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Days of Future Past Flashback Sequence in X3 in First Class? or No?


Jan 25, 2009
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the word is that in First Class they are re-filming the first scene from x1
so that it creates a connection.

where teenage mageto escapes the concentration camp.

but what about this scene in x3


Will we see James McAvoy loose his hair at some point. in x3 he can walk in the flashback because the film is supposed to show how xavier looses his ability to walk or maybe they should save this for a possible sequel?

McAvoy is a young guy and in the flashback in X3 they look like they're in their mid 30s.

so i think they should wait until the end of a sequel to show him loosing his hair
It looks as though First Class won't be meshing with this scene.
To make it less complicated, FC should not have any of these scenes while it just has its own stories. The scenes in X3 or origins should just be forgotten like batman franchise and superman returns, while some stories remain.

They could even have totally different recruitment scenes and simply explain that X3 jean sequence was a projection to her head by Emma or sth.
i see it like this. xavier should not loose his ability to walk in this film.

basically xavier is a very young man as well as magneto.

i personally think they should have the film as a new trilogy and basically the hell fire club / evil brotherhood should be the overall bad guys throutout the 3 films.

and at the end of the sequel we could get a rehash of the above scene.

in the sequel we can see how william stryker tries to bring jason to xavier and this is why he hates mutants.

they have already created a link to X3 by using Breast and showing him being blue. a link to x1 exists already.

and its already confusing enough that both The Wolveine & First Class are ignoring orgins.

the casual viewer, the little kiddies, and people in foreign countries who don't know x-men or wolverine are probably already confused!
Dont worry. We've been told X3 and Wolverine are not part of the X-men films continuity so they can do what ever they want in the prequels
Dont worry. We've been told X3 and Wolverine are not part of the X-men films continuity so they can do what ever they want in the prequels

Really? When was this public statement issued?
Dont worry. We've been told X3 and Wolverine are not part of the X-men films continuity so they can do what ever they want in the prequels

We've been told that by no one actually working on the films. That's just fan speculation.
they have already created a link to X3 by using Breast and showing him being blue. a link to x1 exists already.


You mean Mystique with blue pairs ?
Actully First Class has been called prequel to X-men,X2,and X-Men The Last Stand.However the big question Is will the flashback at begining of Last Stand fit with what First Class Is doing like the flashback of X-Men Is fiting with First class.
Actully First Class has been called prequel to X-men,X2,and X-Men The Last Stand.However the big question Is will the flashback at begining of Last Stand fit with what First Class Is doing like the flashback of X-Men Is fiting with First class.

I don't think it's 'the big question', but it a question that's been asked. At this stage, we don't know if they will connect every dot with the previous films; I'd suggest that might be very difficult (though not impossible).
At some point, they probably need to blow the whole thing up and just reboot. The continuity of these films is becoming so mixed up and confusing.

Some things are in continuity, some are not, some things are ignored, some happened exactly like previously filmed, etc. Becoming quite confusing ...
If they want to stay in continuity then they need to commit to it and not be lazy by switching things up too much.

If they know continuity in First Class is a complete mess, then it's not too late to announce it as a reboot. Many people are still confused regarding if it's a prequel or reboot.
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Its obvious they want to see how its received. If its received well, they will announce FC is a reboot.
Well, First Class is supposed to be taking place in the early '60s and you could probably say that the opening to X-Men: The Last Stand was around the '80s. So, no there won't any overlapping.
As of now we know that this film will tie-in w/X1 because of the remake of Magneto's scene and far as Stryker goes do we really have to revisit that? We already know what Jason did and why the Weapon X program came to be, let's that be it and focus on the central characters
Hey Lauren Shuler Donner, somethin' to you to fit the entirely continuity in next movies (because First Class is already written and filmed).

- Start second one re-filmed the ending of Wolverine. Cyclops and other mutants escape from the Island and Xavier (McAvoy), now bald but walking, approach them. In the X-Jet we must see Beast in his blue fur.
- Stryker (cool if Danny Huston again) trying to approach Xavier for Jason. Jason is student for the new Xavier's school.
- Xavier found Storm and Jean; the last one was approached by him and Magneto some years ago. Only now Jean wants to join Xavier's school.
- Make interesting the relationship Jean-Cyclops.
- Magneto is now a baddie but not the main baddie. He's along with Mystique.
- Sinestro as the villain. If they want to change something they can make an "Ultimate" version. Sinestro seeing Apocalypse's vision and wants to kill mutants for immortality. Sinestro is also obsessed with the Summers' brothers.
- Sinestro's appearance maybe can explain the death of Havok or disappearance. It would be cool because in the end Scott wants to kill Sinestro but Xavier said to him "no, it's not right". And Scott - like a good boy - leave him and Sinestro is imprisoned. This can explain also why Scott don't want another tragedy in family and said to Jean that until she's with him, he will be good. (and we know what will happen in X2, right?)
- If they go with this story they can - maybe - make Sinestro, at least, committing suicide.
- Gambit must work for Sinestro as a "Marauder". Maybe he don't know what Sinestro do to mutants and in the ending he can help X-Men to fight him.
- Introduce Toad, Magneto ask him to join his Brotherhood.
- Explain that Emma (Tozzi) is not "Emma Frost" but simple "Emma Silverfox", Kayla's sister. She maybe can die killed by Sinestro.
- Banshee can fall in love with Maeve (or if they want another mutant from X-Men's universe). Banshee can make his girlfriend pregnant (Siryn anyone?). To chose if they want Banshee to die or leave or disappeare to explain why we'll not see him in trilogy but only his daughter.

- Omega Red as a villain.
- Cameo by Stryker (Huston, i hope he has signed 3-pictures-deal). He's working again on mutants.
- Cameo by young Lady Deathstrike and (cool) an embryo called "X-23".
- Stryker make experiment on Victor Creed (Liev Schreiber) and turned in Sabretooth (Tyler Mane) because Stryker failed. Now Creed is a beast with some memories remains.
- Magneto (Fassbender) along with Toad and Mystique to kill all soldiers and save Sabretooth. Stryker escape.
- End the movie with Wolverine arrive in Canada, in a bar and join a cage-fight. This will be the set for the beginning of X-Men (2000).

- Magneto make Xavier on a wheelchair.
- In this movie they can explain the Beast's departure from the X-Men.
- Syrin must born.
- I don't know who the villain can be. Maybe Tom Black Cassidy? (If they want to make Siryn the leit motiv of the movie)
- Cameo by Senator Kelly.
- Deadpool (Reynolds) must appear. It will be cool. In a cameo.

I think these are some good things to make a continuity along movies.

Tell me what do you think!

P.s. And if they want make an X-Men 4 after this they can ret-con something:
- Cyclops is not death but he's in coma. Emma Frost has cured him (and Singer can make - finally - Sigourney Weaver as Emma).
- Explain that Bolivar Trask (Bill Duke) hate what mutants have done in Last Stand and make Sentinels. Ow, this would be cool!
- Colossus and Angel have more relevant parts, Cyclops is leader now, a main character.
- Trying to re-have Rogue (Paquin), Storm (Berry) and Shadowcat (Page).

- And they can make also a New Mutants' movie. With Siryn, Dazzler, Jubilee...Maybe a real Psylocke...
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Hey Lauren Shuler Donner, somethin' to you to fit the entirely continuity in next movies (because First Class is already written and filmed).

- Start second one re-filmed the ending of Wolverine. Cyclops and other mutants escape from the Island and Xavier (McAvoy), now bald but walking, approach them. In the X-Jet we must see Beast in his blue fur.
- Stryker (cool if Danny Huston again) trying to approach Xavier for Jason. Jason is student for the new Xavier's school.
- Xavier found Storm and Jean; the last one was approached by him and Magneto some years ago. Only now Jean wants to join Xavier's school.
- Make interesting the relationship Jean-Cyclops.
- Magneto is now a baddie but not the main baddie. He's along with Mystique.
- Sinestro as the villain. If they want to change something they can make an "Ultimate" version. Sinestro seeing Apocalypse's vision and wants to kill mutants for immortality. Sinestro is also obsessed with the Summers' brothers.
- Sinestro's appearance maybe can explain the death of Havok or disappearance. It would be cool because in the end Scott wants to kill Sinestro but Xavier said to him "no, it's not right". And Scott - like a good boy - leave him and Sinestro is imprisoned. This can explain also why Scott don't want another tragedy in family and said to Jean that until she's with him, he will be good. (and we know what will happen in X2, right?)
- If they go with this story they can - maybe - make Sinestro, at least, committing suicide.
- Gambit must work for Sinestro as a "Marauder". Maybe he don't know what Sinestro do to mutants and in the ending he can help X-Men to fight him.
- Introduce Toad, Magneto ask him to join his Brotherhood.
- Explain that Emma (Tozzi) is not "Emma Frost" but simple "Emma Silverfox", Kayla's sister. She maybe can die killed by Sinestro.
- Banshee can fall in love with Maeve (or if they want another mutant from X-Men's universe). Banshee can make his girlfriend pregnant (Siryn anyone?). To chose if they want Banshee to die or leave or disappeare to explain why we'll not see him in trilogy but only his daughter.

- Omega Red as a villain.
- Cameo by Stryker (Huston, i hope he has signed 3-pictures-deal). He's working again on mutants.
- Cameo by young Lady Deathstrike and (cool) an embryo called "X-23".
- Stryker make experiment on Victor Creed (Liev Schreiber) and turned in Sabretooth (Tyler Mane) because Stryker failed. Now Creed is a beast with some memories remains.
- Magneto (Fassbender) along with Toad and Mystique to kill all soldiers and save Sabretooth. Stryker escape.
- End the movie with Wolverine arrive in Canada, in a bar and join a cage-fight. This will be the set for the beginning of X-Men (2000).

- Magneto make Xavier on a wheelchair.
- In this movie they can explain the Beast's departure from the X-Men.
- Syrin must born.
- I don't know who the villain can be. Maybe Tom Black Cassidy? (If they want to make Siryn the leit motiv of the movie)
- Cameo by Senator Kelly.
- Deadpool (Reynolds) must appear. It will be cool. In a cameo.

I think these are some good things to make a continuity along movies.

Tell me what do you think!

P.s. And if they want make an X-Men 4 after this they can ret-con something:
- Cyclops is not death but he's in coma. Emma Frost has cured him (and Singer can make - finally - Sigourney Weaver as Emma).
- Explain that Bolivar Trask (Bill Duke) hate what mutants have done in Last Stand and make Sentinels. Ow, this would be cool!
- Colossus and Angel have more relevant parts, Cyclops is leader now, a main character.
- Trying to re-have Rogue (Paquin), Storm (Berry) and Shadowcat (Page).

- And they can make also a New Mutants' movie. With Siryn, Dazzler, Jubilee...Maybe a real Psylocke...

All of that is really cool and i like it, if it turns out anything like this id be more than pleased, good job.
They CANNOT ignore X2! It's such an amazing movie of sci-fi and comic book ness. It's the best X-Men film by far I'm sure most everyone can agree. And it would be ridiculous to ignore and reboot it.
All signs put to X2 and X-Men still In contunity with First Class.The Last Stand Is
debatable till we see First Class>If Last stant like Wolverine Is being Ignored First Class class sequel can bring It Cyclops and Jean.And they could also bring In Angel If they
are Ignoring The Last Stand.

Assuming the Last STand Is In contunity films are laregly this way

First Class
The Wolverine
The Last Stand

If The Last stand Is contradicted by First class then we go this way

First Class
The Wolverine
"The Wolverine" isn't exactly bound to continuity, they mention it's a one-off so it's more of a possible that is just a adventure Logan have which may or may not fit into the continuity and timeline of the X-Men movies. I do hope however "First Class" ignore "X-3", that way we can get a re-introduce to the characters that didn't get the treatment so well the first time around.
I think The WOlverine should really be viewed as the preX-men adventres of Wolverine
that shaped him after losing memory to Become the guy he Is In X-Men and X2.I think the One off comments are really them trying to divorce if from X-Men Origins:wolverine.

If Xavier Is crippled In First class then Inless the story spans longer than we we told
there Is no way It can fit with the Last Stand.Remember the opening of The last stand
has a walking Xavier still working with Magneto when he finds Jean Grey.If first Class has the falling out In the 1960's and Xavier crippled also In the 1960's then there Is no way
around It.First Class Is only In COntunity with X-Men and X2.However few fans will
complain too much If X-Men the Last Stand and X-Men Origins:Wolverine are removed from Contunity.We won't know for sure till First Class Is out or leaks about the film come out.
From what I recall, Xavier is walking around with a full head of hair.
No xavier Is bald at begining of last Stand flashback.He Is walking around with hair In First Class.

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