Catman vs. Batman in Secret Six. I almost want to buy it. Wait, Alcatraz is still a functioning prison in the DC universe?
Oh good, Ares in armor being super-evil again. And I had such hope that Simone might continue Rucka's brilliant idea of evolving the gods to keep up with the modern world. Oh well, disappointment is getting to be a habit when I look at DC's comics, so I guess I can't fault McKeever for jumping on the bandwagon.
Wow, Julian Lopez on Titans? Damn, at least the art will improve by leaps and bounds for those poor shmucks still reading it.
I honestly don't think I could be any less interested in this "New Krypton" nonsense if I tried. Throwing out the Last Son of Krypton angle is just one of many things DC's done lately that leaves me scratching my head wondering "why?" Superman comics are out for the foreseeable future, it seems. At least I'll be saving some money.
Oooh, I wonder who the mysterious prisoner in Reign in Hell is. Not enough to buy it, mind, but still, it's got me intrigued. I'll have to keep an eye out for spoilers come October.
Adam Strange is in his good costume on that Rann/Thanagar cover. I thought Starlin threw the good costume out in favor of the crappy, 'classic' costume, though. I'm confused.
I was so much more excited for new Detective Comics issues before Dini decided to insert boring-ass Hush into it. Maybe I'll just skip this arc if it's gonna go on all the way through bloody October.
Who would ever think life is getting easier for Cassandra Cain? Beechen's still got his grubby paws all over her, misconstruing and downright manhandling practically every aspect of the character. Stupid solicitation. And why the f*** is her bat-symbol white all of a sudden? Blurgh.
Geez, the Joker's gonna be everywhere for months, isn't he?
Nice to see Niceiza is still keeping Spoiler as a prominent fixture in Robin's comic. I don't think I'm interested enough in Robin anymore to read his book again, but it's good that he and Stephanie are being kept together. That's a good dynamic.
Hmm, art by Rags Morales and a fun power-swapping story in Superman/Batman? I think I may just have found something mercifully light on Kryptonians to replace Action Comics for my Superman fix.
A new Doctor Polaris in Blue Beetle? Eh. I like Sturges' writing a lot, but man, what a boring villain to revamp.
Dear God, a Supergirl/Raven team-up? That's gotta be in the top ten best reasons to skip a comic.
Poor Checkmate. You started off so very promising, and then you lost Alan Scott--but you were still good. Then you lost Jesus Saiz--but you were still good. Then you lost Greg Rucka and, well... I guess that counts as a third strike. So long. Hope Rucka gets to use you again in a mini-series or something eventually.
Man, just when you thought Winick was over harping on Speedy's HIV, she gets a boyfriend and has to contemplate having sex with him! And Dodger, no less. Poor Speedy. Wonder Girl and Batgirl got Superboy (at different times, at least), Robin got Spoiler, Bart got Ravager, and Speedy gets... Dodger. And HIV. And to be written by Winick for years. Her luck's pretty terrible.
Yay, The Flash! Wait, Alan Burnett's taking over for Peyer? Uh... I liked Peyer, but I guess Burnett's cool too. Oh, and... um... Queen Bee and Black Lightning, huh? F***, someone get Peyer back, please.
AAAAH, F*** THE EMOTIONAL SPECTRUM! GLC was so mercifully free of that crap for so long. It was my safe haven! Kyle, Guy, Soranik, Vath and Isamot, GLs-in-space action, minimal ties to Johns' stupid crap in Hal's title... why has it forsaken me? Dee to the ropped.
Yay for Manhunter. You'll never forsake me, right, Kate?
Is anyone else horrified by the cover of Green Lantern? That can't be the final coloring, right? It's just so...
bad. In every way, just
bad all over. I've seen fan art better than that. Christ, it's amazingly
Hey, is that Bart on the JLA? Freaky. And apparently Anansi's tinkering with the JLA's timelines somehow turned Black Lightning into Luke Cage. Odd. And possibly illegal.
Geez, Nemesis is still hanging around in Wonder Woman. I hoped he'd have been eaten or killed off by October.
Family Dynamic seems fun. I can't read Fantastic Four while the overrated hack--er, I mean, Mark Millar is writing, so maybe I'll get my fix of superhero family goodness from this.
If Wildcats #4 actually comes out in October, preceded by #3 in September and #2 in August after debuting with #1 this month, I will be happy as a clam. I've wanted a regular Wildcats book for so long. RassumfrassumMorrisonandLeefrassumslow-assprimadonnas...
I'm very confused about where Fables will go after the war is over, but it should be pretty damn exciting. Willingham hasn't let me down yet. On Fables, anyway.
What the hell is up with Jack of Fables that its schedule, artist rotation, and even arcs are so goddamn wonky all the time? It's a great series, but Jesus, figure out how to get it out on time in proper order. How hard is that?
Yay, more Anne stuff in House of Mystery. This series is quickly becoming one of my favorites. I'm glad whoever's in charge of Vertigo decided to revisit some of the old foundations of the imprint. I'm totally in love with Luca Rossi's art, too.
Okay, so apparently Madame Xanadu's comic is basically a journey through time. That's pretty cool, actually. I like the idea of the Phantom Stranger as more of a morally ambiguous force for balance rather than an outright good guy who just happens to be cryptic. I'm also totally in love with Amy Reeder Hadley's art.
It's gonna be weird not reading about Sven in Northlanders anymore, but I'm looking forward to what Brian Wood has planned. I don't think I've ever seen Ryan Kelly's art either, so that should be fun. Unless he sucks. But Wood's an artist himself, so I'm sure he wouldn't work with a s***ty artist on one of his books. I hope.
Gotta love Chief Red Crow in Scalped. One of the most complex and interesting 'villains' I've ever seen in a comic or any other form of fiction, for that matter.
Here ends my bleary-eyed stream of consciousness. Bedtime now.