Is America a christian nation?

The Overlord

Mar 10, 2002
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Do you think America is a Christian nation? Why or why not?
"In God We Trust" is on the what do you think?
America along with many other countries is a multi-national and religious nation but it was founded perhaps and has plenty of its laws based of christian religious beliefs.

Also statistically i would say that the majority of the population is perhaps still Christian in one form or another.

no biggie
I'll give it 30 minutes before moviefan, memphis, 7000+, Sparkle, or Wilhelm are on this thread...and it explodes. :whatever:

Someone save us alot of pain and close this thing down before it's too late. :cmad:
I'll give it 30 minutes before moviefan, memphis, 7000+, Sparkle, or Wilhelm are on this thread...and it explodes. :whatever:

Someone save us alot of pain and close this thing down before it's too late. :cmad:
There's nothing to explode about. The nation is made up of people of all faiths and no faith. The same is true of it's leaders. Are they not American?

It's an absurd question.

"In God We Trust" is on the what do you think?

"God" does not equal "Christ"
Founded on Christian values, now it's a big stew of everything.
There's nothing to explode about. The nation is made up of people of all faiths and no faith. The same is true of it's leaders. Are they not American?

It's an absurd question.

"God" does not equal "Christ"
scream gotta typo, scream gotta typo...

:dry: :heart: :dry:
Grammar fight!

what you gonna do about it?


*takes off consonant coat and puts on vowel gloves*
the short answer is yes.
negativo, it doesn't stop people from pursuing acts that are anti-christian like homosexuality like perhaps other religious run nations such as saudi arabia where it is still outlawed because it is against islamic religious beliefs.'re incorrect.
If it was officially a Christian nation, then we'd have to......officially be a Christian nation.

Since we're not, then we'd have to...just as it happens, be a nation comprised of Christians.

Watch any AMERICAN Gay Pride Parade in San Fransisco, any AMERICAN Marilyn Manson video, any AMERICAN group of Satanists having an orgy, any AMERICAN porno film, or any Atheist World War 2 veteran who fought to serve his country, to see that, nope, we're not a "Christian Nation".

We're a nation where there's a majority of self proclaimed "Christians" but a huge majority of them don't even follow the teachings of Christ.
In terms of the religion of choice amoung its citizens? Yes, absolutely. In terms of government? Maybe based on some Christian principles, but it is largely a secular government. You dont see Congress looking up the Bible to decide on laws. "Ok, it says we shall not suffer a witch to live. [Cartman]Wiccan war![/Cartman]"

How many more pages of the same pro-christian, anti-christian, pro-god, anti-god drivel do we need? There are already countless threads that either started out with religious themes or ended up that way.

What's "dumb" is that people continue to post when they know full well what responses they'll get...because it's all been posted before. :whatever:
How many more pages of the same pro-christian, anti-christian, pro-god, anti-god drivel do we need? There are already countless threads that either started out with religious themes or ended up that way.

What's "dumb" is that people continue to post when they know full well what responses they'll get...because it's all been posted before. :whatever:

yeah, I guess the NFL thread is useless by that measure.
and only in your head does this boil down to pro-god, anti-god:o
After you've been married for 5 or 10 years, having sex with your wife is dumb, because you already know what she's going to do and you already know what she likes.

Seriously, we've had sex 40,000 times, do we really NEED to have it again?
yeah, I guess the NFL thread is useless by that measure.
and only in your head does this boil down to pro-god, anti-god:o

Wouldn't know about the NFL thread because I don't post there, but the premise is different because the games change weekly. People's feelings towards their particular team don't change that often, but results are new each week.

That comment was a broad generalizaiton...alot like the posts many put out, but it's not just in my head...someone will quote the bible or the "word of god" and will get blasted by someone else, who will in turn come back with more scripture. Repeat, ad nauseum. You've done it, Wilhelm LOVES doing it; Moviefan, cell-dog, etc. Right or wrong, that's what happens.

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