Hey Lauren Shuler Donner, somethin' to you to fit the entirely continuity in next movies (because First Class is already written and filmed).
- Start second one re-filmed the ending of Wolverine. Cyclops and other mutants escape from the Island and Xavier (McAvoy), now bald but walking, approach them. In the X-Jet we must see Beast in his blue fur.
- Stryker (cool if Danny Huston again) trying to approach Xavier for Jason. Jason is student for the new Xavier's school.
- Xavier found Storm and Jean; the last one was approached by him and Magneto some years ago. Only now Jean wants to join Xavier's school.
- Make interesting the relationship Jean-Cyclops.
- Magneto is now a baddie but not the main baddie. He's along with Mystique.
- Sinestro as the villain. If they want to change something they can make an "Ultimate" version. Sinestro seeing Apocalypse's vision and wants to kill mutants for immortality. Sinestro is also obsessed with the Summers' brothers.
- Sinestro's appearance maybe can explain the death of Havok or disappearance. It would be cool because in the end Scott wants to kill Sinestro but Xavier said to him "no, it's not right". And Scott - like a good boy - leave him and Sinestro is imprisoned. This can explain also why Scott don't want another tragedy in family and said to Jean that until she's with him, he will be good. (and we know what will happen in X2, right?)
- If they go with this story they can - maybe - make Sinestro, at least, committing suicide.
- Gambit must work for Sinestro as a "Marauder". Maybe he don't know what Sinestro do to mutants and in the ending he can help X-Men to fight him.
- Introduce Toad, Magneto ask him to join his Brotherhood.
- Explain that Emma (Tozzi) is not "Emma Frost" but simple "Emma Silverfox", Kayla's sister. She maybe can die killed by Sinestro.
- Banshee can fall in love with Maeve (or if they want another mutant from X-Men's universe). Banshee can make his girlfriend pregnant (Siryn anyone?). To chose if they want Banshee to die or leave or disappeare to explain why we'll not see him in trilogy but only his daughter.
- Omega Red as a villain.
- Cameo by Stryker (Huston, i hope he has signed 3-pictures-deal). He's working again on mutants.
- Cameo by young Lady Deathstrike and (cool) an embryo called "X-23".
- Stryker make experiment on Victor Creed (Liev Schreiber) and turned in Sabretooth (Tyler Mane) because Stryker failed. Now Creed is a beast with some memories remains.
- Magneto (Fassbender) along with Toad and Mystique to kill all soldiers and save Sabretooth. Stryker escape.
- End the movie with Wolverine arrive in Canada, in a bar and join a cage-fight. This will be the set for the beginning of X-Men (2000).
- Magneto make Xavier on a wheelchair.
- In this movie they can explain the Beast's departure from the X-Men.
- Syrin must born.
- I don't know who the villain can be. Maybe Tom Black Cassidy? (If they want to make Siryn the leit motiv of the movie)
- Cameo by Senator Kelly.
- Deadpool (Reynolds) must appear. It will be cool. In a cameo.
I think these are some good things to make a continuity along movies.
Tell me what do you think!
P.s. And if they want make an X-Men 4 after this they can ret-con something:
- Cyclops is not death but he's in coma. Emma Frost has cured him (and Singer can make - finally - Sigourney Weaver as Emma).
- Explain that Bolivar Trask (Bill Duke) hate what mutants have done in Last Stand and make Sentinels. Ow, this would be cool!
- Colossus and Angel have more relevant parts, Cyclops is leader now, a main character.
- Trying to re-have Rogue (Paquin), Storm (Berry) and Shadowcat (Page).
- And they can make also a New Mutants' movie. With Siryn, Dazzler, Jubilee...Maybe a real Psylocke...