Superman Returns Man of Steel: The Official Brandon Routh Thread

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Apr 30, 2003
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From Rotten Tomatoes:

Brandon Routh Looking For More Fights In "Superman Returns 2"

Posted by RT-News on Friday, Nov. 03, 2006, 12:49 PM

RT-News writes: "One of the fans' complaints about "Superman Returns" was that Superman didn't actually fight anyone in it. Now that a sequel has been announced, the filmmakers seem to be answering the fans. Star Brandon Routh told Rotten Tomatoes that he's looking forward to coming to blows.

Author: Fred Topel

"Bryan [Singer] said at Comic-Con they were going to add some more fighting elements and stuff like that," said Routh. "That might be kind of interesting to throw some punches or throw something, I don't know, a little more active."

Routh is going to have to hit the gym again to get back into fighting shape, but not just yet. "I think I've got a while. We probably won't start for another at least six months. They've got to get things written so I'm still in the gym. I still work out a little bit but certainly not as much as I had been."

Simply as a fan, Routh is eager to get that first draft. "I'm extremely excited, even though I don't know what the story's going to be, to find out what the story's going to be and excited for them, Bryan, Dan [Harris] and Mike [Dougherty] to go start writing and continue the story. I'm excited to see what happens, where the characters are going to go.""

Also looks like filming could start much earlier than anticipated?:huh:
I hope it looks like this....


Super battles are always fun to watch. They're my favourite part of the Spider-Man movies.
Retroman said:
I hope it looks like this....


it wont look like this becaise i noticed something about singers movies. he doesnt want that WOOOW factor in hes movies. he likes quiet and simple scenes.
dark_b said:
it wont look like this becaise i noticed something about singers movies. he doesnt want that WOOOW factor in hes movies. he likes quiet and simple scenes.
Not necessarily quiet and simple, but definitely not far too over the top.
dark_b said:
it wont look like this becaise i noticed something about singers movies. he doesnt want that WOOOW factor in hes movies. he likes quiet and simple scenes.
Singer's action is more grounded, so you won't see people's faces becoming rubber, but you will see good stuff.

I thought X-men 1 and 2 had great fights, and Superman Returns had a good action scene with that plane.
no no . it is how he shows scenes. he shows them in a simple way.
dark_b said:
no no . it is how he shows scenes. he shows them in a simple way.
Not simple, but not flashy either.

I wouldn't call the plane rescue 'simple'.
I heard the plane rescue was from a script prior to Singer's involvement.
DavidTyler said:
I heard the plane rescue was from a script prior to Singer's involvement.
Which doesn't change the fact that it was Singer's team that visualized it. And it is true...many Superman scripts have had the plane rescue in them, even your beloved Animated Series.
Singer needs to let go of grounded reality. Superman aint wolverine. Its time that the super battles in the comics get brung to the big screen. So sissy punches though walls. Time for punches through buildings.
storyteller said:
Time for punches through buildings.
Seems to me that Superman should try to avoid damage of public or private property.
Still, there should be some good fight scenes. If we want to see Superman physically trading blows with someone, then I think that the villain should be Brainiac, but he created Bizarro as a way of countering Supes.
My biggest fear is that their will be a supervillian,but we wont get to see a physical fight,just a mental one...Or its brainiac,(which would be awesome),but he's just a program in a computer with no physical body.....I'm sure i'm wrong about all that, but still,I cant help but to think about it.
^maybe he should do what he did to darkseid in the last episode of JLU.:eek:
Id love to see a Superman/Darksied story done like S:TAS and JLU!!!
^I've always dreamt of a superman movie modeled after the action elements of the last episode in JLU or a story similiar to that of STAS "Legacy".
explode7 said:
^I've always dreamt of a superman movie modeled after the action elements of the last episode in JLU or a story similiar to that of STAS "Legacy".

Same here. Ive been waiting for something like that for years. Im holding out hope that it will happen, but with Singer attached I doubt it. He will never strip away the " grounded in reality elements " and go balls to the walls. So many people fail to understand you can still have great character development and moments in the backdrop of a fanatical setting!!!
venom420 said:
So Lame.........
You're right. It is quite lame to expect Superman to add to mass destruction instead of trying to prevent it.
skruloos said:
You're right. It is quite lame to expect Superman to add to mass destruction instead of trying to prevent it.

Oh, thats not what I was talking about :yay: . Good job on the " Keep Superman as lame as possible " movement. Thumbs up!
venom420 said:
Oh, thats not what I was talking about :yay: . Good job on the " Keep Superman as lame as possible " movement. Thumbs up!
Wait...I thought people were arguing Superman is supposed to be perfect. If he's perfect, then he's certainly not causing destruction of property. So which is it? Is the character flawed or is he supposed to be perfect?
skruloos said:
Wait...I thought people were arguing Superman is supposed to be perfect. If he's perfect, then he's certainly not causing destruction of property.

Even more, one can think that knowing the way his home planet has been destroyed, Kal El would do everything to prevent mass destruction .
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