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DC 2006:Year in Review

The Batman said:
I think Geoff is having a better time writing TT, and it shows. Pre-OYL, TT was always disappointing for me, but this OYL version is better written overall. The roster sucks, but i think its kinda a better book than it was before.

I know :csad:

Where's Aquagirl? Where's Misty Kilgore? Where's Speedy? Where's Offspring? I can understand the lack of Kid Flash, Superboy, and Captain Marvel Jr., but this roster just seems so lacking :csad:

At least the writing and art are good.
Seriously, Tim Sale's being wasted on Confidential? Dont be surprised to see him jump to marvel soon, and he will.

DC should really bring back books like Adventure and Showcase, to build up lesser known characters and create new ones.
The Batman said:
Seriously, Tim Sale's being wasted on Confidential? Dont be surprised to see him jump to marvel soon, and he will.

DC should really bring back books like Adventure and Showcase, to build up lesser known characters and create new ones.

Oh, its no secret. Sale is just waiting out for his exclusive to end to run back to Loeb, and marvel will have some quality again. I dotn care what anyone says about Loeb, Loeb+Sale=Quality.
Darth, you're probably right about TT, but Geoff seems to be putting more effort into this one than pre-OYL. Its probably Daniel's art thats sucking me in, cause really, i do find the roster to be lacking
Darthphere said:
Oh, its no secret. Sale is just waiting out for his exclusive to end to run back to Loeb, and marvel will have some quality again. I dotn care what anyone says about Loeb, Loeb+Sale=Quality.

They need to do an old school X-Men book. Or Captain America. Or Thor. Or Iron Man. I dont care, whenever they do those stories, they're awesome.
The Batman said:
They need to do an old school X-Men book. Or Captain America. Or Thor. Or Iron Man. I dont care, whenever they do those stories, they're awesome.

Captain America:Red, White, and Blue

Iron Man: Gold


Darthphere said:
Captain America:Red, White, and Blue

Iron Man: Gold



Nah on the X-Men one...The X-Men one would have to be about the original five....
The Batman said:
Nah on the X-Men one...The X-Men one would have to be about the original five....

Yeah thats why its: X-Men:"-"Wolverine.
Darthphere said:
Yeah thats why its: X-Men:"-"Wolverine.

ohhhh, i see

thats what i like about their books...they take place in a time where everyone thinks its a lame version of the character, and they make them excellent. Except Spider-Man, cause in his case, the 60's were probably the best era of the character
Daredevil:Yellow made me want them to bring back the yellow costume.
I'm loving Titans Darth.Then again,this is my first time reading a Titans comic.
GNR4Life said:
I'm loving Titans Darth.Then again,this is my first time reading a Titans comic.

Its ok, you like Hal, youre half dead to me anyway.:csad:
First and foremost, the raping of Cassandra Cain, which was an editorial mandate, is the biggest slap in the face to DC fans.

Speaking of Bat related characters, Nightwing is a joke, Jason Todd is an Octopus monster and for some reason, Batman has a little **** for a son. If theres any kid he should have, its with Selina. I knew that kid would be Slam's, but still.

Then theres Hackman (Dumbass) Luthor running around in Superman, among other attempts to bring it more in line with the movies. Richard Donner may have made a classic, but his vision of Superman's world simply isn't Superman. Ice Krypton, Camp Luthor, etc. The Superman titles aren't better now. If anything, they're worse for implimenting these ideas. If theres one form of media they should adapt, its stuff from STAS. Timm and Co took all the crappiest of rogues and made them worth while.

Angsty Angsthunter is bull****. At least his new generic costume is better than that S&M chest strap thing he's been wearing for years.

Aquaman isn't even Aquaman. True the title is good, but with Busiek leaving, I can only worry about where this is going.

JLA is decent, but some parts of the roster just suck. Aside from the fact that of all titans to graduate, there were plently more ready than Speedy... say, Nightwing who actually lead the JLA once? And wheres the resident magican? Or the resident speedester? Or the resident Jonn?

And hey, Green Lantern is still as dull as One Year Before, only know with twice the cop-outiness!!!
Justice League of America is so damn boring. Nothing happens. Meltzer: if you're going to base a story around third-tier characters that no one cares about, at least balance it out with a sub-plot or two about people we do. And having the Big Three sit around in a cave and pick a team that was already on the first f***ing cover does not count.

Busiek's Superman run has been astonishingly weak. Action Comics was so much better, it figures that's the title that Johns would show up on and ruin.

Geoff Johns. There's a name I'm f***ing sick of hearing. But not sick of saying. Like "Geoff Johns sucks." Everything he's working on is floundering (not including 52, because he's got three kick-ass writers picking up his slack).

I've decided to be constructive for once and provide a serious list of things DC could do to make '07 as good as '05 was.

  • Give Joe Kelly a bigger role.

    No one is more under-appreciated at DC right now than Kelly. It's a true shame that the only current run people have to judge a man who has had kick-ass runs like Deadpool, JLA, JL: Elite and Space Ghost, among others, is Supergirl. I pray that DC editors and fans alike picked up Superman/Batman Annual and saw how perfect Kelly can be.

  • Fix Batgirl.

    It doesn't matter how. At this point, anything is better than what she has become. Blame it on the Lazarus Pit, blame it on a clone, a long-lost twin sister, Hell, outright ignore it, I don't care, just undo this travesty.

  • Figure out what is working for their Batman books, and apply it to Superman.

    DC needs to take the same two-pronged approach to the Batman books with the Superman books. Detective Comics focuses on the street-level detective aspect of Batman, while Batman proper seems to focus on the high-flying, super-heroics aspect. Action Comics should live up to it's name and capitalize on Johns' ability to create quick-moving stories that focus on Superman as a super-hero, while Superman should focus on his interaction with "mere mortals," and maybe explore his Clark Kent side. Make it the reporter to Detective Comics' detective.

    Right now, DC's "two-pronged" approach to Superman seems to be crappy and crappier.

  • Embrace Parallax.

    Ever since Johns came on Green Lantern, it seems he's made it his mission to undo everything that made Jordan interesting. Someone needs to tell Johns that there are other ways to bring Jordan back without erasing what changed him that are better and far more interesting.

    Green Lantern has been a disgrace since it started.

  • Turn Teen Titans into something other than a side-kick factory.

    Since One Year Later started, it seems like the point of Titans was to produce as many teenaged knock-offs of established heroes as it could. The first few years of Titans were fantastic because they explored characters that already existed and fleshed them out. Post-OYL, Johns has thrown character after character at us that we either don't care about, like Kid Devil, or characters we down-right hate, like Marvin and Wendy.

  • Get rid of on-goings that suck and replace them with books that truly deserve on-goings.

    The one book that probably first springs to most people's minds is Supergirl, followed not long after by Atom. Both of these books have served as wastes of otherwise fantastic writing talent (Simone on Atom, Rucka and Kelly on Supergirl) and receptacles for amazingly bad art (Byrne on Atom, Chruchill on Supergirl).

    Even though these books are bad in their own right, their biggest crime is that they are taking up time, attention and resources that could be spent on books far more deserving, primarily Uncle Sam and Ion. Both of these books have been fantastic from the get-go, and both have extraordinary amounts of potential. Uncle Sam is yet another gem for the Palmiotti/Gray Team Extreme, and Ion is a showcase of Marz in his element: writing a Green Lantern that is better than Jordan in every way.

I'll post more later, after the initial wave of shock and awe of how right I am has passed.
I so disagree with you on Superman. Busiek is pwning that book, but admittedly, i enjoyed his Auctioner story more on Action.
The Leaguer said:
Ion is a showcase of Marz in his element: writing a Green Lantern that is better than Jordan in every way.

Sig worthy.
I must say, leaguer does have alot of good points
Darthphere said:
I so disagree with you on Superman. Busiek is pwning that book, but admittedly, i enjoyed his Auctioner story more on Action.

The superman book started off good, but has become a boring title. Action's first ish was disappointing with sloppy art.
Darthphere said:
Oh, its no secret. Sale is just waiting out for his exclusive to end to run back to Loeb, and marvel will have some quality again.
DC wasted Sale's talent by barely using it. I also see Sale not renewing his exclusitivity contract and work with Loeb again on Captain America: White. Maybe we'll also see some other color books for Iron Man, Thor, the X-Men and Fantastic Four.

I dotn care what anyone says about Loeb, Loeb+Sale=Quality.
Loeb all by himself can have some mixed results (either really awesome or really crappy), but you are absolutely right Loeb + Sale = Sheer Awesomeness.
The Batman said:
The superman book started off good, but has become a boring title. Action's first ish was disappointing with sloppy art.

I dont know, the stand alone issue and the Subjekt 17 stuff was good IMO, and now this upcoming future arc looks awesome.
Darthphere said:
I dont know, the stand alone issue and the Subjekt 17 stuff was good IMO, and now this upcoming future arc looks awesome.

I'll check out the "Camelot Falls" arc, but the subjekt 17 stuff leaves me cold
I liked the character moments like the stuff with Lana.
The Leaguer said:
Justice League of America is so damn boring. Nothing happens. Meltzer: if you're going to base a story around third-tier characters that no one cares about, at least balance it out with a sub-plot or two about people we do. And having the Big Three sit around in a cave and pick a team that was already on the first f***ing cover does not count.
It's not boring, it just needs to pick up the pace and needs to have members that are better than Arsenal, Black Lightning, Hawkgirl, and Vixen.

Busiek's Superman run has been astonishingly weak. Action Comics was so much better, it figures that's the title that Johns would show up on and ruin.
I think that both Superman titles are great at the moment.

Geoff Johns. There's a name I'm f***ing sick of hearing. But not sick of saying. Like "Geoff Johns sucks." Everything he's working on is floundering (not including 52, because he's got three kick-ass writers picking up his slack).
I agree that Johns needs to lay off of a few books, give Green Lantern to someone else and keep him on Teen Titans and Justice Society of America.

  • Give Joe Kelly a bigger role.

    No one is more under-appreciated at DC right now than Kelly. It's a true shame that the only current run people have to judge a man who has had kick-ass runs like Deadpool, JLA, JL: Elite and Space Ghost, among others, is Supergirl. I pray that DC editors and fans alike picked up Superman/Batman Annual and saw how perfect Kelly can be.
Agreed. Take him off of that piece of crap book Supergirl and put him on some bigger title worthy for him. I think he could write a killer Green Lantern. I don't know why, I just have that feeling.

  • Fix Batgirl.

    It doesn't matter how. At this point, anything is better than what she has become. Blame it on the Lazarus Pit, blame it on a clone, a long-lost twin sister, Hell, outright ignore it, I don't care, just undo this travesty.
At least Aquaman hasn't been raped like Batgirl was :csad:

  • Figure out what is working for their Batman books, and apply it to Superman.

    DC needs to take the same two-pronged approach to the Batman books with the Superman books. Detective Comics focuses on the street-level detective aspect of Batman, while Batman proper seems to focus on the high-flying, super-heroics aspect. Action Comics should live up to it's name and capitalize on Johns' ability to create quick-moving stories that focus on Superman as a super-hero, while Superman should focus on his interaction with "mere mortals," and maybe explore his Clark Kent side. Make it the reporter to Detective Comics' detective.

    Right now, DC's "two-pronged" approach to Superman seems to be crappy and crappier.
I like how the Superman books are at the moment. The way I see it is that Superman deals with Superman's human nature and Action Comics focuses on his Kryptonian heritage (hence why I think the "You're not one of them fits in that book). And both Superman and Action Comics are doing what they should be doing on the dual sides of Superman.

  • Embrace Parallax.

    Ever since Johns came on Green Lantern, it seems he's made it his mission to undo everything that made Jordan interesting. Someone needs to tell Johns that there are other ways to bring Jordan back without erasing what changed him that are better and far more interesting.

    Green Lantern has been a disgrace since it started.
I think Green Lantern is good, despite it being Johns' weakest book. My main problem with it is that he tends to forget about Paralax. Thankfully the post-OYL Green Lantern book is starting to remember Paralax.

  • Turn Teen Titans into something other than a side-kick factory.

    Since One Year Later started, it seems like the point of Titans was to produce as many teenaged knock-offs of established heroes as it could. The first few years of Titans were fantastic because they explored characters that already existed and fleshed them out. Post-OYL, Johns has thrown character after character at us that we either don't care about, like Kid Devil, or characters we down-right hate, like Marvin and Wendy.
I like that Teen Titans is a book concentrated on sidekicks, Robin, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash, Superboy, Speedy, Ravenger, and Kid Devil. I would have liked the book add Aquagirl, Offspring, and Misty Kilgore to the roster. If I want a book that concentrates on simply teenaged superheroes, I'd go read Young Justice (which consisted of both sidekicks and non-sidekicks) or Young Avengers. However, they have been taking it a little too far with Little Barda, Power Boy, Zatara, the Joker's Daughter, and the Riddler's Daughter.

  • Get rid of on-goings that suck and replace them with books that truly deserve on-goings.

    The one book that probably first springs to most people's minds is Supergirl, followed not long after by Atom. Both of these books have served as wastes of otherwise fantastic writing talent (Simone on Atom, Rucka and Kelly on Supergirl) and receptacles for amazingly bad art (Byrne on Atom, Chruchill on Supergirl).

    Even though these books are bad in their own right, their biggest crime is that they are taking up time, attention and resources that could be spent on books far more deserving, primarily Uncle Sam and Ion. Both of these books have been fantastic from the get-go, and both have extraordinary amounts of potential. Uncle Sam is yet another gem for the Palmiotti/Gray Team Extreme, and Ion is a showcase of Marz in his element: writing a Green Lantern that is better than Jordan in every way.
Agreed, except with the All-New Atom, I'm liking that book (asides from Byrne's awful art, but thankfully he's gone). Supergirl needs to get canceled (the book is downright awful). All-Star Batman and Robin: The Boy Wonder needs to get canceled (pure crap). Robin should get canceled (Robin's been getting a lot of time in the main Batman books and the Batman line should just be reduced to Batman and Detective Comics). Catwoman should get canceled (having the baby not be Bruce's was just a very bad move and reduce the Batman line). All-Star Superman should get canceled (DC should just give up on the entire All-Star line, it would free up Grant Morrison a little bit). Hawkgirl needs to go back to being Hawkman.

Books that need ongoings are Ion like you said, the Martian Manhunter (but with a different writer), Zatanna, Plastic Man (one that takes place in the DCU), the Question, Black Canary, Connor Hawke, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, and Red Tornado.

Also, I like to add, put Waid on the Flash: The Fastest Man Alive and restore all books (Wonder Woman, the Flash, Aquaman, Green Lantern, Justice League of America, etc.) to their original numbering

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