You forgot about this part:
No way that's happening. Yes, it's an "assumption", but really dude, come on, you think they're going to shoehorn Mar-Vell and Ms. Marvel's story arc into GotG? Come on. They wouldn't disrespect the characters like that. When Ms. Marvel and Mar-Vell ARE introduced into the MCU, they will be given ample time to develop their storyarcs and and arrive to the point where Carol gets her powers and becomes a relavant factor to the Avengers. It won't be an asile plot to GotG that would be extremely out of place and not match the character at all. I'm not going to say there's no way Mar-Vell will be in GotG, he very well could be or at least hinted at, but Carol being there is imo absolutely out of the question. She doesn't belong in space with Star-Lord, it would be a slap to the character and I'm sure that's not what people want when they badger about her being brought to film.
And we already have two new Avenger-related characters being brought into A2, there is no reason to jampack the movie with even more characters just for the sake of having them there, like I said. People should just be patient until the time comes for the characters to be brought into theMCU rather than constantly moaning about the Maximoffs being brought in ahead of BP, Ms. Marvel, etc just because they don't know as much about their characters.
Huh? I was referring to people moaning and complaining about 5 of their favorite Avengers not being brought into A2 while the Maximoffs are.