The Dark Knight how should the joker fight?

The Question

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Apr 17, 2005
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in whatever film mitah jay is in, how should he fight?
Sorry I don't get what you trying to say.
He should take cheap shots. When Batman's down...kick him.

When he's up, pick a big piece of wood up and try to hit Batman with it lol.

He shouldnt be able to fight to much, i mean he can throw a few punches and kicks, but nothing special.

He's really suppose to get his ass kicked, and that's why he has thugs
The Joker is no physical threat to Batman. He relies on weapons and dumb luck. Even the worst fighters can get a sucker-punch in now and then.
He should get his ass WHOOOOOOOPED by Batman, but it all be part of the Joker's plan... Joker should laugh while getting his behind handed to him and then get in a lucky hit, once per encounter, though Batman should be ready for it in the climactic battle...

Joker should fight dirty, I beleive is the answer to ur question...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't most comicbook Batman/Joker fights start with Batman finding the Joker, the Joker pisses Batman off with something, Batman reaches out his hand and begins to strangle the crap out of him, usually saying something like "Jason....Never again....You'll never have any Hostess Fruit Pies( The Joker struggles a bit like a flopping fish and then it's over, for Batman, forsaking all of his Ninja skill, has strangled the Joker in unconsciousness. Batman saves the day and The Joker is proved to be as skilled mentally and physically as a dried rason. yea, can't wait till' the next one.

Now, for me, I think that's a load of garbage. Yes, garbage, for I believe if the Joker is a really lame fighter, he's going to be really low in my expectation meter, even if his plot to kill everyone is good. I want fights I can remember and one sided fights are not acceptable. It makes Batman look like an opressor, a bully, which makes the audience lean more toward The Joker. Your not supposed to do that, but you do. My belief is that Joker should prove to be a threat while fighting, because he fights unprediciably, skillfully manipulating Batman's movements. But I'm not saying like he has a Black Belt or anything, but he should be able to bring the hurt to Batman. He should be able to lay more than one hit on Batman and they should hurt, and hitting with a two-by-four doesn't count. If he gets knocked down, he whips out a joke or gadget to distract Batman as he makes a counter attack, be it an actual blow or the joke itself. And having him be able to go toe-to-toe with Batman makes us root for Batman more, which is the way it should be.

If the Joker can't actually fight Batman, why do we want them to fight?
Joker really isn't a phyisical threat. Not to Batman at least. I see him using lot's of weird weapons. And cheap shots too, like kicks to the groin and such.
The guy should rely on the surprises up his sleeve.
He's certainly not as good as Batman. He's alright in actual hand-to-hand (he could probably get a few punches in on Batman in a fair fight), but mostly relies on prior planning, his weapons, and his dumbass luck to win.
he should have a little fight in hiim, but not nearly enough to match batman. in my opinion, no one should physically be able to touch batman( all the training and different styles of ma). but at the same time the joker should be a way better fighter than his thugs.
Rynan said:
Now, for me, I think that's a load of garbage. Yes, garbage, for I believe if the Joker is a really lame fighter, he's going to be really low in my expectation meter, even if his plot to kill everyone is good. I want fights I can remember and one sided fights are not acceptable. It makes Batman look like an opressor, a bully, which makes the audience lean more toward The Joker. Your not supposed to do that, but you do. My belief is that Joker should prove to be a threat while fighting, because he fights unprediciably, skillfully manipulating Batman's movements. But I'm not saying like he has a Black Belt or anything, but he should be able to bring the hurt to Batman. He should be able to lay more than one hit on Batman and they should hurt, and hitting with a two-by-four doesn't count. If he gets knocked down, he whips out a joke or gadget to distract Batman as he makes a counter attack, be it an actual blow or the joke itself. And having him be able to go toe-to-toe with Batman makes us root for Batman more, which is the way it should be.

If the Joker can't actually fight Batman, why do we want them to fight?

That's very well thought out. The end fight in '89 always bothered me. Because it was like once Batman made his way (barely I might add) though J-Man's goons, Joker himself was helpless.
Sid Cutter said:
Joker shouldn't fight.
Why not?

In my view, he's the only one insane enough to actually try it. Goons and henchmen will try to kill Batman in combat, but they'll think they have the advantage of large numbers and guns. No one in their right mind would engage Batman ALONE in an unarmed fight.

Except... the Joker?
Joker should definitely use fire arms, at some point. A tommy gun, or double handguns. It's just wickedly iconic to have Joker blasting away, in uproarious laughter, while Bats ducks and weaves.
Bologna...Joker has to fight with bologna.

If he doesn't hit Batman over the head with bologna at least once, the sequel will suck.
Riven said:
The Joker is no physical threat to Batman. He relies on weapons and dumb luck. Even the worst fighters can get a sucker-punch in now and then.

amen :up:
MrMotto said:
Bologna...Joker has to fight with bologna.

If he doesn't hit Batman over the head with bologna at least once, the sequel will suck.

I loved that scene in MOTP, where Andrea beats the s**t out of him and throws him onto the table with a sharp knife and a big thing of salami and out of the two weapons...he chooses the salami. :D
Joker should fight how Joker fought in Batman 89 with his brain and insanity....
The Joker's brand of combat has never been physical, but mental. His insane schemes are what beats Batman down - so when they confront, Batman is exhausted both physically and mentally. Now when they do fight, and Batman is kicking the crap out of him and all Joker can do is spit blood and insane jokes at him...The pefect example would be the Hush issue. "Stop...stop...stop...stop....stop me if you've heard this one."

THATS what I want to see in the Bat sequel.
I belive I have previously addressed that having the Joker getting his ass beat and laughing is a pretty poor spectical look at. Instead of looking to Lee, you should look at galdiator combat. They're both willing to do what it takes to see their goals accomplished, so having the Joker get knocked around like a rag doll means that he has no faith in his own plan. He should fight like a man or Batman would fight. He would be unrelenting. You hit him, he'll just come back, laughing, for his insanity adds to his endurance. He can take pain. And when he Laughes, he laughes at your weakness and his superiority. His one liners would be more along the lines of "If my side splitter didn't tickle you, maybe a skull splitter will!" and such. But I'm talking non-firearmed equipted combat. If he has guns, he carry a pair of high caliber handguns(note: not revolvers, handguns). And he'll be deadly acturate with them.

Also, making Batman untouchable in combat makes him too much like Superman. After all, Batman is a man. Even with all of his perfecting, he still has imperfections and Batman should display such.
Rynan said:
I belive I have previously addressed that having the Joker getting his ass beat and laughing is a pretty poor spectical look at. Instead of looking to Lee, you should look at galdiator combat. They're both willing to do what it takes to see their goals accomplished, so having the Joker get knocked around like a rag doll means that he has no faith in his own plan. He should fight like a man or Batman would fight. He would be unrelenting. You hit him, he'll just come back, laughing, for his insanity adds to his endurance. He can take pain. And when he Laughes, he laughes at your weakness and his superiority. His one liners would be more along the lines of "If my side splitter didn't tickle you, maybe a skull splitter will!" and such. But I'm talking non-firearmed equipted combat. If he has guns, he carry a pair of high caliber handguns(note: not revolvers, handguns). And he'll be deadly acturate with them.

Also, making Batman untouchable in combat makes him too much like Superman. After all, Batman is a man. Even with all of his perfecting, he still has imperfections and Batman should display such.

Interesting take... my thing would be Batman's two hits that he gets in are all a part of Joker's plan and before Batman can actually beat the crap out of joker, Batman gets swamped with some gas Joker's immune to, stung by an aciding explosion or distracted with the potential deaths of hundreds of innocents...

There is a compromise, I'm sure, but having Joker go hand to hand with Batman is rediculous, why study martial arts for years if all it takes is a little craziness to make your blocking inneffective and useless... and if so, how do you convey 'Joker's so crazy he's invincible to all martial arts' without making it look like Batman's skills are just weak, or that the joker doesn't have mad skills? Maybe he travelled the world learning to fight longer than batman?
lupus27 said:
in whatever film mitah jay is in, how should he fight?

How does he fight in the comics?

The Joker is not a fighter and would never depend on his fighting skills in any given situation except when his opponent is off guard. He knows he's not a match for Batman physically but what makes him a menace is that he's truly totally insane and as a result he is totally unpredictable and spontaneous in his actions and thought process. The Joker likes weapons. The easier to use the best from a gun to even a crow bar(Ain't the right Jason?). Also as a lunatic, the Joker is much stronger and agile that what he appears. Batman is a martial artist so he is very calculative in this fighting, so Joker is a challenge for him because he'll do the unexpected in combat (and always seems to have a trick up his sleeve) and that is what makes him deadly.

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