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There's a poster who could see a rose, in the park, on a summer day, and be reminded of how corrupt, fat and arrogant all of America is.
There's a poster who could post in a thread about Vegan recipes, or collecting stamps, and somehow turn it into a passive aggressive little anti-American screed.
His name is Jourmugand, and he's hilarious/sad.
We all have topics of which we're fond, but he is so wounded by America, so jealous, so indignant, that he seems consumed by a desire to see it fail, to say "I told you so.", to point out how inferior it is, daily.
Some of these observations are totally true and on-topic ( such as when he's in "America, the Thread", talking about how Bush has mismanaged the indefensible war.
But some of his bat-s*** crazy segues into Anti-Americanism are freaking hilariously senseless.
America is hardly the only place where homosexuality is considered to be bad (huLLO, the Middle East? WTH did he see the need to differentiate?
I love how he tries to sound open-minded and fair, but his odd focus on AMERICA gives him away. The poster he was responding to didn't say a word about America.)

"Gutter" is one of his favorite words of derision btw.
He's always saying, "The Bionic Woman's ratings are in THE GUTTER."
Or "Fantastic Four 2: The Rise of the Silver Surfer should be thrown in THE GUTTER."
He should learn a new one, like "kicked to the curb" or something.
Well, European soups are not so LIMITED in scope!
Yeah, thank God neither is Germany, or the U.K., or France, or Japan, or Russia, or..........)
China has nothing to do with it.
The ignorance and prejudice is RICH.
I.....assure you, everyone I know is thin and many of our meals incorporate cheese.
This one is great. He's tired of beating around the bush.
(the bees disappear, plants become scarce, people die)
My boss is a Black woman and makes 10 times what I, a White man make.
Love the generalizations.
I wonder how these Americans work so hard to be "the best", to the point that they are constantly stressed, while.....sitting on their lazy butts.
There's a poster who could post in a thread about Vegan recipes, or collecting stamps, and somehow turn it into a passive aggressive little anti-American screed.
His name is Jourmugand, and he's hilarious/sad.
We all have topics of which we're fond, but he is so wounded by America, so jealous, so indignant, that he seems consumed by a desire to see it fail, to say "I told you so.", to point out how inferior it is, daily.
Some of these observations are totally true and on-topic ( such as when he's in "America, the Thread", talking about how Bush has mismanaged the indefensible war.

But some of his bat-s*** crazy segues into Anti-Americanism are freaking hilariously senseless.
( because not enough Americans enjoy broadbandIndeed...god save America.![]()

Can we think of any other countries where there's a pressure to succeed, or where people have no say and blend into "the crowd"?It's sad that in America your pressured to be the absolute best,and ironically many don't achive that.They just have nameless jobs,and are part of the masses.You have every right to be scared,soon..you will have no say and just be a part of the crowd.![]()
(*regarding the fact that if there was a homosexuality gene, parents would have it removed*This..is true.Not only in America,i can imagine the same thing would be done in Europe.I still say being gay is a defect in the human personality.
America is hardly the only place where homosexuality is considered to be bad (huLLO, the Middle East? WTH did he see the need to differentiate?
I love how he tries to sound open-minded and fair, but his odd focus on AMERICA gives him away. The poster he was responding to didn't say a word about America.)
These are hilarious, where the arrogant guy condemns a whole nation for it's arrogance. lolArrogance is what America is now,which is sad.
Hahaha, this prejudiced, sad creature knows nothing about the fitness obsessed Americans, and the gluttonous, food-worshiping French.The French eat when they have to,not stuff their faces all the time like they do in America.Sure they have a snack once in a while,but not all the time.
Yeah!You know America is in the gutter when the Red Sox win the world series.

"Gutter" is one of his favorite words of derision btw.
He's always saying, "The Bionic Woman's ratings are in THE GUTTER."
Or "Fantastic Four 2: The Rise of the Silver Surfer should be thrown in THE GUTTER."
He should learn a new one, like "kicked to the curb" or something.
Yes, we simple-minded Americans fell under Bush's diabolical spell, because we have such a low standard of living and never get vacations. Yes.Bush brainwashed America into hating France because..well,France has everything America doesn't.A longer live span for it's people,univeral healthcare,a high standard of living..and they have vacation time.
Bring it on!Actually,America is the one that might get nuked.Since it's pissing off the whole world.
I've, uh, got some GREAT Italian, Japanese, British, French and Indian gore movies to show you, guy.What's odd is that these movies keep being made,it must be young people in America like to see such gore and things.![]()
This is my favorite. Tzarinna made a thread because she likes soup. She made the mistake of letting her uncultured, oafish Americaness hang out by saying that she associates eating hot soup with the colder weather of Fall/Winter.Europe has many different stews for all types of moods,and the seasons.
Well, European soups are not so LIMITED in scope!
wowA coffee colored skin tone?Bah,America is where the dregs lie.Europe has pure blood,that is where the upper class will be.
From a thread about the "ethnic cleansing" of dark skinned people in L.A., by gangs.America needs a cleansing.
(God, that one CUTS!America is not what it used to be.
Yeah, thank God neither is Germany, or the U.K., or France, or Japan, or Russia, or..........)
Yep, Global Warming.....the cause?If cars ran on carbon dioxide,then the problem of Global Warming would be solved.I would say this would be done for about 75 years,then new cars would have to be made.Why?Because we need that gas to help warm the planet,because of America..there is a influx of this gas..more than we need.
China has nothing to do with it.
The ignorance and prejudice is RICH.
(an American doesn't enjoy watching his girlfriend make out with another woman, like everyone does in Europe.I know that's a uniquely American trait....feeling uncomfortable watching your girlfriend make out with someone else.)You would think in America,"land of the free" people would be more open minded to that..or would encourage that sort of thing.![]()
In Europe, no rain means gold, puppies and rainbows for the children of the unemployed!In America no rain,means more brush that could catch fire.
What.....the.....f***?People may have put cheese on things before,but with America as fat as it is.This is not done anymore..so much,i suppose.
I.....assure you, everyone I know is thin and many of our meals incorporate cheese.
Oh, the humanity. Who "flips the bill" for everyone's health care in other countries?With how things are,i heard that half of America does not have insurance...and those that do,have to flip the bill for those who don't.
This one is great. He's tired of beating around the bush.
Oh YES! He can almost TASTE it! It will be SO glorious! *twist moustache*I am still waiting to see when their egos will be further rammed into the ground.The weakening American dollar is more poof.Cars?The Japanese has surpassed them already.
(the bees disappear, plants become scarce, people die)
Yeah, thank god for that...atleast it will happen in America first.
...eat babies, or rape babies...America has a hard choice to make.
Hahaha, what a simplistic view.America has always given me the impression that not all people can "live the dream".As most just work to give that dream to others..this is what i see..
Upper Class
These people control everything.But not everyone knows it,they are always White and Asian.
Middle Class
These people run the economy.They can make it,but not all can.These are Whites and Asians who did not amount to their full potential.
Lower Class
These are people that work the economy,the middle class runs it.These are the minorities,Africans and Hispanics.
My boss is a Black woman and makes 10 times what I, a White man make.
Love the generalizations.
(a thread about cutting yourself, a worldwide problem/past-time. Again, why does he hear "people cut themselves." and think, "America"?)America is full of disturbing people.
(This was in a thread about a boy who killed himself when his parents forbade him to play video games. The boy was Russian. Bizarre. Guess it's time to let go of your bigotry and picture this happening in Russia, so you can get in line with reality. *shrug*)I could imagine such a thing happening in America.
A guy said he didn't enjoy Rugby, so, knowing that Americans are drawn to violence like no other scum on Earth, he tries to entice the person, with a promise of something even MORE violent than American Football. HahahahahaWhy not?Some say that Rugby is more dangerious than American football.Speaking of America,did the USA get eliminated yet..or did they win their match?
(No wonder he is so angry with the greedy, corrupt Americans!)I played (McDonalds Monopoly) when i last went to the USA.I could have won the million dollars,and i almost got 3 of the 4 railroads.But for each..i missed one sticker.
(because Marion Jones admitted to cheating. Just stunning.)America has no credibility anymore.
More awesome generalizations and Doomsaying. BTW, I'm American and, I'm not stressed. I'm quite relaxed here.I'm not bitter,in my country i have free health care and the fact that i will live longer than you,because i am not stressed.
That's weird, then why are so many of us fighting to establish it?It's like you said,America thinks healthcare for all is evil.
Filthy, Lazy Americans!Americans sit on their lazy butts,and still think they are the best in the world.Europe,China and Russia are comming out and could surpass the USA in many areas within 10-20 years.
I wonder how these Americans work so hard to be "the best", to the point that they are constantly stressed, while.....sitting on their lazy butts.
Yes, we keep dark-skinned people in holding tanks in New York, to make soup out of their bones, which we only, daftly eat in October. Yes.Is it true that whites and asians live in Queens,Manhattan and the Hamptions while the minortities are held in projects in The Bronx and Brooklyn?
God Bless You, Jourmugand......and God Bless America