I got a scar under my right eye from when i got in a fight with this dude and he was wearing a ring.
i got about a quater of a circle scar on my nose from when my freind threw a length of hose at me and the metal part hit me dead on in the face.
I got a scar on my left forarm from when i got in a box cutter fight with my friend when we worked at a grocery store over who had to go out and get the stray carts.
i got a scar on the top of my left hand from the plumbing company i work for. I went to a job site and had to get into a storage bin, but the key got stuck in the lock, and when i was trying to force it out, somehow i ended up taking a chunk of my hand with it.
I got scars on the inside of my index and middle finger from when i zip tied my fingers together at work out of bordom. then i had the brilliant idea of putting the scissors between my 2 fingers and cutting off the zip tie, along with parts of my fingers.
I got a scar on the palm of my hand from where some kid stabbed me with a pencil in school.
Also a scar on the underside of my left index finger from where a peice of wood stabbed into finger.
plus a million other scars on my fists and fingers from fighting, and just being a boy.