The Dark Knight Cgi Thread

May 20, 2007
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Just wanted to know your opinions about the lack of CGI in the BB and TDK.

Personally I believe that BAD CGI can overshadow a movie (I am Legend), so I'm happy that they have choosen to shot it all live action and just use CGI to enhance the look of the movie.
totally agree with u, but cgi is revolutionizing our world.Its like technicolor made black & white ancient
I am glad Nolan went with a non-CGI film that makes it very special for me. Now you can detect CGI, it is just so obvious.
yeah i do enjoy the realism factor, they could of easily blowed up a cgi building or a miniture of it, im glad they used a real building makes it a lot more real
yeah i do enjoy the realism factor, they could of easily blowed up a cgi building or a miniture of it, im glad they used a real building makes it a lot more real

haha its because it IS REAL!

:up: :up: to blowing up old candy factories
Yeah, I love it too. Sure, CGI is a great invention, but if you DON'T have to use it, you shouldn't. It kinda reminds me of Indiana Jones. Sure there wasn't nearly as much high-tech special effects back then, but after Star Wars came out, a lot of movies started trying to use that kind of technology. Indiana Jones stuck with the old stuff and was a great movie.
I also am greatful that Nolan is not prone to using CGI in his films. It really adds an authenticity to everything, and makes you believe in his eagerness to deliver a great Batman experience.
I also am greatful that Nolan is not prone to using CGI in his films. It really adds an authenticity to everything, and makes you believe in his eagerness to deliver a great Batman experience.

Bingo. Yahtzee! You hit the nail on the head.
They're using CGI on TDK.... not an assload of it, George Lucas isn't directing or anything.... I read somewhere that Nolan or someone said they were using CGI for some of the Two-Face character, but most of it would be make up and prosthetics.
I've never had huge problems with CGi being used for robots or techy stuff .......... hell even the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park looked fantastic. Its when they try and do human skin/eyes/expressions/movements, I've yet to see a convincing portrayal. The stuff in the Matrix sequels was awful and even the cgi bits in Superman Returns were easy to pick up on despite the huge budget.

But to answer your question, I'm glad Nolan's Batman films aren't relying heavily on CGi. I still get more "wow" factor from seeing a stuntman doing something wild than seeing something which has obviously been rendered on a computer screen, and thus all sense of danger and awe is lost.

I am glad Nolan went with a non-CGI film that makes it very special for me.
Are you talking about Batman Begins or The Dark Knight? The first film had CGI bats and Batman as a hallucination, when Crane was gassed.

The Dark Knight will have Two-Face with half of his face in CGI.
Just wanted to know your opinions about the lack of CGI in the BB and TDK.

Personally I believe that BAD CGI can overshadow a movie (I am Legend), so I'm happy that they have choosen to shot it all live action and just use CGI to enhance the look of the movie.

Wouldn't want it any other way. CGI can be very distracting, (I would've preferred if the zombie-types in IAL were actors as well) and I love that Nolan prefers to create the effect without gawdy digital creations.

That is to say that I'm glad the CGI that he does use is fairly seamlessly integrated.
lol that was the first thing i thought of when I saw this thread.

As far as vis. effects go, it's not that I don't like them, I just don't like when they're cheaply done to save money.

There are visual effects that can be done and look real as all hell. Heck, there's a bonus feature on the Batman Begins bonus disc that shows two different Batmen landing onto the floor of AA and they both look 100% real.

And it can be done otherwise within a movie. Jurassic Park 1 was the best example of this. Those fuggers looked real to me.

- Jow

Agreed, the dinos in JP1 look more real than 95% of the CGI work done in movies today.

1) When crane was gassed that Batman was real (the ooze out of his mouth was CGI)

2) Two face's scarring accident has CGI implements in it (but quick cutting will help that). The rest is prosthetics (i've seen it.) The only thing that may be digitaly over done is a "socket" around his eye and the removal of the ear.

- Jow

:wow: have you now?

What's your verdict? Is it good?
Agreed, the dinos in JP1 look more real than 95% of the CGI work done in movies today.
Why would you compare those though? Obviously one is gonna look much more real, because one of them is utilizing real things...
Why would you compare those though? Obviously one is gonna look much more real, because one of them is utilizing real things...

Yeah I know that some of the shots are animatronics, but I was talking about the CG shots obviously (ie. when the T-Rex chases the car, or attacks the Gallimimus, or the raptors in the kitchen.).
The problem with most CGI work done today is that it looks like it comes right out of a videogame or an animated feature. I'm not saying a movie like Ratatouille is easy to make (I've fooled around with Maya, the animation software), but it's really hard to make CGI blend with a real background. I think Transformers, for the most part, really succeeded in this. Batman Begins looks pretty good too. Fincher's Zodiac used CGI too, although you really can't see it. That's how it should be used.

About I Am Legend, the deer is the beginning of the film were CGI. They looked pretty real. Why make the vampires/zombies so over-the-top? I just don't understand it.
:wow: have you now?

What's your verdict? Is it good?

I personally like it. It's not exactly what you'd expect, but it still falls well in the realm of "Two-face". Not as durastic as the Joker alterations were because acid in the face is a realistic thing.

Obviously don't expect to see a straight line down his face or anything like that.

- Jow
I actually like CGI a lot. That's not to say that it needs to be used in every scene of every movie, but it is a wonderful, amazing tool. The CGI that there was in Batman Begins was very well done, and I'm sure TDK will bring more of the same. :up:
I actually like CGI a lot. That's not to say that it needs to be used in every scene of every movie, but it is a wonderful, amazing tool. The CGI that there was in Batman Begins was very well done, and I'm sure TDK will bring more of the same. :up:

I agree. I like CGI too, but it has to be used tastefully. I think that's the magic word... tastefully.
CGI is good when it's used properly, I've seen very few films where it is actually decent. I have to be be honestI watched Starship Troopers for the first time in a good while the other day and I was suprised how decent the CGI was in it compared to something like the new Star Wars movies that had rubbish CGI...

Em Movies that I think have decent CGI and BTW I disagree that quantity makes up for quality so if anyone tries to make that point I'll argue it to the death :p (keep in mind I'm mentioning these films in context of when they were made not now)

Terminator 2
Jurassic Park
Starship Troopers
Batman Begins
Transformers (which I consider the best CGI i've seen)

My minds gone blank I'm sure there are more I think have decent CGI but they're the only ones I can think of

On BB's CGI, It's quite good for the most part, It's suprising how much of the city is actually CGI. I was disappointed with one scene with the train but apart from that I liked the CGI in BB and expect it to continue in TDK

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