 of Buffy. This is the first time I remember seeing Buffy run from a fight but the odds were not in her favor. And the vamp was named Sunday I think? Wow lol.
Also, I recognized lil Mr. Oberon Martell as Eddie. He sure didn’t stick around too long lol.

It was nice to see willow loving school, Giles having a life and again, Xander wasn’t annoying. This must be a streak!
I’m pretty sure I watched this season sporadically as I was watching Angel. And I remember some things from what I read here and I am going to try and follow the link above, so I will be watching the first ep of Angel in a few.

I look forward to revisiting this show again, especially now that I know so much backstory behind it. I feel like I’ll enjoy it more and understand more of the nuances, hopefully.
I bought all the eps of buffy on iTunes last Christmas on sale and I own all of Angel on Vudu so I’m jumping back and forth between apps. I’ve been watching Buffy on my iPad in the hotel gym and I’ll be heading back up to my room to watch Angel on vudu. Side note: 6 miles bikes during Buffy tonight.
Rewatched it. Still kinda clueless and don’t want to google. Must. Not. Google.
Don't worry, you're not supposed to be able to work anything out from it. We just told you to re-watch because it contains info/clues that will come back and be relevant later.

And for a totally random piece of trivia, I just learned earlier this week that the actress who played Sunday was married to Charlie Hunnam at that time.
I did not know that.

Man, I forgot how much I liked that sweet cello music intro.
This was boreanaz’s first acting gig right? Buffy/Angel. He plays bumbling pretty well.

I’ll edit the post as I watch more of the episode but I like how it jumps right into things. I like angels car too.

He can’t be seen in a mirror, but he can be seen on a video camera. Aren’t there mirrors inside a camera too? I don’t know the makings of them exactly, but shouldn’t he not be seen on that camcorder?
He can’t be seen in a mirror, but he can be seen on a video camera. Aren’t there mirrors inside a camera too? I don’t know the makings of them exactly, but shouldn’t he not be seen on that camcorder?
I believe the old thing about vampires, mirrors and film has to do with silver. It was the in the chemicals of old celluloid film and it's in most mirrors, and that's supposed to be the thing that prevents them from being seen in mirrors or on film. I don't think it's a prominent element in digital video.

Boreanaz had a few bit parts before Buffy, but this was definitely his first lead role.
I believe the old thing about vampires, mirrors and film has to do with silver. It was the in the chemicals of old celluloid film and it's in most mirrors, and that's supposed to be the thing that prevents them from being seen in mirrors or on film. I don't think it's a prominent element in digital video.

You’re always dropping knowledge on me. Thanks FC!

I liked Tina. She had potential. I kinda wonder how Russell was able to get into her place during all that sunlight. The vampire makeup has gotten a lot better over the years lol. And the effects too. I like how Russell looked older as a vamp, much older than angel but not as transformed as some of the others. I know angel is 200+, but at what age do vamps start to mutate?
You’re always dropping knowledge on me. Thanks FC!

I liked Tina. She had potential. I kinda wonder how Russell was able to get into her place during all that sunlight. The vampire makeup has gotten a lot better over the years lol. And the effects too. I like how Russell looked older as a vamp, much older than angel but not as transformed as some of the others. I know angel is 200+, but at what age do vamps start to mutate?
Older than 450-year-old Darla, I guess. In the original pilot script, Joss wrote that the Master was supposed to be around 600 years old, but in a later ep, they say he predates written history, so I guess he ended up being a lot older than 600 in canon. So it might be safe to say you start getting your wrinkles once your age approaches, idk, a millennium or so? ;)
Older than 450-year-old Darla, I guess. In the original pilot script, Joss wrote that the Master was supposed to be around 600 years old, but in a later ep, they say he predates written history, so I guess he ended up being a lot older than 600 in canon. So it might be safe to say you start getting your wrinkles once your age approaches, idk, a millennium or so? ;)

Ahh I forgot darla was that old. So the darla/angel courting thing was pretty much exactly like angel/Buffy in that she was 200+ years older than him and he was pretty much the same age difference than Buffy. Maybe some old ancient texts made up the 600 year age because they didn’t know anything. We know no one ever embellished or made up things when they wrote historical accounts haha.

I don’t remember that many vampires showing physical differences of age like the Master. Russell looked different from angel and the other vamps unless my tv just didn’t show the SD quality as well. He looked to have coloring and some features that made him look like a significantly older vampire

Ah and here is where I met the cute Christian Kane :hrt: I have a love/hate relationship with Lindsay. Mostly hate, but I like Kane, especially on Leverage, and a few of his songs, in case no one knew he was a singer too.

Also, Russell’s windows were strong enough and made of some kind of glass that prevented him from burning up in the sun, so I’d imagine they’d be pretty tough and strong. Angel did not kick his chair nearly hard enough for it to go through and shatter the window like it did lol.
Ahh I forgot darla was that old. So the darla/angel courting thing was pretty much exactly like angel/Buffy in that she was 200+ years older than him and he was pretty much the same age difference than Buffy. Maybe some old ancient texts made up the 600 year age because they didn’t know anything. We know no one ever embellished or made up things when they wrote historical accounts haha.
Yep, plus since it was only in an original script and didn't make it into the final episode, we can just say it didn't count, lol. I always remembered Darla's age because after the Master's death, she basically had seniority over all the other major players (except Anya), and when they got to all the Fanged Four's adventures, she was pretty much the Team Mom. :funny:

It's worth noting, though, that the Master was already all old and wrinkly when he turned Darla in the 1600's, so dude was ooooold. If he really was meant to predate written history, then that's over 5,000-years-old.
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Here's one, CC: The Watcher's Council: Buffy and Angel Episode Viewing Order

They highlight in red the eps that crossover with each other, too (gotta scroll down a lot to get to it though, for some reason).

ive watched the first 2 episodes of buffy season 4 and angel. i forgot about Kate, whom i mostly know from Law and Order reruns, which is apparently what she went to after her stint on Angel.
also Kathy! ugh, she was annoying lol. of course she had to be a demon lol some of the roommate rivalry stuff was a little funny though.

first two episodes of Angel have had a major influx of blondes. Tina was blonde, Kate was a blonde, the first victim of the demon thingy was a blonde girl, kinda the amalgamation of kate and tina lookswise lol. are all the blondes intentional? accident? we know Angel has a preference for them.
the business cards! ah that kinda made me smile for a minute because i recalled watching that 20 year anniversary special and some of them mentioned props they kept from the shows and i think Wesley said he kept the business cards.
Part of the cast reunited for the shows official 20th anniversary at NYCC

And Charisma really felt this article about how the women of Angel were treated. I read it and agree.
ive watched the first 2 episodes of buffy season 4 and angel. i forgot about Kate, whom i mostly know from Law and Order reruns, which is apparently what she went to after her stint on Angel.
also Kathy! ugh, she was annoying lol. of course she had to be a demon lol some of the roommate rivalry stuff was a little funny though.

first two episodes of Angel have had a major influx of blondes. Tina was blonde, Kate was a blonde, the first victim of the demon thingy was a blonde girl, kinda the amalgamation of kate and tina lookswise lol. are all the blondes intentional? accident? we know Angel has a preference for them.
Yep, I think it was just establishing for new audiences that Angel has a thing for blondes, lol.

I could relate to that Buffy episode so hard. My first college roommate and I were, well, not a good match. And I still get triggered by the music she always insisted on playing whenever she was doing homework, so that bit with the Cher song hit too damn close to home, lol. Weirdly we managed to be friends in the years after that, but yeah, that ep was too real. :funny:
And Charisma really felt this article about how the women of Angel were treated. I read it and agree.

I still love Darla's arc and feel it was perfect for her character, but agreed on the other two.
hey yall, i have been working up to watching Buffy S4 and Angel S1 concurrently but haven't been able to update as i've been so busy out of state for work.

i'm going to be starting the first episodes while they crossover next, as the last episode i saw ended with Doyle having a vision of Buffy.

i remember the episode of Cordelia getting the apartment very vividly, even before this rewatch. it must've been an episode i've seen much more than others. and the woman playing the ghost is a character actress i've recognized in a lot of stuff.
we're still in the early days of Riley and the initiative, and he doesn't really bother me, although i know he's not a fan favorite around here.
i hated the female werewolf. i didn't like her from the get-go.
we're still in the early days of Riley and the initiative, and he doesn't really bother me, although i know he's not a fan favorite around here.
Yeah Riley's not really insta-hate material. He's more a "the longer he stays, the more he outstays his welcome" kind of character, imo. There's just all these little annoying things he says or does in certain scenarios that just start to pile up after a while.
Yeah Riley's not really insta-hate material. He's more a "the longer he stays, the more he outstays his welcome" kind of character, imo. There's just all these little annoying things he says or does in certain scenarios that just start to pile up after a while.

at the very least, i give him kudos for punching Parker
I just finished the Buffy/Angel crossover in season 4. Really liked the I Will Remember You episode. The last five minutes was really good.

while it looks like the next 7-8 episodes of each alternate chronologically according to that site linked in this thread, do they really need to be watched in alternating viewing? Will it make it better or does it really matter?

Edit: oops I need to watch Something Blue to Complete the crossover. I missed that one and watched Hero.

goodbye Doyle. I vaguely remember hearing how the actor had some demons of his own off-screen :/
I really liked how they ended the episode with Angel and Cordy watching the video.
Funny that you bumped this thread.

Friday I started watching Buffy Season 5 for the billionth time. I never get tired of Glory.
I just finished the Buffy/Angel crossover in season 4. Really liked the I Will Remember You episode. The last five minutes was really good.

while it looks like the next 7-8 episodes of each alternate chronologically according to that site linked in this thread, do they really need to be watched in alternating viewing? Will it make it better or does it really matter?
Nah, just makes sure you watch the ones before and after the crossovers in order. Everything else doesn't really matter. Back before streaming when I only had these on DVD, I would watch a whole disc of one, then switch over to watch a whole disc of the other. Just watch them relatively concurrently and pay attention to when the crossovers are coming up, and you'll be golden.

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