Basically i have a few ideas for this movie that i would like to see but also some concerns that im hoping fellow HYPErs will help put to rest - here goes :
- IDEA - We all know that Rachel is in this movie but to be honest, im not too bothered by their relationship but maybe Bale will have better chemistry with Maggie Gyllehaal and it'll work better?. Anyway i was watchin Batman '89 yesterday and one of the things i thought was great was the Joker/Bruce/Vicki Vale love triangle and was thinking about maybe The Joker having an obsession with Rachel?, Obviously people are going to say that they shouldnt copy things from previous Batman movies but i think they could do a love triangle differently from Batman '89 and still make it work.
- CONCERN - Jonathan Nolan. Yes i know he's co-written Memento AND The Prestige (two films i love) but i was hoping that David S Goyer would have written TDK. I loved what he did with BB and i am slightly concerned that he hasn't written this one. From what i can gather Jonathan Nolan has written the script based on a story by Goyer/Chris Nolan and this is some comfort i suppose....
- IDEA - Minor Villain cameos. We all know that BB had five villains from the comic books and i thought they were all great. Obviously for this movie The Joker is the main villain and obviously Harvey Dent is in it, but does anyone think they might have a cameo part for a smaller villain, much like Zsasz in BB? , i would love to see Victor Fries, Jervis Tetch or Judson Caspian in TDK!
- CONCERN - The Jokers origin. Obviously Nolan & co have changed his origin for their story because at the end of BB The Joker exists and Batman isn't aware of him, ruling him out of having a part in The Jokers accident. A lot of people are thinking (and i agree with them) that the Bank job their shooting in Chicago now is the "Armed Robbery, Double homicide" Gordon was talking about at the end of BB. Maybe they'll skip his origin all together???