Days of Future Past Do you want a New young X-men on the 60's team?


Apr 9, 2005
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Since we only have three mutants on the 60's, Havok, Beast, and Banshee, do you want another mutant added in the sequel? male or female.

If case you vote yes, how would you like him/her to be introduced?

a) Already in the school, since the beggining of the movie
b) The x-men/Xavier go in his/her search
c) The new mutant arrives to the school in the first half of the movie
d) Joining the school/team at the very end.
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Yeah, I don't think Beast, Havok, and Banshee alone would be enough for the Brotherhood. I'd like one new member to be already on the team. I'll go with Sunfire to add some diversity and because he's one of the few 60s/70s X-Men we haven't seen yet. I guess I should have voted for the fourth option since I'd also like to see Polaris be the time traveller, and at the end of the film she stays in the 60s and joins the team.
If they had Polaris, she could help track Magneto by sensing the unnatural disruptions his power displays create, and she could begin a romance with Havok.

I don't think there will be room for many more if they are bringing any original cast back to the 60s. But if not, they could also add Dazzler or (if they need a super-strength person) Thunderbird..

Sunfire will be too similar to the powers of Havok and (if he is introduced) Bishop.
Sunfire and Polaris are exactly my faves choices for this sequel. But Im afraid they wont gibe any of them.

they both appeared in the 60's, so that's why I want them. If they only want to introduce one, Polaris would be the best, first because she is a girl and two because she could give some trouble to Eric, even if she is younger. It would bring a really interesting dinamic on the batter. and of course they could touch their connection A LITTLE BIT. not a big subplot or something like that, just some words from Eric and Charles, worried about her origin, and her doubts too. something simple, that could be developed on the third movie.

If not her, Sunfire would be really cool. Same reason as you say, duran. He would bring diversity, being asian, and in term of powers, I dont think he is that similar to Havok. Sunfire can fly and manipulate fire, so visually is totally different.

Id love to see Banshee and Sunfire flying all over the place while the brotherhood try to attack them. would be epic
Ok, so it's down to: Polaris, Dazzler, Sunfire, Thunderbird/Warpath
I personally think Dazzler would cool for a 70's sequel, and as large cameo, more than a new x-men
I personally think Dazzler would cool for a 70's sequel, and as large cameo, more than a new x-men

Like Nightcrawler perhaps? Helping them but not joining them?

Depends if they do any more of the First Class films after this next one, or whether they go straight to an X4/X5...
They def need another female member. I say Dazzler. Disco started late 60s and shes an easy addition.
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only two votes, guys??

two havent voted yet :D
Dazzler! They could have a scene where they all go to her show. They need a woman on the team...
Or have Emma defect to the X-Men
only two votes, guys??

two havent voted yet :D

Hah! I just voted. As we don't know who (and how many) will be time travelling, I voted for just one at the moment. But if they have room in the story, then more than one!
Like Nightcrawler perhaps? Helping them but not joining them?

Depends if they do any more of the First Class films after this next one, or whether they go straight to an X4/X5...

mmm, not exactly helping them. Maybe the x-men go to see her at one of her shows, Xavier tries to recluit her, she has some doubts and at the end of the movie they have a short meeting, where she wish them the best but wants to keep building her music career.

Another option: She is attacked at some point in the movie and the x-men save her a bit later, Xavier make the offer at the end, she says: 'Ill think about it' and movie ends. Leaving an open door for a future appareance again.

it would be a different formula for a new mutant comparing with the original trilogy. I'd like something like this in one of the sequels. Not all the mutants will join the school, so this is a chance to introduced less important mutants from the comics, as guest stars, at some point.
I want a new addition to the 60s X-Men team, but with DOFP, I just don't see it.

But my choices for the new additions would be Polaris, Sunfire and Thunderbird.
I want a new addition to the 60s X-Men team, but with DOFP, I just don't see it.

But my choices for the new additions would be Polaris, Sunfire and Thunderbird.

I would love to see those characters, and Dazzler and Psylocke too, eventually. But if DoFP is our last sighting of the past and the next film moves into the modified future, then that's unlikely.

I wonder if they would consider still setting the next films in the past - perhaps moving forward to the 70s? Returning cast members would have to end up in the past, which could still work.

One idea - and this is totally crazy and off the top of my head while I am sat at work - could be to (somehow) bring Angel (Warren Worthington) and Iceman back to the past, so that two more of the original five are present.

The other Angel (Zoe Kravitz) would die in battle and Warren would take her name as a tribute (since he never called himself Angel in X3). Riptide would also be captured or killed.

Banshee would be injured when straining his powers to the limit and leave for Muir Island, where Moira had now begun a research facility (and safe haven) for mutants. We would meet Polaris who would form a romantic attraction to Havok (whose powers would be more accurately depicted as blue-white rings of energy fired through both arms).

Then we'd just need Scott and Jean to appear, perhaps as a result of the altered timeline, and we'd have the original five all in place. And in the next film Havok and Polaris would leave, and we'd see Sunfire, Thunderbird and Dazzler, and in the next film we could get Storm.

I know that all sounds a bit wild, and smacks of forcing the films to line up with the comics, but it's food for thought and discussion!
to introduce a new young mutant on the sequel wont be that hard, you know?

its not like they spent too much time introducing Havok and Banshe and Darwin on First Class.

They only has to introduce the character, and then have him/her joining the school, and since that point, we'll see all the team together during the rest of the movie.
I would love to see those characters, and Dazzler and Psylocke too, eventually. But if DoFP is our last sighting of the past and the next film moves into the modified future, then that's unlikely.

I didn't mention Psylocke because I want her to be included in Hugh Jackman's X-Men. :woot: I feel like she's such A-List character in the comics and if she's ever going to be a part of the X-Men team in the movies, her company should be A-List too like Wolverine, Storm, Rogue and Iceman.
Hopefully when they do add her Warren is in it with her, especially if they ever want to go the Archangel route. Could do some heavy stuff there. DOFP could possibly have three telepaths, so I think its a slim chance of her showing up. Her and real Deadpool are still the two Im waitng to see get their due. They both got screwed for their film adaptations.

I think its easy to add new characters in the future and in the past. For new characters in the past it depends on how much time has gone inbetween FC and the next film. I would think Charles would have found new mutants to help out unless it takes place days right after FC. If months or years have past there should already be new X Men at the mansion.

With the alt Future its anything goes character wise. We know they are not going by the comics 100% so any returning cast or new character could pop up. I really doubt this film will span through so much time without at the very least one new X Men.
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Hopefully when they do add her Warren is in it with her, especially if they ever want to go the Archangel route. Could do some heavy stuff there. DOFP could possibly have three telepaths, so I think its a slim chance of her showing up. Her and real Deadpool are still the two Im waitng to see get their due. They both got screwed for their film adaptations.

They could easily reintroduce Psylocke just like what they did on Emma Frost on First Class. Plus Psylocke's name was never mentioned and her "psy blade" wasn't even shown.
I thought about Betty some months ago too, and thought it would be nice to see her on a sequel set in the 80's

I have my doubts about Fox doing more than 4 first class sequels, but if they do it, it would be great to see x-men from the 70's and 80's appearing on the movie.

Im not sure when Psylocke was introduced, if the 80's or 90's, but anyway, but would be a great addition after Scott, Jean and Storm.
They could easily reintroduce Psylocke just like what they did on Emma Frost on First Class. Plus Psylocke's name was never mentioned and her "psy blade" wasn't even shown.
Definitely, I dont think anyone wants to consider that canon. It was bs she even got credited as Psylocke. Just want a solid representation of the character.
Im not sure when Psylocke was introduced, if the 80's or 90's, but anyway, but would be a great addition after Scott, Jean and Storm.
70s. But she wasnt part of the X Men till 80s. I dont think any of the characters dates of creation are relevant to when they should be introduced in the film though. With past interviews they seem to choose based mostly by powers and plot points. With Betsy would def rather see her with Logan and crew then on a young adult team with Havok and Banshee in the past.
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I know its not relevant at all.

But now that they went back to the 60's it would be really appreciated if the creative team tries to be a bit more faithfull this time.

At least, Id really love it.
I can see your point, especially if your a bigger fan of earlier X books.

With DOFP being from the 80s,not having the original FC crew and mixing them with characters from even Morrisons run, I guess I want characters addd for a different reason other then they were from the 60s. Wouldnt really add much in terms of being faithful to me since its already all over the place. They never really established doing that. Just my opinion. Im also more a fan of late 70s to current X Men books. So I may be biased as well haha.
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Im reading both early comics and current ones too, so I appreciate all.

I just think that even if they never tried to be faithfull, with the big competition that we have now, in terms of other comic movies doing big numbers, like Avengers and Batman, I think many comic readers would appreciate Fox a bit more if they start being a bit more faithful, althought they cant use all the characters that appeared in each storyarc.

For example, in Days of future past, the main x-men were: Wolverine, Storm, Kitty, Collosus, and Rachel too.

So what would Marvel and x-men fans and critics preffer? Fox trying to get back those four characters and actors, to be a bit faithful, or keeping doing more mess like past films as Wolverine or X3?

Im sure most critics and non x-men fans would have a bit more respect if the sequel ends using those four x-men, instead of Iceman, Angel, more two or three unknown b-list characters from the comics.

They HAVE a great chance to do it right this time. and the get back many fans that they lost with X3 and Wolverine.

So I really hope Matthew and Singer are smart and pay attention to what Fox got wrong with previous movies.
Dazzler, Sunfire and maybe Longshot would be cool... or even Forge
Im reading both early comics and current ones too, so I appreciate all.

I just think that even if they never tried to be faithfull, with the big competition that we have now, in terms of other comic movies doing big numbers, like Avengers and Batman, I think many comic readers would appreciate Fox a bit more if they start being a bit more faithful, althought they cant use all the characters that appeared in each storyarc.

For example, in Days of future past, the main x-men were: Wolverine, Storm, Kitty, Collosus, and Rachel too.

So what would Marvel and x-men fans and critics preffer? Fox trying to get back those four characters and actors, to be a bit faithful, or keeping doing more mess like past films as Wolverine or X3?

Im sure most critics and non x-men fans would have a bit more respect if the sequel ends using those four x-men, instead of Iceman, Angel, more two or three unknown b-list characters from the comics.

They HAVE a great chance to do it right this time. and the get back many fans that they lost with X3 and Wolverine.

So I really hope Matthew and Singer are smart and pay attention to what Fox got wrong with previous movies.

I agree. I hope this film does lay down a path for X films to be more faithful. As for being faithful to the team line ups according to decade, its just something they have never done so I dont expect it. I dont think that hurts the film in any way. Its more about how they use the characters within the film and if they are a good representation of their comic counterparts. They need good reasons for using the characters that they chose.

I think Sunfire and Dazzler would be excellent additions to the 60s team. Especially since they were originally in the first film. Im sure they have ideas on how to make them work with the other team mates.
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