The Dark Knight I'm worried the villains are going to steal the show again


Aug 30, 2007
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I worried that Bruce Wayne and Batman are taking a back seat to the Joker in TDK. All the emphasis seems to be on Heath Ledger.:csad:
I loved the approach in BB about making the movie about BW, and the villains fit around him. But since the origin has been told, i'm getting the feeling that the filmakers feel BW's story is finished and that its time t make the movies about the villains again like the previous franchise.

I haven't been following the apoilers so i hope you guys know something i don't. Can you re-assure me, or i'm i right in thinking that BW has been consigned to a supporting charater again?:dry:

There is so much to explore with Batman and WB i just want the Joker to be only a very small part of this film, like the villains were in BB. I don't want Heath Ledger to over shadow Bale, i don't want Ledger to gobble screen time the way Jacks Joker did in B89.

Don't get me wrong, i love B89, I love Jacks performace, but ultimately, i wanted to see more of Batman and BW.

BR was even worse! Might as well have called that film Penquin and Catwoman.:o
BW will be the main character. Joker is just going to be a thorn in his side throughout the movie. Speculation on my part of course.

Now let the jerks start bashing you for starting a new thread. Grow some thick skin my friend- and fast. :dry:
Dude, you can relax. Nolan and Co. know that Bruce is the heart of the Batman universe.

Dude, you can relax. Nolan and Co. know that Bruce is the heart of the Batman universe.


Thats what i think as well. BW is the focal point in this franchise- not Batman or any villans.
You mean the movie has not been renamed "The Joker and Two-Face Variety Hour" yet.
Well, the Joker is Batman's biggest villain and the favorite villain of most people, plus it's been almost 20 years since we've seen him on screen (apart from the animated series), so it does make sense that the WB would center most of the marketing around him. I personally don't think that the film makers consider Bruce Wayne's story to be over, since it was his story that they set out to tell from the beginning. Also, most of the leaked pics we've seen are of BW/Batman, with only a handful being of the Joker.
I'll be a bit upset if TDK ends up being a movie about the Joker instead of about Batman, but I don't think that'll happen since that's already been done, and the emphasis is a lot more on the Bat this time. I think the Joker will have a bit more screen time than Ra's had in Begins, but not much more. I really wouldn't mind the Joker having almost as much screen time as Batman, so long as they don't go overboard with it and make him the star of the show.
The Joker is the beginning, middle, and end. The Joker is the show and we should all appreciate the time we get with him.

pfft......The Joker is being played by Crispin Glover right?
The Joker is the beginning, middle, and end. The Joker is the show and we should all appreciate the time we get with him.

pfft......The Joker is being played by Crispin Glover right?

yeah- but with a voice over of Mark Hamill. :woot:
I really don't think he'll steal the show, but he will have more screen time than any other villain in BB(especially scarecrow.....GRRR!). But, as others have said already, Batman is the heart of this movie.
I really don't think he'll steal the show, but he will have more screen time than any other villain in BB(especially scarecrow.....GRRR!). But, as others have said already, Batman is the heart of this movie.

You mean Bruce - Batman is just Bruce's tool to fight corruption in Gotham.
I know- i am just messing with ya. its slow on here today so......
or still sleeping since they stay up all night on here and debate the greater issues of our beloved caped crusader.
How can you all be so confident that Nolan and co haven't placed the emphasis on Joker over WB though?

All you seem pretty confident, but what leads you to that conclusion?
I mean, who would have though that following Spiderman 2, we would get the crappy 3?
Or that Burton would make BR following B89?
And who expected the seeming piece of crap that was B&R?
I agree with most here that I don't wanna see another vacuum for screen time from the Clown Prince of Crime. This is Bruce's story, and he's by no means reached his full potential, either as Batman or as a main character. I'm sure they'll explore every avenue in terms of delving more into the complexity of Bruce Wayne and his struggle against the villains of Gotham. Besides, we got tons of Bruce in BB, and that movie juggled two villains as well, so I think it's safe to say they'll keep the spotlight on Bruce and the Bat.
How can you all be so confident that Nolan and co haven't placed the emphasis on Joker over WB though?

All you seem pretty confident, but what leads you to that conclusion?
I mean, who would have though that following Spiderman 2, we would get the crappy 3?
Or that Burton would make BR following B89?
And who expected the seeming piece of crap that was B&R?

well, for starters- Nolan is pretty methodical when it comes to his movies and they usually have sequence behind the stories. In this case, Nolan started with Bruce's beginnings (how he became batman, his ideals, his training), with this film- he has mentioned that alot of the background will be about Bruce's hardships living duo lives, and I am willing to bet that in the third film- Bruce is on the verge of cleaning up Gotham and is about to call it quits. A very linear path of Bruces life- IMO of course.
Actually i'm looking for a large proportion of the film to be about the villains and seeing how batman reacts to it.

bat's has done all his growing, allow somebody else some screen time.

I don't want another film with a 2 hr build up and a 10 minutes quick villain plot execution.

at the very least give joker and two face 50% of screen time.
Dont forget that Nolan is going to CGI Jokers hair green!
People already know what kind of Batman to expect so all attention is being focused on the Joker because he is the most interesting part of the film this time around.

He is one of the all time favourite villains in people's eyes and obviously is Batman's biggest enemy.
Maybe Joker will just be CGI'd into the whole movie... this whole Ledger thing is an evil ploy to throw the fanboys off his trail.

Well first of all Nolan is a fantastic director who understands who the protagonist in this series is. In fact, he's outlined a 3-D character arch for Bruce Wayne, whereas, the other Batman movies never really gave us such development for him. I have confidence because Nolan understands the protagonist structure.

Having said that, it's a rule of thumb that the antagonist (Joker) is supposed to have as much screen time as the protagonist (Batman/Bruce Wayne).

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