i just went to the 7-11 to get some food


Apr 13, 2006
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and i walked over to the back of the store to get a bottle of coke, as soon as i open the door, i hear a voice to my left say "ya want some heroin, i'll give you all this here for 250" i tell him no, he keeps asking me. i walk up and tell the manager theres a guy in the back dealing drugs. he t hinks im joking but still goes to look, when we both get back there, he grabs 3 six packs and runs for it, i chase him while the other guy calls the cops. eventually i got him pinned down, when the cops get there, the guy with the heroin pushes all the drugs into my hands. i try to get rid of them b4 the cops see me. the cops tell me to put it down. they put me and the other guy in the back of the car while they talk to the owner. apparently he said something that cleared my name and i could go. weird :confused:
Is that the hot spot for delaing now!?
FunBobPants said:
and i walked over to the back of the store to get a bottle of coke, as soon as i open the door, i hear a voice to my left say "ya want some heroin, i'll give you all this here for 250" i tell him no, he keeps asking me. i walk up and tell the manager theres a guy in the back dealing drugs. he t hinks im joking but still goes to look, when we both get back there, he grabs 3 six packs and runs for it, i chase him while the other guy calls the cops. eventually i got him pinned down, when the cops get there, the guy with the heroin pushes all the drugs into my hands. i try to get rid of them b4 the cops see me. the cops tell me to put it down. they put me and the other guy in the back of the car while they talk to the owner. apparently he said something that cleared my name and i could go. weird :confused:

Sure you did.

Always blaming the other guy.
When you pinned him down you should have shoved the bag in his mouth then punched him in the gut, he would bite down on the bag and OD.

But thats just me
Dude, 250 was a good deal, should've taken it.
black_dust said:
When you pinned him down you should have shoved the bag in his mouth then punched him in the gut, he would bite down on the bag and OD.

But thats just me
You are a genius.
Master Chief said:
You are a genius.
Well i try....

I have a class every tuesday in ways of the word black_dust, if your interested. First lesson will cost $5, each lesson after that $500:)
lol and i tought the x 3 cups were pretty neat, now they have heroin
You think selling drugs in the back of a 7-11 is stupid. This one girl in my school was doing coke or crack in the bathroom WIDE open. The cops came and she tried running, they caught her and saw the crack or whatever she was doing and she said "that isn't mine!!!"

How dumb do you have to be that you would do drugs in the school bathroom which was WIDE open, tries resisting an arrest and says the drugs arent hers when they catch her with the drugs still on her? Funny story.

FunBobPants dont fear SUPERCLOONEY IS NEAR
I thought you could only get IMF assignment breifings at the 7/11 now days :confused:
Well, I was workin' on my farm 'bout 1982,
Pullin' up some corn and a little carrot, too
When two low-flying aeroplanes, 'bout a hundred feet high
Dropped a bunch o' bales o' somethin', some hit me in the eye...

So I cut a bale open, an' man was I surprised
Bunch o' large sized baggies, with big white rocks inside
So I took a little sample to my crazy brother Joe
He sniffed it up and kicked his heels, said, "Horton, that's some blow!"

Bales of cocaine, fallin' from low-flyin' plane
I don't know who done dropped 'em, but I thank 'em just the same
Bales of cocaine, fallin' like a foriegn rain
My life changed completely by the low-flyin' planes

So I loaded up them bales in my pick-em-up truck,
Headed west for Dallas, where I would try my luck
I didn't have a notion if I could sell 'em there,
But, thirty minutes later, I was a millionaire...

Bales of cocaine, fallin' from low-flyin' plane
I don't know who done dropped 'em, but I thank 'em just the same
Bales of cocaine, fallin' like a foriegn rain
My life changed completely by the low-flyin' planes

And now I am a rich man, but I'm still a farmer, too
But I sold my farm in Texas, bought a farm down in Peru
And when get so homesick, I think I'm goin' insane,
I travel back to Texas in a low-flyin' plane...

Bales of cocaine, fallin' from low-flyin' plane
I don't know who done dropped 'em, but I thank 'em just the same
Bales of cocaine, fallin' like a foriegn rain
My life changed completely by the low-flyin' planes
wow...thats a pretty crazy story...but that happens to me all the time. Except it's my local k-mart :(
Heroin for only 250!!:eek:...Dude you just missed a good deal
FunBobPants said:
you doubt my arguing skills, jonty?

I'm not doubting your arguing skills. It's just that you were seen on sight with a guy who had heroin and you didn't have a good alibi.
War Lord said:
I'm not doubting your arguing skills. It's just that you were seen on sight with a guy who had heroin and you didn't have a good alibi.
told ya b4, jonty. i dont know how the hell i was released, but im here
7-11 ...................More than just a place to get free chili and cheese on your hotdogs.
FunBobPants said:
told ya b4, jonty. i dont know how the hell i was released, but im here

And I'm telling you, the cops released you to tail you to find your source of drugs.

Does the Yakuza cut off your pinkie for joining them or screwing up?

I forget.

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