List your Best Couple from a Comic Book "Origin" Film


No More Miracles
Aug 31, 2007
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Considering that any "Origin" story that is told on film for a superhero has a considerable amount of areas to cover within their allotted time, there have been a few comic book couples where the pacing and portrayal of their developments within that said "Origin" film has either suffered from those issues or managed to still thrive in the end.

Well folks, after seeing the chemistry and development between Cavil's Clark/Superman and Amy's Lois Lane, where would you rank them in the list of comic book couples/romantic pairings that have formed within the classic "origin" films for superheroes? Do you believe that their romantic arc was the best portrayed one yet for a origin film or do you think that there's another pairing that did it better?

Note: I'm not including the comic book film couples where they were already shown having already been or are in a relationship with each other prior to the events of their said films.


"Clark Kent/Superman & Lois Lane": Man of Steel (2013)


"Tony Stark/Iron Man & Pepper Potts": Iron Man (2008)


"Bruce Wayne/Batman & Rachel Dawes": Batman Begins (2005)


"Steve Rogers/Captain America & Peggy Carter": Captain America- The First Avenger (2011)


"Peter Parker/Spider-Man & Gwen Stacy": The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)


"Thor & Jane Foster": Thor (2011)


"Peter Parker/Spider-Man & Mary Jane Watson": Spider-Man (2002)


"Matt Murdock/Daredevil and Elektra Natchios": Daredevil (2003)


"Bruce Wayne/Batman & Vicki Vale": Batman (1989)


"Clark Kent/Superman & Lois Lane": Superman- The Movie (1978)
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Clearly Bruce and Rachel. /sarcasm
1)Iron Man & Pepper Potts - Gwyneth was/is the perfect Pepper
2) Spider-Man & MJ (Kirsten Dunst) - some say she was miscast but she was great in the first movie imho
3) Superman & Lois Lane (Reeve & Kidder)
4) Steve Rogers & Peggy Carter
5) Batman & Rachel Dawes (Katie Holmes) - she was miscast but I liked their arc
6) Spiderman & Gwen Stacy
7) Superman & Lois Lane (Amy Adams) - Has a lot of potential, but right now they come off as friends despite the kiss, which is probably realistic but makes the romance feel forced.
8) Thor & Jane Foster - I never bought this relationship for a second

Gwen and Pete is really the only couple that has ever earned it in my view when it comes to origin films.
Spidey two another matter all together.
they weren't even a couple in mos they struck a friendship and a personal understanding and got each others respect in MOS their kiss was more of a heat of the moment response i would wait for sequel before such a poll
they weren't even a couple in mos they struck a friendship and a personal understanding and got each others respect in MOS their kiss was more of a heat of the moment response i would wait for sequel before such a poll

Hmm, well maybe I should have gave a better definition of what I was looking for when I used the word "couple"; I was just generally talking about the pairs that were linked within a romantic arc with each other in the hero's origin films and some of the other pairings up above weren't "official" couples at the end of their first films either.
Especially Steve and Peggy. Their chemistry is something else. MoS Lois and Clark are second.
Personally, even though Lois and Clark weren't an official couple by the end of MOS, I still find it hard to believe when some say that they were just friends who had an intense moment with the kiss. Even before the kiss, there were subtle hints and looks that made it evident, for me at least, that they were developing non-platonic feelings for each other that started to emerge when they were holding hands in the desert.
Definitely for me, Lois and Clark from "Man of Steel."

Next would be Tony and Pepper from "Ironman."

I think with both couples, I had the sense there was something more there. Obviously, Tony and Pepper had had a relationship for years that was growing into more as he kind of got over himself post his accident.

But with Lois and Clark, I felt like there was a strong basis of trust and friendship, heightened in the face of adversity, that really worked to build their romance stronger than a lot of other romances have in the movies, IMO.

I would have liked the build between Steve and Peggy in "Captain America" more, if that movie hadn't been so damn boring and blah. I would have liked Thor and Jane better, if Natalie Portman had been better (I just didn't like her that much in the movie, which was a shame cause I kind of liked Jane). And Peter and Gwen ("The Amazing Spiderman") were kind of ruined for me when they had him do that horribly dick move and abandon her when she needed him most when her dad died.

So over all, Tony/Pepper and Lois/Clark (MoS) were the only ones where I really felt the connection between the actors and the characters, and I believed the romance and was happy with it (though I wanted more for both, LOL!).
Definitely for me, Lois and Clark from "Man of Steel."

I would have liked the build between Steve and Peggy in "Captain America" more, if that movie hadn't been so damn boring and blah. I would have liked Thor and Jane better, if Natalie Portman had been better (I just didn't like her that much in the movie, which was a shame cause I kind of liked Jane). And Peter and Gwen ("The Amazing Spiderman") were kind of ruined for me when they had him do that horribly dick move and abandon her when she needed him most when her dad died.

I didn't like the actress who played Peggy in Captain America...I think she didn't have enough onscreen presence and I probably would have preferred somebody like Kate Beckinsale for the role.
Natalie Portman is clearly a good actress but I think in Thor she missed out. I mean, I definitely rooted for Thor/Jane but maybe because of the script or whatever, but there was def something missing. The same goes to her performance in Star Wars...although she was really awesome in V for Vendetta.
So yeah, Lois/Clark and Tony/Pepper for me.
1)Iron Man & Pepper Potts - Gwyneth was/is the perfect Pepper
2) Spider-Man & MJ (Kirsten Dunst) - some say she was miscast but she was great in the first movie imho
3) Superman & Lois Lane (Reeve & Kidder)
4) Steve Rogers & Peggy Carter
5) Batman & Rachel Dawes (Katie Holmes) - she was miscast but I liked their arc
6) Spiderman & Gwen Stacy
7) Superman & Lois Lane (Amy Adams) - Has a lot of potential, but right now they come off as friends despite the kiss, which is probably realistic but makes the romance feel forced.
8) Thor & Jane Foster - I never bought this relationship for a second
i totally have forgetten how ironman & Pepper Potts fall in love. lol
Gwen and Peter.

Great chemistry (they're going out so you know it's real).
Gwen was smart, funny and resourceful and most of all she was proactive rather than someone who exists solely to be saved.
As much as I like the original Superman movie and Reeve and Kidder, Cavill and Adams did a great job in MOS and had a lot of chemistry, so I'm going with them.
1. Man of Steel - Lois & Superman
2. Iron Man - Tony & Pepper
3. Captain America - Rogers & Carter
4. Spider-Man - Peter & Mary Jane
5. Superman: The Movie - Lois & Superman
6. Batman Begins - Bruce and Rachel
7. Thor - Thor and Jane
8. Hulk - Bruce & Betty
9. Batman 89 - Batman & Vicki
10. TAMS
1. Captain America: Peggy and Steve
2. Iron Man: Pepper and Tony
3. Amazing Spider-Man: Gwen and Peter
4. Superman: The Movie: Lois and Clark
5. Thor: Jane and Thor

Those are the only five couples that I thought had great chemistry together. I liked Lois and Clark individually in MOS, but I didn't think they had any chemistry in their scenes together at all.
Tony and pepper-by far, they've had the best on screen chemistry and the more satisfying storyline arc regarding their relationship.
I would have voted Tony and Pepper, but their relationship really didn't blossom until IM2 and Avengers. Best CBM couple by far though.

Peggy and Cap were great despite not having too much screen time together, Reeves and Kidder were a perfect foil for one another, and I thought Hemsworth and Portman were great together. Like MOS the relationship development was a little forced, but there was a strong physical infatuation between the two and they had great chemistry working off one another that I didn't see from Cavill and Adams.
Tony and Pepper

RDJ and Paltrow's natural chemistry saves a lot of the more lacking parts of Iron Man 2 and 3.
What about The Phantom and that girl from Buffy the Vampire Slayer? :D

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