The Dark Knight Clayface

Clayface would indeed be very cool and VERY dark. I just don't know if I could see it happening in Nolan's world.
Shoemeister said:
Clayface would indeed be very cool and VERY dark. I just don't know if I could see it happening in Nolan's world.
I agree.
Excel said:
the budget would go through the roof.
not so my good man.
not if they go with this look.

sleek. professional. all while being light on the pocket book.
I want to see 2 superpowered villains if they are doing it and they should be either:
Clayface, Killer Croc or Mastermind.
bring on Killer Croc. he'd be an awesome villain. who would play Killer Croc though? i can see Vin Diesel playin Killer Croc.
Mastermind would be good to round off this franchise.
i doubt theyll go with something like that unfortunatly, which sorta rules out alot of the rogue gallery and what they can do. for example no mr freeze, no poison ivy, no man-bat, and NO clayface. expect them to go for more realistic, or close to real villains, like two face, penguin, black mask and joker.
But Mastermind will be good. It will be like a spiderman vs Batman thing going on.
owen_2006_294 said:
bring on Killer Croc. he'd be an awesome villain. who would play Killer Croc though? i can see Vin Diesel playin Killer Croc.

Diesel isn't very good actor and shouldn't be near the Batman set. :down
theShape said:
I think I remember Clayface imprisoned...but did he actually turn into clay and stuff?
he looked more like a guy with a bad skin disease than clayface, but yes it was suppose to be clay. He morphed into other people though
I'd like to see Clayface in one of these Batman movies. Hopefully the third Batman movie, if there is one will have like 3 villains, like Spider-Man 3. I hope Clayface is among one of the three.
I just hope they aren't doing Joker for BB2 and 2 Face for BB3 and thats it. BB2 should have 2 villains Joker and another like pengy or whomever. The 3rd they should go all out and intorduce 3, 2 Face and 2 others.

This has always been my absolute favorite shot from BTAS. I always wanted to see them do this exact scene if Clayface ever made his way into a live action Bats film. It would be the coolest looking thing.
owen_2006_294 said:
bring on Killer Croc. he'd be an awesome villain. who would play Killer Croc though? i can see Vin Diesel playin Killer Croc.

Ron Perlman for Killer Croc.
heypapajinx said:
not so my good man.
not if they go with this look.

sleek. professional. all while being light on the pocket book.

Superior Clayface.
that's kind of the point Majik... if what you mean by "suck" is "kick ass" and what you mean by "both" is the "first one"
There's a perfect way to do him for Nolan's world only.

He's an actor that owes money to the mob or someone powerful. He dont pay, they hunt him down and inject him with some poison or something, but it doesnt kill him, it makes his face and body skin deform or sagg a bit like mudd.

So he survives, see's his face looks like a pile of clay now. He goes mad and becomes a Jack the Ripper type killer, killing his victims and stuffing clay down their throats, as a trademark.

Perhaps he could wear a clay mask to cover up his sagg'ing deformed face, a mask that looks like the ClayFace from the cartoons?

There are ways to do it, just have to be creative. That was just an overview of my idea, just a sketch...not into typing it out thoroughly lol. It's not the best, but a bit realistic

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