I just watched Scooby-Doo....


Never Mind the Buttocks...
May 23, 2000
Reaction score
.... and you know what? It didn't suck. It didn't suck at all!
But you had to be a fan of the original cartoons in order to get all the subtleties found in the movie: all Scooby & Shaggy being stoners innuendoes, Scrappy's appearance, the insights behind Fred, Daphne & Thelma's characters.... It was all there in complete parody form that made me laugh while remembering the repititious campy-ness of the original cartoons.
Now I had heard a lot of crappy comments about this movie, and I'm sure some will follow in this thread. That being said, I'm almost positive that the origins of these comments will come from the mouths of those 25 years old and younger who weren't first generation Scooby-Doo watchers. If you didn't watch the originals, I can see how you would think the movie sucked... because you just didn't get it.
In hindsight, while I'm remembering more and more about the movie, the more I think it was brilliantly written. The only mistake the writers made was that they wrote it for the 70's generation who watched the originals, but only to be scrutinized by the 90's generation who think everything is crap. :rolleyes:

Just my two cents...

Cheers... :batman:
Finally someone who got it and acutally liked the movie..thanks Themamofbat..

I agree the movie was brilliantly written..
I had to help try and keep 16 5-11 year old kids quiet and well behaved through that movie....and the movie did my head in more than the kids.....:( guess im just not a scooby girl;)
i thought that when smoke was coming out of the mystery machine, was funny also that....


Scrappy was the villian was funny also. the weird thing aboot it was the little ghost heads flying around. Those were weird :confused:
I want to see that movie...
I watched the movie some time ago and i didn´t hate it
Is not a great movie (i hate Raja Gosnell and Freddie), but not that bad too
I never liked the cartoon very much, but is not a bad adaptation...it´s funny movie
The only thing that got on my nerves as the fact that the villian was Scrappy
For all i know, he was a good guy
It´s like Mr. Phelps in MI (i didn´t like it either)
Bring on the second.....:D
I liked the movie and I actually want to get the DVD. :)
I saw it and laughed my butt off :D :D
Originally posted by Aragorn
I watched the movie some time ago and i didn´t hate it
Is not a great movie (i hate Raja Gosnell and Freddie), but not that bad too
I never liked the cartoon very much, but is not a bad adaptation...it´s funny movie
The only thing that got on my nerves as the fact that the villian was Scrappy
For all i know, he was a good guy
It´s like Mr. Phelps in MI (i didn´t like it either)
Bring on the second.....:D


I think they were portaing the fact that when scrappy doo appeared on the old cartoon the audience didn't like him..So they made the Scooby Gang tossed him out on his ass..:D

So I guess they gave him a revenge plot.
themanofbat you are out of your f ucking mind! SCOOBY DOO was an abomination that resembled nothing of the original cartoon series. And let me cue you in on a little something: Shaggy being a stoner, Velma being queer and Fred and Daphne being attracted to each other are not f ucking subtleties! In fact, they are imbedded in every person who watched the show as a kid and saw them again as grown ups! All the gags were there, kids just don't see them. Much like the jokes on Looney Tunes.

And f uck you for pulling rank on us just because we're younger and 'dont get it'. The film mutilated Mystery Inc.. The only good thing about the film were three scenes: The opening scene [ minus' Pam Anderson's cameo ], Velma's reminisce of the 'old days' with Scrappy, and Shaggy himself, which despite the writers'
and director's attempts didn't f uck him up too much.

I am '25 or younger' and I love the Scooby Doo series. F uck you if you think yr on top of it all cuz yr old and crippled. The film was horrid end of story.
the movie wasnt that good, but I dont think you could have made a better live action adaptation. It was really on the money. I guess i am just not a scooby doo fan.
Originally posted by scaredy cat
themanofbat you are out of your f ucking mind! SCOOBY DOO was an abomination that resembled nothing of the original cartoon series. And let me cue you in on a little something: Shaggy being a stoner, Velma being queer and Fred and Daphne being attracted to each other are not f ucking subtleties! In fact, they are imbedded in every person who watched the show as a kid and saw them again as grown ups! All the gags were there, kids just don't see them. Much like the jokes on Looney Tunes.

And f uck you for pulling rank on us just because we're younger and 'dont get it'. The film mutilated Mystery Inc.. The only good thing about the film were three scenes: The opening scene [ minus' Pam Anderson's cameo ], Velma's reminisce of the 'old days' with Scrappy, and Shaggy himself, which despite the writers'
and director's attempts didn't f uck him up too much.

I am '25 or younger' and I love the Scooby Doo series. F uck you if you think yr on top of it all cuz yr old and crippled. The film was horrid end of story.
Dude i was so waiting for someone to say that..except for the f you part.Iam a fan of scooby doo.I've been watching the 70's series ever since i was very little.I expected this film to be good but it just didn't satisfy me.I almost walked out but then i didn't want to waste my money.The acting was terrible (freddie prinze, shame on you!) , scooby didn't even look like scooby.The scooby i knew didn't have eyes blazing like he was on weed.
But the guy who played shaggy was good.He acted him well.The look and and everything.
Overall, Scooby doo was doo doo and i will not spend my money on the crappy DVD.They should have stayed with the series.
Originally posted by AmonRa
the movie wasnt that good, but I dont think you could have made a better live action adaptation. It was really on the money. I guess i am just not a scooby doo fan.

Scooby Doo could have been made into a wonderful film. It's these 'new' and 'fresh' ideas that f uck everything up.
Originally posted by Arucard
I think they were portaing the fact that when scrappy doo appeared on the old cartoon the audience didn't like him..So they made the Scooby Gang tossed him out on his ass..:D

Well, that was exactly what I was thinking.

The original cartoons were great, despite the repition in the stories. But the cartoon started to go downhill once they introduced Scrappy and that hick hillbilly cousin, Scooby- Dum (or whatever his name was :rolleyes: )

Making Scrappy the villain was pure genius. :)
did I tell you guys already I thought scooby was funny?

I had no interest in watching scooby- but my kids had to see it so i went with them and laughed.

WAS it stupid? yes
Did the acting suck? yes (well except for shaggy)
was the story lame? yes

If you pick apart the movie it was lame.If you kick back and watch it just to watch it I think it was fricken funny.

Oh and in case i didnt say it already it was FUNNY !!! :D :D
and scardey cat chill out man dont be so sensitive about your age.
noone was calling you names.but if you keep up with this f-u stuff around I will get involved and basicaly be a pain in the rear.
I will not say this again please refrain from the cussing.
and the name calling
Originally posted by scaredy cat
SCOOBY DOO was an abomination that resembled nothing of the original cartoon series. And let me cue you in on a little something: Shaggy being a stoner, Velma being queer and Fred and Daphne being attracted to each other are not f ucking subtleties! In fact, they are imbedded in every person who watched the show as a kid and saw them again as grown ups! All the gags were there, kids just don't see them. Much like the jokes on Looney Tunes.

Ok, let me get this straight. First you claim that the movie resembled nothing of the original cartoon. But then you go on about all the subtleties in the in the movie were ideas entrenched into our psyches by watching the original cartoons.

So which is it Einstein? Was the movie like the cartoon or not? You're contradicting yourself with your own words.

With a few minor exceptions (Fred being the least "in-character"), the gang pretty much acted like their cartoon counter-parts. Even in the opening sequence, we had the gang planning on capturing the Luna Ghost, but the plan goes bad, but they still get him in the end thanks largely to Shaggy & Scooby's mishaps...just like in the cartoons. The "meddling kids" line was used, and making Scappy the villain was pure genius. Because most fans of the original series will agree that things went downhill when Scrappy was introduced.

Originally posted by scaredy cat
And f uck you for pulling rank on us just because we're younger and 'dont get it'.

Now, now "Dick-for-Brains", there's no need for a potty-mouth. You don't habve to get all pissy just because you're too young to get it. ;)
I said that negative comments would probably come from the mouths of you young'uns that didn't get it. That doesn't mean everybody has to like the movie. But hey, what do I know.... you probably liked the Scrappy-Doo era :rolleyes:

Originally posted by scaredy cat
I am '25 or younger' and I love the Scooby Doo series. F uck you if you think yr on top of it all cuz yr old and crippled. The film was horrid end of story.

Well that's your opinion. Too bad it sucks! End of story.
Hahahahahahahaaaaaaaa :)

Originally posted by scaredy cat
themanofbat you are out of your f ucking mind!

And you, scaredy cat, are just a pup trying to pee with the big dogs. Time for bed junior. Don't spill your milk. :)
Originally posted by scaredy cat
okay. so that bat guy is an ass.

Well, yes I am. But at least I can debate without any profanity and still bring my point across and make you look like an ass in the process.
Actually, I don't have to make you look like a knob because you seem to be doing a fine job on your own. Keep it up Professor. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by scaredy cat
you. are. one. stupid. f uck. :rolleyes:

heheheh.... why? Because I thought making Scrappy the villain was genius? Let me guess.... Scooby-Doo first aired in 1969, while Scrappy first appeared in 1979. Seeing as you're "under 25", you probably grew up watching the "s-crappy" era of Scooby-Doo. No wonder you didn't like the movie, and small wonder why you didn't "get it". Geez... all you're doing is proving my initial point. Now if my opinions hurt your feelings, well that's too bad. Don't slam the door on your way out.
Go to bed... I think your mommy's calling...:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Themanofbat
Ok, let me get this straight. First you claim that the movie resembled nothing of the original cartoon. But then you go on about all the subtleties in the in the movie were ideas entrenched into our psyches by watching the original cartoons.

So which is it Einstein? Was the movie like the cartoon or not? You're contradicting yourself with your own words.

The movie was not like the cartoon. Those in-jokes were/are for the adults. There never was an episode where Shaggy was shown with a bong or Velma's head under a skirt. Those ideas were generated by seeing Shaggy hungry all the time and Velma's frumpy wardrobe.

With a few minor exceptions (Fred being the least "in-character"), the gang pretty much acted like their cartoon counter-parts. Even in the opening sequence, we had the gang planning on capturing the Luna Ghost, but the plan goes bad, but they still get him in the end thanks largely to Shaggy & Scooby's mishaps...just like in the cartoons. The "meddling kids" line was used, and making Scappy the villain was pure genius. Because most fans of the original series will agree that things went downhill when Scrappy was introduced.

Didn't you read my original post? I said the movie only had three good things in it: The opening sequence, Velma's reminicing about the old days with Scrappy, and Shaggy himself. Looks like you need new glasses, pops.

Now, now "Dick-for-Brains", there's no need for a potty-mouth. You don't habve to get all pissy just because you're too young to get it. ;)
I said that negative comments would probably come from the mouths of you young'uns that didn't get it. That doesn't mean everybody has to like the movie. But hey, what do I know.... you probably liked the Scrappy-Doo era :rolleyes:

That statement is just idiotic.

First off, Fred as a character is not supposed to be some self-absorbed ass. He isn’t supposed to think he’s the most gorgeous thing in the world. He absolutely is not obsessed with beautiful anorexic women. Fred is the co-leader of the gang. He’s the glue that holds them all together. It’s his and Daphne and Velma’s shared love of the unknown and the mysteries of life that bind Mystery Inc as a cohesive group.

You see, take a look at when SCOOBY DOO was created by Hanna Barbara. 1969. What were they? Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and Scooby were a team of young out-going college age kids that hit the road to uncover the schemes of evil doers. Now usually these evil doers were up to land grabbing, treasure stealing no good. Usually they were someone in the establishment. Someone in power, and only these young pesky kids that would stick their nose into the business of the establishment and actually question authority would reveal that they… the man… the older people were out to suppress and scare and cajole the rest of us into their evil schemes.

Now, along comes this movie. Now at a surface level, the idea of a theme park built around the concept of scaring you to bring in the alternative kids of the world to brainwash and spit out as Boy Band Loving Bastards of Materialism plays right into this established history of scooby doo anti-establishment work. However, the ultimate unmasking being a joke bad guy… well is utter and complete bulls hit. Having scrappy doo be the bad guy was utterly ******ed. Only a complete numbskull could actually have that be the bad guy. It stands against everything that Mystery Inc fights against.

Scrappy Doo isn’t the establishment, he’s a tool of the establishment, but see… they don’t tie it in like that. Scrappy Doo was forced by marketers down our throats to peddle to the lowest common denominator. Everything having to do with Scrappy Doo in this filt.. film was awful. Even worse than Freddie Prinze Jr and Sarah Michelle Gellar.

Scrappy Doo was ass.

Linda Cardellini’s Velma is almost where it needed to be. The problem was giving her some sort of bulls hit sense of inadequacy was stupid. Velma didn’t care about boys or girls. Velma cared about the mystery. About getting to the bottom of what is going on, and upon figuring it out, getting the gang through the mystery safely. Linda did an admirable job with very badly written material. She was indeed hot as Velma, but for all the wrong reasons. Giving Velma cleavage is the wrong way to make her hot, she was hot because she was a chick that loved getting down and dirty in the scary stuff. Not only that, but she was the one that figured it all out.
Sarah Michelle Gellar’s daphne is an affront. I mean just terrible. First off, she isn’t a redhead, but that’s a nitpick. Second off, Daphne isn’t supposed to be a dumb blonde. She isn’t a helpless dumbs hit. She’s supposed to love the mysteries so much and be so into them that she gets caught and used as bait. Making her self-aware is terrible, because you’ve turned her into Self Parody right from the get go.

There isn’t supposed to be anything between Daphne and Fred. Sex doesn’t play into the Gang, because believe it or not, the thing that binds them is the MYSTERY.

Now, Shaggy would never fall for a girl, unless… unless she could cook. But even then, he wouldn’t care, because no chick could cook like he could. Because Shaggy was the master of the Contrary Meal, and when Shaggy and Scooby are on that beach cooking Eggplant Burgers doused in Chocolate sauce… Sublime joy. That’s it. Bam! Nailed. At the end, when they’re eating nuclear hot peppers.

How bad is SCOOBY DOO? It is mediocre with the bright spots coming from Lillard and Scooby. And the abject horribleness coming from Gellar, Prinze and Scrappy. The production design looking like a bizarre theme park, well it was a bizarre theme park, so that worked. First thing I would do if working on a sequel is develop a plot that involved Velma, Fred and Daphne being Kidnapped – and Shaggy and Scooby having to solve the mystery, save their friends and fight temptation to just blow it off and eat.

Well that's your opinion. Too bad it sucks! End of story.
Hahahahahahahaaaaaaaa :)

My opinion might suck but i'm 25 or younger, i'm allowed to say stupid **** and get away with it. geezers like you saying the same s hit i do is just pathetic.

And you, scaredy cat, are just a pup trying to pee with the big dogs. Time for bed junior. Don't spill your milk. :)

on the contrary, pops, its you who should be heading for bed. junior here's still got some feeling in the hips. :p

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