"Drop It Like It's Hot": The Human Torch Threads Merged

hunter rider said:
First off lightnin you are the man when it comes to thread titles:up:
Now as far as evans goes i knew nothing of him until he was cast(I'd seen that teen movie he did but hadn't took much notice of him)And from the start i thought he looked good as johnny and the short haircut they have given him suits the modern interpretation IMO.
I agree with something surfergilr said a while ago about him having the potential to be the next Tom Cruise as he's shown charisma in the clips and the scene of him riding his bike getting some sugar from the babe in the car reminded mr of young tom in top gun.
FF will probably be the movie that gets Chris' name out there big time. he has got the arrogant, cocky, hot-doggin' role under his belt already so i'm sure he will be right on the money with Johnny's personality in the movie :cool: it will be cool to see how this movie impacts the career and recognition everyone in the cast gets after its released! Tom Cruise, watch out! lol
surfergirl said:
FF will probably be the movie that gets Chris' name out there big time. he has got the arrogant, cocky, hot-doggin' role under his belt already so i'm sure he will be right on the money with Johnny's personality in the movie :cool: it will be cool to see how this movie impacts the career and recognition everyone in the cast gets after its released! Tom Cruise, watch out! lol
Chris -- I agree, this is his break-out-role...
Michael -- This will just widen his already big fan base from TV, but remember he will be a "Big Orange Rock" through most of the movie...so hopefully people will remember what he looks like by the end of the movie...LOL
Ioan -- I think this role will really endear him to the American audience.
Jessica -- Summer 2005 is the Summer of Alba...LOL
albafan said:
Chris -- I agree, this is his break-out-role...
Michael -- This will just widen his already big fan base from TV, but remember he will be a "Big Orange Rock" through most of the movie...so hopefully people will remember what he looks like by the end of the movie...LOL
Ioan -- I think this role will really endear him to the American audience.
Jessica -- Summer 2005 is the Summer of Alba...LOL
this movie is big for the entire cast, and agree with all of your predictions :)

on the whole Tom Cruise thing, i borrowed this picture from another thread:


you can definetly see some resemblence between these two pictures!
surfergirl said:
this movie is big for the entire cast, and agree with all of your predictions :)

on the whole Tom Cruise thing, i borrowed this picture from another thread:


you can definetly see some resemblence between these two pictures!
you are spot on sg,now if he can act half as good as tom he's made it:)
surfergirl said:
thank you for suggesting it! :)
You welcome M'Lady;)
doe the ms wave rider in your sig mean youve accepted ?:D
HunterRider and Surfergirl: Thanx for the compliments on the thread titles! Anything to drum up some enthusiasm with these awesome FF forum members! And thanks to all for the pics and contributions! Let's keep 'em coming!

LightninStrikez said:
HunterRider and Surfergirl: Thanx for the compliments on the thread titles! Anything to drum up some enthusiasm with these awesome FF forum members! And thanks to all for the pics and contributions! Let's keep 'em coming!

you're welcome Lightnin! the board needed threads like these & so far they have been proven to be HOT :cool:

2 :up: :up: to your creativity!




^^^this one is the Torch saving Kel and Surfergirl;)

surfergirl said:
you're welcome Lightnin! the board needed threads like these & so far they have been proven to be HOT :cool:

2 :up: :up: to your creativity!

Stop it! No more, I'm blushing! Seriously!
awesome pics bobb....whos the guy in the red and blue suit above the torch ?
cool. do you have to say "Flame On!" for it to work?
b0bb33z3r said:
cool. do you have to say "Flame On!" for it to work?
I don't think so it's just Johnny being cocky;)
Here's a "Blast From The Past" which if I'm not mistaken was also done by our very own Rebel Ace!


Taken from the thread: "Thread Blasters: For FF Forum Member Use!"
The Torch in all his Glory!

awesome kel:)

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