First thing 'yay Detective Lance is back'
Right now that's out the way, I was worried this episode would be the Arrows killed someone oh no he's been set up BUT the cops knew right away it wasn't him which I liked. Also I'm glad Oliver hates the Hood nickname but he said the name Green Arrow was lame when that was suggested
Does anyone else think Malcolm Merlyn knows Ollie is Green Arrow?
Lance starting to trust GA, the signs have been there, I do feel Lance won't make it to Season two though I can definitely see a Captain Stacey/Spider-man moment coming for these two eventually.
Again there was a lot if Nolan's Batman moments but I like that about this show. The obvious one in this was the hostage moment that was a straight up rip from TDK lol not to mention that John Diggle is coming across as this shows version of Alfred but none of this bothers me, I love the parallels.
It was very awesome to see Deathstroke again and I can't wait til we get to see the man behind the mask on this show (even if it isn't the same actor ha ha).
As always the action on this show was again incredible. It gets better every week.
It was good to see the Dark Archer and Green Arrow come head to head. Malcolm Merlyn's earlier comments suggested the Dark Archer just a hired goon but of course at the end we knew that wasn't the case. Ollie has definitely met his match. John Barrownan continues to impress me on this show.
I knew Walter wasn't gonna be OK been waiting for something to happen to him.
Lastly I just wanted to add how good it was to have the island flashbacks back.
A very high 9/10