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Days of Marvels Future RPG: Season One/OOC


knock knock
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
Welcome! This is the Days of Marvels Future RPG OOC Thread.

This Rpg is set between 5 and 10 years in the future of 616 and is a direct extrapolation of the events of Civil War, World War Hulk, Endangered Species, Supernova, and the upcoming Skrull War.

GM: Kaboom

The history of our future is as follows (as told by the Watcher):

Do you want to know how it happened? How we got here? To this place? It was the perfect storm.

When did it began? Maybe it began with the birth of mutants. Maybe it began on the ill-fated space flight.

All I know is now, I am not allowed to act. Just observe...

Just watch.

The Skrull Empire. Always at war with the SHi'ar, until there was no longer a shi'ar, until there was only a Vulcan Empire. Vulcan who returned to Earth to wage war against humanity, except the humanity he found had become enslaved to those very same Skrulls.

How? The Illuminati. Charles Xavier. Black Bolt. Namor the Submariner. Reed Richards. Doctor Strange. All replaced by Skrulls. Why? Because they were the keepers of the infinte gems.

Except the Hulk came back. And war was raged. Then there was the purge. The day the skrulls began the hostile take over that changed the face of the world forever. Within 15 minutes, cyclops, emma frost, jean grey, cable, ms. marvel, luke cage, gorgon, sue storm, wongwere all dead. Killed by the skrull imosters and blamed as skrulls themselves.

Humanity never had a chance.

The end result? A feifdom. The entire planet came under the rule of the Skrull Empire. Except Africa. The intial cradle of civilization. There the last vestages of humanity remain protected by Bruce Banner himself.

The 198? Scattered through the world, living as nomads. Some are turncoats having aligned themselves with the Skrulls.

Our other heroes? Our Avengers? reduced to guerilla warriors trying in vain to take back our planet, one splinter cell at a time.

All set against the coming return of Vulcan, Emperor of the High Vulcan Empire with Deathbird as his mate.

And me. Franklin Richards. The most powerful being in the universe...forbidden to interfere. Alowed only to watch.

Yes, this is the future of 616. The days of future's present.

The history of our future (as told by Nick Fury):

Nobody saw it coming. There were rumblings of course. Jessica drew brought the first body in. She was the first to find out. Unfortunately she brought the body to Tony Stark, Director of SHIELD. What she didn't know was that he was also a skrull.

It happened quickly after that. The Illuminati revealed themselves destroying everyone who could serve to over throw them while they were continuing their subterfuge.

Scott Summers. Emma Frost. Nathan Summers. Wong. Ms. Marvel. Luke Cage. Gorgon. Susan Storm.

It was intially thought that the Illuminati had protected us from the Skrull invasion by blaming the recently deceased . Little did we know, it was the Illuminati themselves that were the Skrulls. When the entire fleet arrived, we never knew it was coming.

We fought back as long as we could. The Incredible Hulk was deputized as Field commander, he was of course our most powerful hero left, but even his efforts were nearly in vain when up against the entire Skrull Empire. Eventually, Banner struck a truce with the Skrulls--safe haven in Africa. We had given up.

Certain Heroes had not. I'm still out there trying to assemble a new team of Avengers using full 33 op base knowledge as striking points. The X-Men were also around, now led by Mr. Sinister and Magneto. Other heroes are whispered as ghosts. Spider-Man. The New Daredevil. War Machine.

All of their efforts have been in vain thus far as the Skrull Empire continues its dominace over a conquered human race.

But I have a plan.

The Days of Marvels Future: Season 1 Character Application

Screen Name:

Character you would like to play:

Is this a 616 character, or someone who has taken up the mantle of a 616 character:


Alliance (Rebel, Vigilante, Skrull Empire, Vulcan Empire):

these are the affiliations:

Skrull Empire: those who are loyal to the Skrulls.
Vulcan Empire: those who are loyal to Emperor Vulcan. (Shall have a big part to play come season 2).
Vigilante: Those who operate on their own for their own means.
Rebel: Those who work actively to overthrow the Skrulls. If you are a rebel you must be part of an established team. the current rebel groups are:

X-Men S: The X-Men Lead by Mr. Sinister.
X-Men M: The X-Men lead by Magneto.
Avengers: Guerilla groups lead by Fury out of the 33 secret bases that SHIELD has established prior to the Skrull invasion.
Human: Those humans who live in Safe Haven (Africa) under the protection of the Hulk.

If you wish to create a new rebel group that must be specifically approved.

Who is your character and what has your character been doing since the events of the purge:

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:




Write a complete paragraph using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?) Do not skimp on this part of the Application, while I do not need to know every detail of the arc you wish to write, I do wisg to avoid the classic problem of applying for a character without any idea of the story you wish to tell:

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG:

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech:

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in (must be at least 3 paragraphs long and contain at least one line of dialogue):

Do you know how to post pictures:


Reserved List

XBL: Elektra Nachios. Affiliation: ???

SSF: Deadpool. Affiliation: ???
Matt Murdock. Affiliation: Rebel, Avenger

Cyrusbales: Ghost Rider. Affiliation: ???

Apprentice: Steve Rogers. Affiliation: Rebel, Avengers.


Jean Grey
Emma Frost
Sue Storm
Ms. Marvel
Luke Cage
Character List

Baron Zemo
Oh Snap!

Dr. Doom

Nate Grey
Rebel:X-Men S

Peter Parker (formerly Spider-Man)
Eddie Brock, Jr

Rebel, Avengers

Vulcan Empire

NowuFACEdoom FACE, not Fear. :csad:

Anywho Doom app will be up shortly
The Days of Marvels Future: Season 1 Character Application

Screen Name:
Character you would like to play: Nate Grey

Is this a 616 character, or someone who has taken up the mantle of a 616 character: A little bit of both

Powers: The most powerful telepath/telekinetic ever known to walk the earth

Alliance (Rebel, Vigilante, Skrull Empire, Vulcan Empire):

these are the affiliations:

X-Men S:

Who is your character and what has your character been doing since the events of the purge: A mutant created from the genetic material of Cyclops and Jean Grey by Mister Sinister, and artficially aged to be in his early twenties. He has been waging war against the skrulls on X-Men S

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) Nate Grey has always been a favorite of mine

2) I kinda picked him up in HvV but that all fell through. Here I get a fresh start.

3) he can kick your butt with a thought!

Write a complete paragraph using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?) Do not skimp on this part of the Application, while I do not need to know every detail of the arc you wish to write, I do wish to avoid the classic problem of applying for a character without any idea of the story you wish to tell:

Nate Grey will be trying to come to grips withhimself as one of the most powerful mutants ever, while at the same time working to over throw the skrulls. I have a love interest planned for him. As a powerful psionic he can serves as a communications hub for the plot. And at the end of the day his beliefs will ultimately clash with sinister whose motives may not be as transparent as sinister is leading people to believe.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: as many as needed.

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech:

Verdana 2 bold blue

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in (must be at least 3 paragraphs long and contain at least one line of dialogue):

I still remember the day I was born. It ws under the flag of the skrull empire. The only rule I've ever known. My father, Mr. Sinister raised me up in a test tube, impriniting on me the genetic memory of my father and mother, Cyclops and Jean Grey.

From then I learned resilence. From Sinister, I learned subterfuge. From myself, I learned to act. The X-Men S and i have worled for years to over throw the Skrulls. Now may be our chance.

"I'm ready."

Do you know how to post pictures: yes.
The Future of Marvels: Season 1 Character Application

Screen Name:
Character you would like to play: Dr. Victor Von Doom

Is this a 616 character, or someone who has taken up the mantle of a 616 character: Regular ol' 616 Doom

Genius-level intellect,
Command of magic

Powered armor grants:
  • Superhuman strength
  • Physical Resistance
  • Energy Projection
  • Flight

Alliance (Rebel, Skrull Empire, Vulcan Empire):

Who is your character and what has your character been doing since the events of the purge:
Victor Von Doom is the Ruler of Latveria and the hated enemy of the Fantastic Four, he is also a very gifted scientist on par with or perhaps even the better of Reed Richards.

After the Skrull attempted to take control of Latveria (Doom foolishly hoped that his diplomatic immunity would still have some sway. The first and last time he will ever be foolish) he rallied every doombot in his possesion to meet them on the front lines, he fought valiantly but was nonetheless pushed back to Castle Doom, where he has remained. A mystic power created by Doom himself surrounds his fortress. All of the remaining citizens of Latveria have took shelter with their Dictator. Food and supplies have been sneaked into the province by spies and stealth agents of the Super Hero rebels for some time. But security around Latveria ever increasing the supply of food and fresh water are no longer very frequent and Doom's enchantment of the castle will not hold out for much longer. Soon Victor Von Doom must make a decision, stay and hope help comes... or fight.
Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) Doom has never really been seen as the fearless leader type, now I get a chance to show it.

2) I've always loved his character

3) We both have god-complexes :oldrazz:

Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?): I'm going to focus less on maniacal plotting/scheming Doom and more on the fearless warrior/leader Doom, which I don't think has ever been done before to be honest. Doom will be forced to work with people he once fought with, which would be a great thing to try and write for me.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: As much as I can.

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech:
Green Book Antiqua Bold

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in (must be at least 3 paragraphs long and contain at least one line of dialogue):

I roared.

How could the world let this happen... How could I let this happen... I could hear the distant sounds of battle echoing around the castle.

At first it looked like but a dark storm cloud, the Skrull ships had descended upon us like a swarm.

I could still hear the screams of the first casualties... A group of gypsies, my own kin, possibly even relatives. Wiped out in a flash. People panicked. Ran for their homesteads. I knew at once any attempt to hold up in those pitiful structures was futile. I led my troops, my most loyal of servants and machines, into the heart of the swarm. Our last desperate attempt at freeing my country... my people. It was in vain. Their numbers too great even I-- ... even I fled.

Now here I stand... the lord of a broken kingdom. Castle Doom... the last bastion of hope for the people of Latveria.

"My people..."

Do you know how to post pictures:

The Future of Marvels: Season 1 Character Application

Screen Name: NowufaceDoom
Character you would like to play: Dr. Victor Von Doom

Is this a 616 character, or someone who has taken up the mantle of a 616 character: Regular ol' 616 Doom

Powers: Genius-level intellect,
Command of magic

Powered armor grants:
  • Superhuman strength
  • Physical Resistance
  • Energy Projection
  • Flight

Alliance (Rebel, Skrull Empire, Vulcan Empire): Vigilante

Who is your character and what has your character been doing since the events of the purge: Victor Von Doom is the Ruler of Latveria and the hated enemy of the Fantastic Four, he is also a very gifted scientist on par with or perhaps even the better of Reed Richards.

After the Skrull attempted to take control of Latveria (Doom foolishly hoped that his diplomatic immunity would still have some sway. The first and last time he will ever be foolish) he rallied every doombot in his possesion to meet them on the front lines, he fought valiantly but was nonetheless pushed back to Castle Doom, where he has remained. A mystic power created by Doom himself surrounds his fortress. All of the remaining citizens of Latveria have took shelter with their Dictator. Food and supplies have been sneaked into the province by spies and stealth agents of the Super Hero rebels for some time. But security around Latveria ever increasing the supply of food and fresh water are no longer very frequent and Doom's enchantment of the castle will not hold out for much longer. Soon Victor Von Doom must make a decision, stay and hope help comes... or fight.
Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) Doom has never really been seen as the fearless leader type, now I get a chance to show it.

2) I've always loved his character

3) We both have god-complexes :oldrazz:

Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?): I'm going to focus less on maniacal plotting/scheming Doom and more on the fearless warrior/leader Doom, which I don't think has ever been done before to be honest. Doom will be forced to work with people he once fought with, which would be a great thing to try and write for me.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: As much as I can.

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech:
Green Book Antiqua Bold

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in (must be at least 3 paragraphs long and contain at least one line of dialogue):

"MY PEOPLE" I roared.

How could the world let this happen... How could I let this happen... I could hear the distant sounds of battle echoing around the castle.

At first it looked like but a dark storm cloud, the Skrull ships had descended upon us like a swarm.

I could still hear the screams of the first casualties... A group of gypsies, my own kin, possibly even relatives. Wiped out in a flash. People panicked. Ran for their homesteads. I knew at once any attempt to hold up in those pitiful structures was futile. I led my troops, my most loyal of servants and machines, into the heart of the swarm. Our last desperate attempt at freeing my country... my people. It was in vain. Their numbers too great even I-- ... even I fled.

Now here I stand... the lord of a broken kingdom. Castle Doom... the last bastion of hope for the people of Latveria.

"My people..."

Do you know how to post pictures:

First off:
- Fury refers to himself in third person?
- "Drew", not "drew". Sorry, a stickler for grammar, I am.

Sample post to follow:
The Future of Marvels: Season 1 Character Application
Screen name: Harlekin
Character: Smasher of the Imperial Guard (616 character)
Powers: Variable genetic coding enables him to download superhuman abilities for temporary usage, including incredible strength, invulnerability to physical harm or temperature extremes, flight, and penta-vision that enables him to see great distances and through solid matter

Alliance: Vulcan Empire
Who is your character and what has your character been doing since the events of the purge: Smasher is one of the members of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard. He has faced numerous heroes in combat, including the X-Men and the Avengers. He was one of the Guardsmen that engaged Vulcan in combat, and was swiftly defeated. Loyal to all who command the Shi'ar empire, from D'Ken to Deathbird to Lilandra and now to Deathbird and Vulcan. In the battle against Vulcan his lover, Plutonia, was killed.

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:
1) He's obscure, no real work done with him, which means I can pretty much interpretate him how I see fit.
2) Often, these RPG's are mostly centered around the changes of the main characters. It'd be interesting to see how this effects a person that A) doesn't really give a ****, and B) is far from main-stream.
3) His obscurity allows me to be relatively irregular in my posting.

My plans with Smasher: Since the death of Plutonia, Smasher has grown increasingly restless and angry. His new mission, to travel to Earth and lay the ground work for Vulcan's arrival by eliminating the figureheads of the Skrull empire, is meant a relief to both Vulcan and Smasher himself. Through this mission, we explore the psyche of this relatively obscure character, and it sets nice ground for the return of Vulcan. As to whether Smasher succeeds in his mission, well, that's up to the RPG itself.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: Not a whole lot, and irregularly at that.
Color and font: "Just plain bold will do."

Screen Name: ScarletVenom25
Character you would like to play: Eddie Brock, aka Venom

Is this a 616 character, or someone who has taken up the mantle of a 616 character: A 616 character

Powers: Venom has enhanced abilites thanks to the symbiote. His powers are much like Spider-Man's, with the ability to climb walls, and create webbing out of the symbiote. He is also super-strong, has enhanced reflexes, and cannot be detected by Spidey's Spider Sense. (If I missed any let me know)

Alliance (Rebel, Vigilante, Skrull Empire, Vulcan Empire): Vigilante

Who is your character and what has your character been doing since the events of the purge: When the takeover began, the symbiote abandoned Mac Gargan (aka the Scorpion) and went back to the cancer-ridden Eddie Brock. Brock refused to let symbiote come back to him, but realizing that the Skrulls would just have him killed anyway, he and the symbiote merged again and Brock was healed of his ailments. He has been fighting for his own wants and needs since then. He is a proven ally of the Rebels, usually found helping the Avengers in battle.

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) Ive been wanting to be Venom for awhile, and this is my chance

2) I think I could do a very good anti-hero Venom, but with a dark twist

3) Its freakin Venom! Who wouldn't want to be him!

Write a complete paragraph using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?) Do not skimp on this part of the Application, while I do not need to know every detail of the arc you wish to write, I do wisg to avoid the classic problem of applying for a character without any idea of the story you wish to tell:

The Venom I will be portraying will be something new done to the character. He is a big ally for the Rebels, yet is still a loner, not wishing to put up an allegiance with any specific team. He will usually help the Avengers, and will sometimes confront the Hulk in Safe Haven, who's views of peace he disagrees with. Venom will always be looking for a fight against Skrulls, sometimes atempting to take down a whole Skrull establishment on his own.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: Once or twice, depending on how much free time I have.

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech: Franklin Gothic Medium, Bold, Black

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in (must be at least 3 paragraphs long and contain at least one line of dialogue):

Two Skrull bouncers stand outside the night club, blasters in hand, standing very still. Its quiet, dark, with only the neon signs of the club as light. One bouncer heres a thud on the top of the roof. He goes for his communicator.

"Squadron Delta, check for any disturbances on the roof, over." the bouncer says. Seconds later, he gets a reply, "Everything's fine up here, over." The bouncer doesn't answer, and thinks nothing of the louder thuds on the roof, or the muffled screams he doesn't hear.

Silently, the attacker slithers down the webbing in a yo-yo like positon. Soon, he is in front of the bouncers, his large carnivorous teeth gleeming. The bouncers reach for their blasters. Venom grins.

"The party's over,"

Do you know how to post pictures: Yes.
The Days of Marvels Future: Season 1 Character Application

Screen Name:
Character you would like to play: Nate Grey

Is this a 616 character, or someone who has taken up the mantle of a 616 character: A little bit of both

Powers: The most powerful telepath/telekinetic ever known to walk the earth

Alliance (Rebel, Vigilante, Skrull Empire, Vulcan Empire):

these are the affiliations:

X-Men S:

Who is your character and what has your character been doing since the events of the purge: A mutant created from the genetic material of Cyclops and Jean Grey by Mister Sinister, and artficially aged to be in his early twenties. He has been waging war against the skrulls on X-Men S

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) Nate Grey has always been a favorite of mine

2) I kinda picked him up in HvV but that all fell through. Here I get a fresh start.

3) he can kick your butt with a thought!

Write a complete paragraph using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?) Do not skimp on this part of the Application, while I do not need to know every detail of the arc you wish to write, I do wish to avoid the classic problem of applying for a character without any idea of the story you wish to tell:

Nate Grey will be trying to come to grips withhimself as one of the most powerful mutants ever, while at the same time working to over throw the skrulls. I have a love interest planned for him. As a powerful psionic he can serves as a communications hub for the plot. And at the end of the day his beliefs will ultimately clash with sinister whose motives may not be as transparent as sinister is leading people to believe.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: as many as needed.

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech:

Verdana 2 bold blue

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in (must be at least 3 paragraphs long and contain at least one line of dialogue):

I still remember the day I was born. It ws under the flag of the skrull empire. The only rule I've ever known. My father, Mr. Sinister raised me up in a test tube, impriniting on me the genetic memory of my father and mother, Cyclops and Jean Grey.

From then I learned resilence. From Sinister, I learned subterfuge. From myself, I learned to act. The X-Men S and i have worled for years to over throw the Skrulls. Now may be our chance.

"I'm ready."

Do you know how to post pictures: yes.

Approved. :up:

First off:
- Fury refers to himself in third person?
- "Drew", not "drew". Sorry, a stickler for grammar, I am.

Sample post to follow:
The Future of Marvels: Season 1 Character Application
Screen name: Harlekin
Character: Smasher of the Imperial Guard (616 character)
Powers: Variable genetic coding enables him to download superhuman abilities for temporary usage, including incredible strength, invulnerability to physical harm or temperature extremes, flight, and penta-vision that enables him to see great distances and through solid matter

Alliance: Vulcan Empire
Who is your character and what has your character been doing since the events of the purge: Smasher is one of the members of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard. He has faced numerous heroes in combat, including the X-Men and the Avengers. He was one of the Guardsmen that engaged Vulcan in combat, and was swiftly defeated. Loyal to all who command the Shi'ar empire, from D'Ken to Deathbird to Lilandra and now to Deathbird and Vulcan. In the battle against Vulcan his lover, Plutonia, was killed.

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:
1) He's obscure, no real work done with him, which means I can pretty much interpretate him how I see fit.
2) Often, these RPG's are mostly centered around the changes of the main characters. It'd be interesting to see how this effects a person that A) doesn't really give a ****, and B) is far from main-stream.
3) His obscurity allows me to be relatively irregular in my posting.

My plans with Smasher: Since the death of Plutonia, Smasher has grown increasingly restless and angry. His new mission, to travel to Earth and lay the ground work for Vulcan's arrival by eliminating the figureheads of the Skrull empire, is meant a relief to both Vulcan and Smasher himself. Through this mission, we explore the psyche of this relatively obscure character, and it sets nice ground for the return of Vulcan. As to whether Smasher succeeds in his mission, well, that's up to the RPG itself.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: Not a whole lot, and irregularly at that.
Color and font: "Just plain bold will do."


Looking good. Unless there's a major flaw in the sample - which I do not anticipate - you're good to go once you get it up. :up:

Screen Name: ScarletVenom25
Character you would like to play: Eddie Brock, aka Venom

Is this a 616 character, or someone who has taken up the mantle of a 616 character: A 616 character

Powers: Venom has enhanced abilites thanks to the symbiote. His powers are much like Spider-Man's, with the ability to climb walls, and create webbing out of the symbiote. He is also super-strong, has enhanced reflexes, and cannot be detected by Spidey's Spider Sense. (If I missed any let me know)

Alliance (Rebel, Vigilante, Skrull Empire, Vulcan Empire): Vigilante

Who is your character and what has your character been doing since the events of the purge: When the takeover began, the symbiote abandoned Mac Gargan (aka the Scorpion) and went back to the cancer-ridden Eddie Brock. Brock refused to let symbiote come back to him, but realizing that the Skrulls would just have him killed anyway, he and the symbiote merged again and Brock was healed of his ailments. He has been fighting for his own wants and needs since then. He is a proven ally of the Rebels, usually found helping the Avengers in battle.

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) Ive been wanting to be Venom for awhile, and this is my chance

2) I think I could do a very good anti-hero Venom, but with a dark twist

3) Its freakin Venom! Who wouldn't want to be him!

Write a complete paragraph using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?) Do not skimp on this part of the Application, while I do not need to know every detail of the arc you wish to write, I do wisg to avoid the classic problem of applying for a character without any idea of the story you wish to tell:

The Venom I will be portraying will be something new done to the character. He is a big ally for the Rebels, yet is still a loner, not wishing to put up an allegiance with any specific team. He will usually help the Avengers, and will sometimes confront the Hulk in Safe Haven, who's views of peace he disagrees with. Venom will always be looking for a fight against Skrulls, sometimes atempting to take down a whole Skrull establishment on his own.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: Once or twice, depending on how much free time I have.

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech: Franklin Gothic Medium, Bold, Black

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in (must be at least 3 paragraphs long and contain at least one line of dialogue):

Two Skrull bouncers stand outside the night club, blasters in hand, standing very still. Its quiet, dark, with only the neon signs of the club as light. One bouncer heres a thud on the top of the roof. He goes for his communicator.

"Squadron Delta, check for any disturbances on the roof, over." the bouncer says. Seconds later, he gets a reply, "Everything's fine up here, over." The bouncer doesn't answer, and thinks nothing of the louder thuds on the roof, or the muffled screams he doesn't hear.

Silently, the attacker slithers down the webbing in a yo-yo like positon. Soon, he is in front of the bouncers, his large carnivorous teeth gleeming. The bouncers reach for their blasters. Venom grins.

"The party's over,"

Do you know how to post pictures: Yes.

Approved. :up:

One thing though...SSF posted a short story in the Application Thread that talked about the symbiotes. Maybe you want to touch base with him first...even though it seems like you're doing the same thing.
The Days of Marvels Future: Season 1 Character Application

Screen Name:
Eddie Brock Jr.
Character you would like to play: Peter Parker, formerly Spider-Man

Is this a 616 character, or someone who has taken up the mantle of a 616 character: 616

Powers: Peter has all the abilities of a spider, including - thanks to The Other - organic webbing, the ability to stick to almost any surface, super-leaping, lightning-fast reflexes, strength, speed, enhanced senses, and a Spider-Sense - which warns him of imminent danger.

Alliance (Rebel, Vigilante, Skrull Empire, Vulcan Empire):

Vigilante: Those who operate on their own for their own means.

Who is your character and what has your character been doing since the events of the purge: Initially, Spider-Man fought against the Skrull with his fellow heroes. But as time wore on, victory seemed more and more distant with failure growing ever closer. Peter didn't really give up until Mary Jane was killed. This was the final straw for him. He went to Dr. Strange to erase the public's knowledge of his identity, and he returned to life as Peter Parker...no longer fighting crime as the Webbed Wonder.

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) Are you kidding me?! He's friggin' Spider-Man!

2) He's going to be - initially - a much more pessimistic, grim character.

3) He's one of the few heroes who faded into darkness, and now is living in New York - a hotbed for Skrull activity.

Write a complete paragraph using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?) Do not skimp on this part of the Application, while I do not need to know every detail of the arc you wish to write, I do wisg to avoid the classic problem of applying for a character without any idea of the story you wish to tell:

Well, Spider-Man's wit will be diminshed almost completely. His carefree look on life will be twisted by the ever-decling standards of life. He'll have fallen off the radar, and he'll resist all attempts to join the human resistance. Basically, to the new generation, Spider-Man will only be a legend.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: As many as needed.

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech: Bold Blue Comic Sans MS

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in (must be at least 3 paragraphs long and contain at least one line of dialogue):

He Taught Us To Love

She Was Loved

We Remember Her Love

As I look upon these graves, I am overwhelmed by guilt and sorrow. Two of these people died through my actions - or lack of actions. I don't even bother looking at Gwen's gravestone any more...it's too hard.

"I'm sorry," I tell them. "I shouldn't have failed you."

I look up at the New York skyline. Once it illustrated a species at the pinnacle of its society. Now, it lay in ruins. The Skrull had toppled the Statue of Liberty - all that could be seen was the torch rising up out of the water. The Baxter Building was destroyed so as to cripple the remaining Fantastic Four. And the Empire State Building was used as a Skrull intelligence agency - overseeing all life in the city.

I hear that Washington D.C. got hit worse. Supposedly, the Skrull demolished the entire city - from Capitol Hill to the White House. All these monuments of liberty and freedom were destroyed. It was a message.

This was no longer mankind's world. This was the world of the Skrull.

Do you know how to post pictures:
The Days of Marvels Future: Season 1 Character Application

Screen Name: Eddie Brock Jr.
Character you would like to play: Peter Parker, formerly Spider-Man

Is this a 616 character, or someone who has taken up the mantle of a 616 character: 616

Powers: Peter has all the abilities of a spider, including - thanks to The Other - organic webbing, the ability to stick to almost any surface, super-leaping, lightning-fast reflexes, strength, speed, enhanced senses, and a Spider-Sense - which warns him of imminent danger.

Alliance (Rebel, Vigilante, Skrull Empire, Vulcan Empire):

Vigilante: Those who operate on their own for their own means.

Who is your character and what has your character been doing since the events of the purge: Initially, Spider-Man fought against the Skrull with his fellow heroes. But as time wore on, victory seemed more and more distant with failure growing ever closer. Peter didn't really give up until Mary Jane was killed. This was the final straw for him. He went to Dr. Strange to erase the public's knowledge of his identity, and he returned to life as Peter Parker...no longer fighting crime as the Webbed Wonder.

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) Are you kidding me?! He's friggin' Spider-Man!

2) He's going to be - initially - a much more pessimistic, grim character.

3) He's one of the few heroes who faded into darkness, and now is living in New York - a hotbed for Skrull activity.

Write a complete paragraph using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?) Do not skimp on this part of the Application, while I do not need to know every detail of the arc you wish to write, I do wisg to avoid the classic problem of applying for a character without any idea of the story you wish to tell:

Well, Spider-Man's wit will be diminshed almost completely. His carefree look on life will be twisted by the ever-decling standards of life. He'll have fallen off the radar, and he'll resist all attempts to join the human resistance. Basically, to the new generation, Spider-Man will only be a legend.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: As many as needed.

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech: Bold Blue Comic Sans MS

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in (must be at least 3 paragraphs long and contain at least one line of dialogue):

He Taught Us To Love

She Was Loved

We Remember Her Love

As I look upon these graves, I am overwhelmed by guilt and sorrow. Two of these people died through my actions - or lack of actions. I don't even bother looking at Gwen's gravestone any more...it's too hard.​

"I'm sorry," I tell them. "I shouldn't have failed you."

I look up at the New York skyline. Once it illustrated a species at the pinnacle of its society. Now, it lay in ruins. The Skrull had toppled the Statue of Liberty - all that could be seen was the torch rising up out of the water. The Baxter Building was destroyed so as to cripple the remaining Fantastic Four. And the Empire State Building was used as a Skrull intelligence agency - overseeing all life in the city.

I hear that Washington D.C. got hit worse. Supposedly, the Skrull demolished the entire city - from Capitol Hill to the White House. All these monuments of liberty and freedom were destroyed. It was a message.

This was no longer mankind's world. This was the world of the Skrull.

Do you know how to post pictures:

my fellow gm
One thing though...SSF posted a short story in the Application Thread that talked about the symbiotes. Maybe you want to touch base with him first...even though it seems like you're doing the same thing.

Gave it a read. Not something I wanna due right off the bat, but maybe later. Im mostly thinking about incorpertaing Toxin more than any other symbiote.
not sure on the exact angle I'm going to be playing yet, so I'll hold off applying for now.
The Days of Marvels Future: Season 1 Character Application

Screen Name: xman:blacklight
Character you would like to play: Daredevil (Elektra Natchios)

^ Can it be written like that on the roster please?

Is this a 616 character, or someone who has taken up the mantle of a 616 character: this Daredevil is actually Elektra Natchios wearing a similar crimson suit and Matt Murdock's mask.

Elektra's primary abilities are a strong knowledge of martial arts and weaponry. She is a master combatant with the Japanese Sai, her usual weapon of choice. She is also highly skilled with the katana, daggers, 3-sectional staff and throwing stars. She is a master of many Japanese combat forms including Ninjitsu. Elektra is an Olympic-level athlete, strong in gymnastics and swimming, with a high level in athleticism in human strength, speed, agility, reflexes. Resistant to pain and extreme cold, she can freely go barefoot into the winter snow. She is also able to keep to the shadows and move with such speed that she can remain unseen even in daylight, thus explaining why she is Marvel's top killer.
Elektra has demonstrated on occasion the ability to mesmerize others, and as such make them see illusions or other phenomena.

In the years after the purge, has even learned the art of "Kimagure" that allowed her to see minutes into her future and through the Daredevil mask (which as you know has no eyeholes), but she failed to learn the Kimagure ability that allows her to restore life to the dead, which is why she took Matt's death so hard

Her current "Daredevil" Arsenal includes her signature sai and exact replicas of Matt's scarlett batons which not only can be used as a grappling hook, fiberwire strangling weapon and billy club type offensive weapons, they can also combine and extend into a staff of about 4 1/2 feet in length. She possesses a thigh holster attached to her costumes left thigh and a belt where her sai are concealed. Her Daredevil costume has a thin layer of kevlar.

Alliance (Rebel, Vigilante, Skrull Empire, Vulcan Empire): Rebel, Vigilante/Avengers. She is first a Vigilante, then her and Moon Knight will join the Avengers.

Who is your character and what has your character been doing since the events of the purge: At the time of the Civil War, Elektra was kidnapped by skrulls and replaced with a skrull in disguise as her, which in a fight with the New Avengers was killed, which partially caused the skrull invasion to start so soon afterwards. Elektra managed to escape her prison due to the lack of guards since almost all the skrulls were on earth. When she returned, she went into hiding. She did try to repel the skrulls, but eventually stepped back into isolation. After the purge ended and Hulk ruled africa, she joined the Avengers and did some vigilante work for the human criminals residing in Africa. She even started a relationship with Marc Spector aka Moon Knight, but everything changed when Nick Fury recieved news that Matt Murdock died in a Avengers mission that attempted to overthrow the skrulls. When Elektra attended the funeral, Marc (who was with Matt when he died) gave her his mask, and she finally realized her true feelings for Matt and wanted revenge on the skrulls more than ever. She wanted Matt's death not to be in vain and his legacy to never die. Now, she protects the innocent from that of criminals and skrull alike. She fights for justice. A Guardian devil. Elektra Natchios is now the new Daredevil.

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) It gives me the chance to play a vulnerable, vengeful Elektra who's realizing how much Matt meant to her, but conceal those feelings from Marc.

2) Daredevil man. Nuff said'.

3) Elektra man. Nuff said'.

Write a complete paragraph using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?) Do not skimp on this part of the Application, while I do not need to know every detail of the arc you wish to write, I do wisg to avoid the classic problem of applying for a character without any idea of the story you wish to tell: Like I said before, an Elektra who isn't as tough and on the fence on who she is makes a great story. It has alot of potential. Will she leave Moon Knight because of her desurfaced love and feelings for Matt? Or will Marc leave her for the same reason? Are the feelings Elektra feels for Matt now that he's gone real? Or are they feelings of jealousy and resentment because all along, she wanted to be him, or rather Daredevil? And ultimately, who does she really love? Matt, the late Daredevil? Or Marc, the Moon Knight? That and her trying to help her fellow rebel heroes overthrow the Skrulls and exact her revenge for them kidnapping her makes a usually boring character exciting.:woot:

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: plenty.

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech: Maroon Trebuchet MS bold.

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in (must be at least 3 paragraphs long and contain at least one line of dialogue):

I'll post sample later.

Do you know how to post pictures:

Possible RPG banner to be put in the first posts of the OOC/IC threads? :ninja:
Better idea.

Screen Name: Oh Snap!

Character you would like to play: Helmut Zemo

Is this a 616 character, or someone who has taken up the mantle of a 616 character: The Real McCoy, Helmut Zemo.

Powers: None.

Alliance (Rebel, Skrull Empire, Vulcan Empire): Neutral (for the moment).

What have they been doing since the purge? Nothing, for anyone that didn't read "Zemo: Born Better", he was shunted through time and met all of his ancestors and even helped to inspire/overthrow some of them. He was brought back to present times by Wendell Vocker (a distant relative, who had to murder several distant members of the Zemo family to retreive him). In this continuity he was brought back after the invasion, as Vocker saw him as Earth's best chance at over-throwing the Skrulls.

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) He's a very conflicted character; brought up to follow his father's example, to be great and Nazi, to be a Zemo. He tried for years to emulate his father, to be like him, but it was not long after forming the Thunderbolts that he realised the errors to his way.. He didn't have to be like his father, he could be better. That all men are created equal, it's their decisions and choices that make them great.

2) I always wanted to play Baron Zemo, I was intending to over in the OU RPG but he was already established; I still am a little apprehensive about this RPG, I decided I'd give it a go.

3) He's not the most understandable character, even though he's meant to be fighting for man-kind, who knows? He'll do whatever it takes to survive, even if that means working with the enemy.

Write a complete paragraph using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?) Do not skimp on this part of the Application, while I do not need to know every detail of the arc you wish to write, I do wisg to avoid the classic problem of applying for a character without any idea of the story you wish to tell:

To establish what Helmut's thoughts are about the sorry state the Earth had got themselves in, to see his reactions to it, to the Illuminati's (that he could have easily been on) machinations and what he intends to do about it.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: As many as needed.

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech: Century Gothic Bold, 2, purple-ish.

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in (must be at least 3 paragraphs long and contain at least one line of dialogue):

His heavy hands plunged into the water, cupping his hands to drink from the river and threw some of the water over his face; after he had drank several mouthfuls he looked at his reflection in the water and smiled, he looked like a leper, a monster. You must be thinking, why on Earth would a man be pleased by looking like a monster? The answer was very clear to the man, he had always been a monster: an ouctast; since the day he was born he was destined to be different, to be better than the rest of the world..

"Hmm.. a face befitting of a Zemo"

He reached for his sword and slid it back into its hilt, grabbing his pink mask and pulling it over his face, taking a deep breath in and slowly walking up the hill. He stepped over several large chunks of bricks and relics of a long forgotten time, most of which had been looted and stolen, it was his past. It was what was left of Zemo Keep.

He looked up to the skies and saw several Skrull space-ships flying past, shaking his head disappointedly he knelt down and picked up a handful of dirt, letting it slip through his fingers and sighed.

"One thing is for certain, those Skrulls are definetly determined.. they managed to succeed where even I did not"

"Determined is an understatement, Helmut.. We better get going, they'll have a search partying out before long"

"I will have to take your word for it, Volker.. but one thing has been bothering me since my arrival.. what of the Avengers? Of Captain America?"

Volker's face turnt white and he began to stutter, suddenly Helmut knew that he didn't want to tell him.

"Captain America was.. he's... Captain America is dead"

Do you know how to post pictures:

Better idea.

Screen Name: Oh Snap!

Character you would like to play: Helmut Zemo

Is this a 616 character, or someone who has taken up the mantle of a 616 character: The Real McCoy, Helmut Zemo.

Powers: None.

Alliance (Rebel, Skrull Empire, Vulcan Empire): Neutral (for the moment).

What have they been doing since the purge? Nothing, for anyone that didn't read "Zemo: Born Better", he was shunted through time and met all of his ancestors and even helped to inspire/overthrow some of them. He was brought back to present times by Wendell Vocker (a distant relative, who had to murder several distant members of the Zemo family to retreive him). In this continuity he was brought back after the invasion, as Vocker saw him as Earth's best chance at over-throwing the Skrulls.

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) He's a very conflicted character; brought up to follow his father's example, to be great and Nazi, to be a Zemo. He tried for years to emulate his father, to be like him, but it was not long after forming the Thunderbolts that he realised the errors to his way.. He didn't have to be like his father, he could be better. That all men are created equal, it's their decisions and choices that make them great.

2) I always wanted to play Baron Zemo, I was intending to over in the OU RPG but he was already established; I still am a little apprehensive about this RPG, I decided I'd give it a go.

3) He's not the most understandable character, even though he's meant to be fighting for man-kind, who knows? He'll do whatever it takes to survive, even if that means working with the enemy.

Write a complete paragraph using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?) Do not skimp on this part of the Application, while I do not need to know every detail of the arc you wish to write, I do wisg to avoid the classic problem of applying for a character without any idea of the story you wish to tell:

To establish what Helmut's thoughts are about the sorry state the Earth had got themselves in, to see his reactions to it, to the Illuminati's (that he could have easily been on) machinations and what he intends to do about it.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: As many as needed.

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech: Century Gothic Bold, 2, purple-ish.

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in (must be at least 3 paragraphs long and contain at least one line of dialogue):

His heavy hands plunged into the water, cupping his hands to drink from the river and threw some of the water over his face; after he had drank several mouthfuls he looked at his reflection in the water and smiled, he looked like a leper, a monster. You must be thinking, why on Earth would a man be pleased by looking like a monster? The answer was very clear to the man, he had always been a monster: an ouctast; since the day he was born he was destined to be different, to be better than the rest of the world..

"Hmm.. a face befitting of a Zemo"

He reached for his sword and slid it back into its hilt, grabbing his pink mask and pulling it over his face, taking a deep breath in and slowly walking up the hill. He stepped over several large chunks of bricks and relics of a long forgotten time, most of which had been looted and stolen, it was his past. It was what was left of Zemo Keep.

He looked up to the skies and saw several Skrull space-ships flying past, shaking his head disappointedly he knelt down and picked up a handful of dirt, letting it slip through his fingers and sighed.

"One thing is for certain, those Skrulls are definetly determined.. they managed to succeed where even I did not"

"Determined is an understatement, Helmut.. We better get going, they'll have a search partying out before long"

"I will have to take your word for it, Volker.. but one thing has been bothering me since my arrival.. what of the Avengers? Of Captain America?"

Volker's face turnt white and he began to stutter, suddenly Helmut knew that he didn't want to tell him.

"Captain America was.. he's... Captain America is dead"

Do you know how to post pictures:


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