Jean Fate?

I definitely think Jean will help the X-Men out in some way at the end. I still have no idea as to how they are going to round out her story though. I can't picture it any other way than her ending her life at her own hands (like in the comic book) . . . but that would be redundant. I really have no idea. I just don't want her to be cured.
I know that "suicide" is how she does it in the comics, but I really do think it would be too repetetive to have her die in X2, resurrect in X-Men 3, and then die again at the end...

People will think "Oh, she'll just come back again", and I don't think it will have the right impact.

I believe that Cyclops will return her to her normal self. Her love for Scott will overcome her corruption stemming from her new power levels, and she will be the one to turn the tide in battle for the X-Men.

Since the movie is supposed to end on a positive note, with a good outlook for the future, I think that Jean returns to normal, and rejoins the X-Men. Perhaps Scott and Jean even get married.

But I truly think that Cyclops will bring her back, she will live, rejoin the X-Men, and Wolverine will see just how true the love is between Cyclops and Jean Grey, and he will finally realize that he can never have her. Since this movie is supposed to conclude the trilogy, he may even leave, going back to his nomadic ways, since he can't have Jean.

Although I wouldn't be surprised to see Wolverine stick around, accepting this as his home now, and accepting the fact that he can't have Jean.
Nell2ThaIzzay said:
I know that "suicide" is how she does it in the comics, but I really do think it would be too repetetive to have her die in X2, resurrect in X-Men 3, and then die again at the end...

People will think "Oh, she'll just come back again", and I don't think it will have the right impact.

I believe that Cyclops will return her to her normal self. Her love for Scott will overcome her corruption stemming from her new power levels, and she will be the one to turn the tide in battle for the X-Men.

Since the movie is supposed to end on a positive note, with a good outlook for the future, I think that Jean returns to normal, and rejoins the X-Men. Perhaps Scott and Jean even get married . . .

I thought Kinberg or Penn (in one of their interviews--I forget which) said that the movie would end on a somewhat melancholy or somber note, but with hope for the future.
BMM said:
I thought Kinberg or Penn (in one of their interviews--I forget which) said that the movie would end on a somewhat melancholy or somber note, but with hope for the future.

I thought it was positive note, but I suppose I could be wrong.
I'm sure it will be positive for the most part (I could be misquoting for all I know), otherwise this would be somewhat of a downer for an ending . . . and that would kind of suck.
She already is going crazy this entire Movie :o That would make the Movie silly to have her go crazy again just like if she died again. That already happened come they need to stop copying things :o
As a fan of the movies, but not so much the comics, i would like to see her NOT die. so im going to be a softie and say i hope she doesn't die and learns to control her superpowers even though i know its unlikely.
I Choose she becomes good and learns to control her powers, but that's just wishful thinking. It seems like the obvious choice would be that she sacrafices herself again for the team. I feel like jean could learn how to control her powers since the origin of the phoenix is diffrent from the comics. Hopefully Cyclops will come back at the end and bring her back to her senses.
jusblaze21 said:
I Choose she becomes good and learns to control her powers, but that's just wishful thinking. It seems like the obvious choice would be that she sacrafices herself again for the team. I feel like jean could learn how to control her powers since the origin of the phoenix is diffrent from the comics. Hopefully Cyclops will come back at the end and bring her back to her senses.

i'm all for cyclops not dying. and if he lives in the movie, i doubt he will have a big role. so he will be missing for the most part and come back in the end. him bringing back jean is his big moment among all three xmen movies. :up:

i would love it! "I am the phoenix.... this world will be destroyed at my"------ SPLAT! *sentinels hand flys down and pieces of her fly on to the faces of the xmen! *Cyclops comes out of no where* "Guys... WAIT! She is still in there... jean is! We can save her..... we can.... hey, whats on your face?"
I think she should rejoin the X-men! Sacrificing herself again is too repetitive!
I voted no. 2 but I think no.3 (She goes mental so the x-men have to battle her and fight her) goes without saying.
Well, the story ( in the comics and cartoons ) indicates that the X - Men will fight with her and then she became ( for a short while ) good... in the movie, she will be that way too... the fight with Xavier shows what will happen... I think that she will kill Xavier and then the team will fight her... if she is killed or became good and control her powers is consequence...

hey Dany!
It that (your sig) "put a hole"?
I was sure it's "punch a hole trough a mountain" :O ...
Thanks Cap... English is not my first language... even if I know it very well, i't is still a little difficult to understand some sounds, and I listened wrong...

I'll change it... :)

I voted that she becomes good and learns to control her powers.
I voted that she learns to use the powers but I dont think she will rejoin the x-men
I think the best way to avoid a quadruple retcon in film is to simply ahve her survive and return to some state of normalcy.

From a story point of view Jean dying a second time is not 'coming full circle.' Her death was a midpoint, not a bookend, while some aprticularly bloodthirsty people seem to continually express that 'only her death can make up for (presumably) taking the Professor's life' I disagree entirely.

Considering that his public header is now 'Teacher/Manipulator' it seems fairly obvious Charles is not the sunshine and rainbows father figure some want him to be, and Jean is obviously not in a proper state of mind when she wakes up after having died.

To quote another comics-to-film franchise "Justice is about harmony" and the most harmonic resolution would certainly be repentance rather than destruction.
I've changed my mind on Jean as often as i change my underwear (which is always once a day, and twice if I am going out in the evening!)...

I think if they end up using a Sinister and/or Hellfire Club story in X4, then Jean would need to be around. So she'd burn out her powers at the end of X3 in some massive display that was too much for her human mind and body to stand... She'd be back to normal, but more powerful than in X1. But still vulnerable, still burdened with guilt and confusion, and desired by the Hellfire Club.

I can imagine the club might want her... or (if the club were to include Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch) they might want to take revenge on her and the X-Men for the presumed death of Magneto....

Otherwise, she should vanish in a massive blinding firebird flash.
^^^ you do? why? if she turns good it would be so awesome. like she wipes out the whole of the sentinel fleet in one swipe

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