Hype User Reviews: Star Trek XI

But he's a very recognizable guy. When he first popped up, I heard a couple chuckles from the audience. Winona, not so much, I actually had to tell my GF who she was, because she wasn't that recognizable under the make-up that much.
Ryder was fine. People act like she was horrible.

I don't care if freaking Meryl Streep played her, either one had a small amount of screentime. She only has a few lines.

Now with cut scenes, I can see why, but here, it was small and didn't require a luaded performance.
Ryder was fine. People act like she was horrible.

I don't care if freaking Meryl Streep played her, either one had a small amount of screentime. She only has a few lines.

Now with cut scenes, I can see why, but here, it was small and didn't require a luaded performance.


We're not slamming her performance.
When I saw the movie she seemed familiar but I couldn't tell it was Ryder until the credits rolled.
Just watched this and WOW I really enjoyed it. I was never a huge trek fan but I watched it here and there and seen most if not all the movies.

This definitely had a different feel to it, i loved the production on this movie all the sets and special effects were amazing. Costumes looked great and the cast was pretty good.

I am looking forward to a string of sequels, bring on more Trek!

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why did you give it a 4/10 then? you mean 4/5?
Just watched this and WOW I really enjoyed it. I was never a huge trek fan but I watched it here and there and seen most if not all the movies.

This definitely had a different feel to it, i loved the production on this movie all the sets and special effects were amazing. Costumes looked great and the cast was pretty good.

I am looking forward to a string of sequels, bring on more Trek!

fantastic film! never been a huge fan of trek. only saw 2 or 3 of the older movie which weren't too great. 10/10 for the new one!
If they cut that much out of this film, does that mean we'll get a director's cut DVD? That would be nice. :D
Just watched this and WOW I really enjoyed it. I was never a huge trek fan but I watched it here and there and seen most if not all the movies.

This definitely had a different feel to it, i loved the production on this movie all the sets and special effects were amazing. Costumes looked great and the cast was pretty good.

I am looking forward to a string of sequels, bring on more Trek!


You edited your post but it's still wrong :huh:
This movie was simply awesome never would I ever imagine I would like a Star Trek movie but I loved this one. I want to see it again and again. I can't wait for the sequel(s).

100/10 :woot::woot::woot:
this movie is absolutely amazing.
i saw it on IMAX and it was visually stunning.
I've never seen Trek's space warfare done so beautifully.
I have to say JJ Abrams has done a great job at skilfully altering this franchise without alienating the history too much.

Old Spock was just awesome!
The entire landscape was just so lush and grand, it finally has done justice to space itself!
That was money well spent on this movie!

Chris Pine is just sensational.
An awesome actor, really knocked this one out of the park!
Best film of the year so far!

The opening with the Kelvin was epic, death and destruction, but with added emotion. Haven't seen stuff like that in a Star Trek film since The Wrath of Khan.

The characters were good, especially Kirk and McCoy. I liked that there was humour included. The characters felt human and made mistakes. I remember reading a review saying that it's amazing seeing people in Star Trek running screaming from monsters, swearing and asking if there are sandwiches. Makes a change from standing around spewing out technobabble.

The effects were excellent, but how big is the new Enterprise? I'm reading online that it's the same size like the original ship or that it's larger than the Enterprise-E. I liked the way engineering looked, better than a single room with a turbine in the middle.

The music was effective, the new theme sounded like a western.

I want moar Star Trek!!!

It's interesting...the more people that liked STAR TREK, the more people there who "never liked Star Trek".
It's interesting...the more people that liked STAR TREK, the more people there who "never liked Star Trek".

And that's while all the Trekkies are throwing a fit. It's like they reveled in being a private party.

It's so funny because the franchise was dead, and now that it's more alive than it's been in decades, they are complaining again.
I know, I don't get it at all. When a dead franchise is ressurected successfully and everyone actually liked it, that's GOOD THING!
And that's while all the Trekkies are throwing a fit. It's like they reveled in being a private party.

It's so funny because the franchise was dead, and now that it's more alive than it's been in decades, they are complaining again.

It's because most of them are a bunch of whiney *****es... I just hope they all arent like that. Prior to the movie, I was a mild fan. I liked the movies more than the series', but there were plenty of episodes I liked (Mirror Mirror, Space Seed, Amok Time, All Good Things). But the new movie is, hands down, the best Trek IMO.

And, who the **** gave the movie a 1 rating?!
I know, I don't get it at all. When a dead franchise is ressurected successfully and everyone actually liked it, that's GOOD THING!

I think there are some Trekkies who like to think they belong to an exclusive club, and no one except them are allowed to like or enjoy Star Trek. I wonder if they also like Enterprise series and the last TNG movie, Nemesis?
It's because most of them are a bunch of whiney *****es... I just hope they all arent like that. Prior to the movie, I was a mild fan. I liked the movies more than the series', but there were plenty of episodes I liked (Mirror Mirror, Space Seed, Amok Time, All Good Things). But the new movie is, hands down, the best Trek IMO.

And, who the **** gave the movie a 1 rating?!

I'm in the minority! I'm actually a huge Trekkie who is absolute love with this new movie. I was left wanting so much more from this movie that I'm going to wear it out when it comes to dvd. I loved TNG, DS9, some of Voyage, not much of Enterprise, and most of the movies, and I positively want more movies featuring Pine, Quinto, Urban, Abrams, everyone!

As for who gave it a 1, probably Conan69.
Great movie. Perfect casting. Special props to Quinto.
Loooooooooved it!! seen it twice so far, hoping to go next week for my third fix :) The first time I went with mates (in proper geek fashion: see below). I was amazed by the film and it was more than I expected. The last time I felt this excited and hyped was when I was younger and saw "Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan" for the first time.

First viewing: Opening day, 6:30 showing (would of been earlier if the rest of my mates got the day off from work that is lol). Me, my brother and my Trek obsessed mates all went in Trek t-shirts/uniforms, I also dragged along two other mates: Kev (non Trek fan, finds Star Trek boring and the only Trek he has ever watched was "The Voyage Home" even tho I had to force him to watch it. He enjoyed it but only for the humour and chemisty between the characthers and not the "Trek" stuff), and Justin (not an extreme fan of Trek but likes some TOS eps and thinks Sisko is the best captain lol). They loved it, for non Trek fans, they found it enjoyable, epic and action packed. They were more shocked that they were watching Star Trek, and actually enjoying it and wanting more. It seems the Kelvin was there fave scene (as me, loved the whole part, it was sad, epic, great acting and special effects) and there fave characthers were McCoy and Chekov (even tho I felt that Chekov was the film's version of Wesley Crusher). Now the biggest test: The Trekies (me and my mates). The results were good. We loved the action, the effects the characthers/actors proformance and story (even tho I had worries about time travel and the idea of rebootness). We all loved Nero (even tho it's most likely the reason he reminds us of Khan), I always laugh when Nero pops onto the view scene and the way he says "Christopher!!" lol. It was also great to see Spock Prime (Leonard Nimoy) chatting to New Kirk was a nice scene and a nice little nod to the TOS show/films, loved the cockyness and the humour in the "Kobayashi Maru" scene (a scene we have all been waiting to see). So all in all we all loved it and can't wait for the sequel.






P.S. me and my mates were alittle disappointed that we were the only people dress in uniform/tshirts lol.

Second viewing: Monday 11th May 5:20 showing, me, my mom and my brother. After seeing the film on the Friday and how it was awesome and amazing I knew I had to get my mom to see the new film (after all she is the one to get my int Star Trek and start the obsession all those years again). She also loved it and her face lighten up when she heard Captain Christopher Pike name (loved Jeffrey Hunter, Pike was her fave captain and "The Cage" was her fave ep: "The Cage" was actually the first ever Trek thing I ever saw). Looks like everyone I know, Trek fan or not love the film and can't wait for the sequel. All in all it looks like Trek is back bigger and better!! :) :ST:

:) :up:

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