Favorite sequence in man of steel?


Wonder Fingers!
Feb 20, 2012
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I have many of them but this thread is only to choose the best.. the one that your heart was running at 1000km/h...
mine was the flight scene... since he was walking with jor-el phrases then my favorite song from the hans zimmer score.. that was my SUPER moment.. what was your's guys?
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It's gotta be when the credits finally rolled ..... :oldrazz:

Actually, the Krypton scene when Jor-El steps out onto that porch and there's mid-air battles going on. There was just something very visually stunning about it.
1) Faora taking out all those soldiers

2) Zod's speech about "not having anymore people" right before their final fight

3) Jor-El dodging the crashing massive Kryptonian warships with his pet dragon thing.

4) Faora vs Hardy Pt. 1

5) "Release the World Engine"

6) "You think you can threaten my mother!?!"
I love the sequence at the end when Ma Kent is telling Clark that they always knew he'd be destined to be a hero, cutting to Clark as a boy with the cape on doing the Superman pose. Such a great moment
I loved the scene where he finds his father's ship and he had to like play hide and seek for a little while. Very important and emotional. I also loved the mother and calf humpback whale scene.
Zod's speech about not having a purpose anymore/Kal taking his soul.
The Zod exposition/Skulls dream sequence
The dialogue between Lois and Clark before the ship meets the army to take Kal.
1) Faora taking out all those soldiers

2) Zod's speech about "not having anymore people" right before their final fight

3) Jor-El dodging the crashing massive Kryptonian warships with his pet dragon thing.

4) Faora vs Hardy Pt. 1

5) "Release the World Engine"

6) "You think you can threaten my mother!?!"

When Faora leaped for the jet and emerged from the smoke. When she pulled out the krav mega skills on Superman. I was like, Snyderrrr
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