Drama HBO's True Detective - Part 3

Nah... it's a simple regular scam. Danvers doesn't have the time to do that.

They've made a point multiple times of showing Danvers getting notifications and doing stuff on her phone. First she said fantasy football, then tinder. Little suspect and off they'd draw attention to this.
They've made a point multiple times of showing Danvers getting notifications and doing stuff on her phone. First she said fantasy football, then tinder. Little suspect and off they'd draw attention to this.
Forgot about this until you reminded me. Could be something!
They've made a point multiple times of showing Danvers getting notifications and doing stuff on her phone. First she said fantasy football, then tinder. Little suspect and off they'd draw attention to this.
Yeah... she's doing Fantasy Football (Vikings fan) and Tinder (has ****ed everyone in Ennis).

There is nothing here beyond that.
Seriously, look into this stuff. It happens everyday, sadly.

Mental Health and Homelessness resources are convoluted, lacking, and frustrating. Welcome to America.

Evangeline isn't her legal guardian, so yes they wouldn't notify her.

Jules is an adult.
Well, that's just sad, then.
I like the characters, their subplots, and the overarching mystery but episode 4 felt tedious to watch
Okay, I know there's only one episode left, but I was not a fan of episode 5.
It kept me engaged. With mystery stories like this, I tend to give benefit-of-doubt. But much rides on the final resolution. If it’s satisfying, then the whole thing (more-or-less) works. But if it’s unsatisfying, then everything prior is retroactively tainted.
The scene with Danvers and Peter in her office was great imo. The atmosphere and two leads still really work for me. But the main mystery reveals have been kinda lackluster. I enjoy the story, but the plot isn’t super thrilling.

The ending was good though.
Hellll Yeahhhhhhh Pete

But, I’m scared Danver’s daughter is going to catch him cleaning up.
For the past couple of episodes, I don't know if Danvers' has sexual tension with Pete or she just sees him as a half-protege/half-son
It’s the latter, that why she’s so broken after this moment. She wanted him to be better than her. Now he’s just like her.
I agree. He's like a son.

I am shocked there is only one episode left. It feels too soon. :(
I bet the last scene will be Hank's 'mail order bride' finally showing up at the airport with nobody to pick her up.
That would be hilarious but quite a different tone from the rest of the show, lol
So Pete dying, isn't he ? like thought at the time Hank just going into the room to tell Pete the story about how Pete as a child fell into the ice and how Hank had to race ahead and break the Ice open to save him was odd. Then later for Navarro to tell Pete to go ask Rose to the same spot where she dumped her sisters' ashes (you know that same ice spot that Navarro nearly fell into?)
Quick question… in episode 4, it was daylight at the end. When this happened, I assumed that it meant that Alaska’s prolonged darkness had ended. But in the new episode, Alaska was dark again. I’m not clear on how all of this works, but that wasn’t a blooper was it?
Quick question… in episode 4, it was daylight at the end. When this happened, I assumed that it meant that Alaska’s prolonged darkness had ended. But in the new episode, Alaska was dark again. I’m not clear on how all of this works, but that wasn’t a blooper was it?

Who knows. Seems to be an overall lack of attention to detail on this show.
Quick question… in episode 4, it was daylight at the end. When this happened, I assumed that it meant that Alaska’s prolonged darkness had ended. But in the new episode, Alaska was dark again. I’m not clear on how all of this works, but that wasn’t a blooper was it?

Depending on latitude above the Arctic Circle, the sky could brighten somewhat around midday — even though the Sun doesn’t actually rise above the horizon. Twilight at noon, essentially.


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