Is God real?

God is real. It is NOT smart to mix religion with politics.
Man... I feel like I'm in first grade all over again... Oh man... Heaven is sweet we get to all fly around on clouds and get all the video games we want.... But man it sucks when god pisses over the earth and it rains! But religion should be seperated from church and state cuz our forefathers said so! OH YA!

P.S. Muslims and Jews suck :mad: And I'm too ignorant to know about other religions...
No, George Bush and a few political interest groups created God, sorry.
Tangled Web said:
Jews are awesome.

Dude... Christians beat Jews, Jews beat Muslims, and Muslim beats Christian... What the hell kidn of games did you play in kindergarden!
Movies205 said:
Dude... Christians beat Jews, Jews beat Muslims, and Muslim beats Christian... What the hell kidn of games did you play in kindergarden!
The reason why Jews are awesome. Look at the woman in my avatar.
KingOfDreams said:
That's a bit offensive.

That's kind of the point... An ignorant reply to an ignorant thread...
I don't know if there's a God or not. Might be. Might not be. Although, there being a higher power of some sort would make a certain amount of logical sense. Also.....

Spider-Bite said:
also is it smart to mix religion with politics?

**** no.
Tangled Web said:
The reason why Jews are awesome. Look at the woman in my avatar.

Are you sure she's jewish... She might be misled? :confused:
I am a Christian, so I follow my God's laws. I also follow laws given by the government. However, I do not think the government should make people follow God's law. For example, homosexuality. It is a sin, but I don't think it should be illegal, because it does not infringe upon anyone's rights. However, murder is also a sin, but it's illegal because it takes rights away from others.
Unleashed said:

Prove it and I say this to all of you if you believ in him or not please prove God is or isn't real. Till then i'm hedging my bets.

- Whirly

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