Sony Spin-Off Kraven The Hunter

I knew Kraven would be a train wreck the moment they announced it, then they cast ATJ, then this.

I was a bit more hopeful when JC Chandor was announced as the director because I like his work, but then again, he isn’t writing the script.

I would hope the comments would be out of context, but I don’t believe that’s the case.

Boy, this movie is going to suck!
It's like watching a more devastating trainwreck after witnessing one previously. You wonder how it could get even worse, and yet somehow it does. What a complete insult to the character. :dry:
We seriously need to collectively hold a séance and summon the ghost of Denis Hopper to take vengeance on Sony for their BS. Hence the Texas Chainsaw 2 clip.
Maybe they looked at what Disney did to Cruella and said “Hey, why don’t we do something like that with a Spider-Man villain?!”
Don't know what you're talking about, I love a Kraven that shares the ethics of Captain Planet. :o
Maybe they looked at what Disney did to Cruella and said “Hey, why don’t we do something like that with a Spider-Man villain?!”
That's not a fair comparison. Cruella still portrayed her as a villain, not an anti-hero.
everyone is the hero from their own POV in some forum or another...

even when he was a villain he thought he was doing the right thing by hunting Spider-man... he didn't do it to just be evil (even if he had ulterior motives)

I mean Tarzan could be described as an animal sympathizer/ protector, but he's also been know to hunt/fight/kill animals


not defeating the movie as we don't an enough to really judge it by yet, just saying people are reading to much into this
Kraven is not going to be a villain in this or act like one, which he should be. That's the main issue, that Sony is taking a Spider-Man villain and turning him into an anti-hero at best and a good-natured protagonist at worst.

Even with him not being one-note, it's still embarassing to turn him into a full on animal activist and "protector of the natural world." Since when has he ever been an environmentalist? The guy who buried Spider-Man alive and tortured him, the guy who has animal mounts and wears a lion's skin on his chest?

They made him the complete antithesis of who he's supposed to be. It's really, really not that difficult to understand why a lot of people aren't fond of this mischaracterization, especially since Kraven has been a fan favorite and folks have been yearning to see him done well in live-action for so long.
Kraven is not going to be a villain in this or act like one, which he should be. That's the main issue, that Sony is taking a Spider-Man villain and turning him into an anti-hero at best and a good-natured protagonist at worst.

Even with him not being one-note, it's still embarassing to turn him into a full on animal activist and "protector of the natural world." Since when has he ever been an environmentalist? The guy who buried Spider-Man alive and tortured him, the guy who has animal mounts and wears a lion's skin on his chest?

They made him the complete antithesis of who he's supposed to be. It's really, really not that difficult to understand why a lot of people aren't fond of this mischaracterization, especially since Kraven has been a fan favorite and folks have been yearning to see him done well in live-action for so long.

Nailed it
I’d imagine we’ll get to see the trailer in late July before Bullet Train comes out, and it will just look like a generic action flick!

Man, wish Sony still did not have the rights to Spider-Man and his rogues gallery! The fact they are also doing a Madame Web film has me shaking my head!
Knowing Sony, they’re going to change the name of the Sinister Six team to make them less… sinister
Did they? She sends dalmatians at the end.
It's still very early on and we are getting a sequel. She'll eventually become the heartless ***** we're familiar with; she's just not there yet. The movie NEVER portrays anything she does outside of that credits thing as "good".
While it would be better if Sony didn't try to make these movies, the least they could do is make them interesting. If they would have done Kraven in the vein of Joker, an inside look at the making of a sociopath, what drives this guy to prove himself better than the apex hunters of nature, to hunt Spider-Man. A Kraven's Last Hunt movie from Sergei's perspective would have been divine in the right hands. But instead, Sony continues to go the generic route. again, I'm not opposed to Sony building its own thing in theory, but Venom's success has given them the wrong message. Like I never knew or cared for Peacemaker, but James Gunn made a great series with a unique voice. Sony could do the same with characters like Madam Webb or Morbius, it just doesn't care to.
Figured I'd post this here since it seems this topic has more traffic than the others, even though it's more Sony related than Kraven. According to Production Weekly, Marvel Studios is listed as co-producing Venom 3, Madam Web and El Muerto, with Kevin Feige is listed as a producer for Madam Web as well a few unannounced movies. Not sure what to make of this really lol.

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They did sort of make him an animal advocate in the Daredevil series where Black Panther took over but in no way is Kraven a hero. Everyone and everything is prey to him, meant to satisfy his ego.
Figured I'd post this here since it seems this topic has more traffic than the others, even though it's more Sony related than Kraven. According to Production Weekly, Marvel Studios is listed as co-producing Venom 3, Madam Web and El Muerto, with Kevin Feige is listed as a producer for Madam Web as well a few unannounced movies. Not sure what to make of this really lol.

Very interesting!
Having grown up in a state where the start of hunting season is practically a state holiday, hunters believing themselvs to be part of conservation efforts is fairly common.
Guys, I just read that alleged plot leak. I hope to god it's not real because holy crud, is this diarrhea.

Spoiler-tagging this just in case:

Chameleon is so radically different to what he's supposed to be that he's now nothing but a poacher? Chameleon. A poacher. :dry:
What source did the alleged plot leak come from? Haven't read it all myself yet.
I read the leaks because I have no interest in seeing this movie, and my god, this sounds worse than I could have imagined meaning it must be real.
Hope it’s not true. I saw both Venom films and Morbius, but that….? Uh uh.
Guys, I just read that alleged plot leak. I hope to god it's not real because holy crud, is this diarrhea.

Spoiler-tagging this just in case:

Chameleon is so radically different to what he's supposed to be that he's now nothing but a poacher? Chameleon. A poacher. :dry:

Yikes, they’ve done him dirty if true!
What source did the alleged plot leak come from? Haven't read it all myself yet.
Not exactly sure. Just seen it circling on Twitter. Might be from the same person responsible for the future DCEU leaks?
Guys that "plot leak" is fake. I'm sure this movie will suck but don't fall for bs random leaks on twitter.

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