Daredevil reboot: official discussion thread - Part 3

Since there are only 4 days left, it's easier to just find a grey barn owl to stand in for the owl. It would be a hoot.
dont temp them i still believe they made dragonball evolution in a day in a half:o
Since there are only 4 days left, it's easier to just find a grey barn owl to stand in for the owl. It would be a hoot.


I thought this was settled already. I hope there are no 11th hour reversals, here.

I want Daredevil to start showing up in animated series, and a pre-costume live action show.

I thought this was settled already. I hope there are no 11th hour reversals, here.

I want Daredevil to start showing up in animated series, and a pre-costume live action show.
Why pre-costume? Why not just cut to the chase?
Why pre-costume? Why not just cut to the chase?

my vision (pun intended) is to have a Smallville type show focusing on Matt's college and law school years. Various mob figures can be villains. Kingpin can be an up and coming hoodlum.
my vision (pun intended) is to have a Smallville type show focusing on Matt's college and law school years. Various mob figures can be villains. Kingpin can be an up and coming hoodlum.

Did you know that the Smallville idea came from a Daredevil TV series that never happened ? In the 90's, Frank Miller tried your idea. It never happened (Don't know why), so Miller used his script from a mini series with John Romita Junior as penciler. It was the last work of Frank Miller on the title : "The Man Without Fear"
2 days to go. Fox are really cutting it close and not leaving themselves much time to get this movie going. Even a grey barn owl might be hard to find now, especially if it has to be shipped from somewhere and only arrives on the 11th.

Their best bet now is to go for the Jester. They can find a similar type of costume from a fancy dress shop.
maybe Fox is planning on using stilt man for the film.:woot:
my vision (pun intended) is to have a Smallville type show focusing on Matt's college and law school years. Various mob figures can be villains. Kingpin can be an up and coming hoodlum.
Yeah, but how many seasons do you really think you could squeeze out of that part of the story? Especially when there are ninjas, crime lords, ninjas, courtroom drama, ninjas, and ninjas just begging for screen time?
1 day to go. If they want to do Mr Hyde, they'll need to splice footage with those old Spencer Tracy movies. Probably the whole thing will need to be cobbled together from various footage from different movies now.
T-minus 13.5 hours and counting...depending on ones time zone.

I'm thinking that since the MCU is locked for Phase Two that the earliest we'll see a Daredevil movie or cameo is sometime in Phase Three. Sometime between 2016-2020. Moon Knight aside, who I love, DD is the best well known and established character that could be done dark and gritty. Yes, to do a Batman-esque film, even though that's more Moon Knight imo Daredevil has it also and is better known at this point.
So today is the day. I wonder if it is by the start of today or by a certain time today? If the deadline is only at, say, 5 pm PST, then Fox still have a few hours. They could turn DD into a finger puppet play.
So today is the day. I wonder if it is by the start of today or by a certain time today? If the deadline is only at, say, 5 pm PST, then Fox still have a few hours. They could turn DD into a finger puppet play.

I'm on set now...

Click below for exclusive '1st look' pic

I'm on set now...

Click below for exclusive '1st look' pic


If that's the new DD costume, his horns look a bit long. Other than that, it looks pretty accurate, and the knitted texture looks cool.
I'm not a fan of the whole face covering but I kinda dig the longer horns. This could be good.
Now that Marvel has rights to DD again, what do you think they will do with them?
Since they have a full film slate, I hope they strongly consider a TV show.
What are Marvel going to do with that DD costume we saw a few days ago? Are they still planning to use it even though it was designed under Fox?
I'd hate to say this, but given that Marvel seems to be only making films that tie into their Avengers franchise, TV is probably the only way we'll see Daredevil in the next 5-6 years.
I'd hate to say this, but given that Marvel seems to be only making films that tie into their Avengers franchise, TV is probably the only way we'll see Daredevil in the next 5-6 years.

That really depends if DD will work on a TV budget though? Some of the more outlandish villains would be out, they wouldn't work on a TV budget. It might also be tough to show DD's radar sense on a TV budget and DD's acrobatics and uncanny fighting skills fight be tricky to do as well.
Well at least they can make use of that DD costume we saw the other day.

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