Mark Bagley: DC Exclusive Artist

Can we also get Maleev, Mcniven, Hitch, Del Otto, and Finch?

Marvel can have the Kuberts back.
Yeah, The Kuberts have gotten pretty terrible since moving to DC. I used to really dig both of them back in the day.
Haven't you heard? He's like, totally going to make sure Fantastic Four ships on time.

Wow,this is surprising.

Not a fan of his work,but good luck to him.
I haven't been a fan of his work lately, but I respect the hell out of him. :up:
This is kind of out of nowhere. But I like Bag's art, all the best to him.
At the very least, whatever it is he's gonna be doing it'll be on time.
Great, now he can draw someone elses characters like sick wet ass.
"Sick wet ass"? :confused:

Thats what I was wondering what the hell does that even mean?

Oh and this is good news i mean the man pumped out 2 issues a month for ultimate spider man he'll be able to take what ever DC can throw at him.
He is a terrible artist. When he first started Amazing Spider-man he wasn't that bad but USM is just terrible. People ageing and de-ageing between panels/pages, everyone has a lazy eye etc. And don't even get me started on what he charges for what he does for sketchs at cons. It was another Micheal Golden incident.

As far as the Kuberts, I think they are still doing good work it's just sad that they do NO work.

Hitch, is a namazing artist and you can see his passion for not only the project but the medium in every panel and it's rare in comics, it really is. If he put out one book a year, I'm sorry but it's totally worth it.
Hitch, is a namazing artist and you can see his passion for not only the project but the medium in every panel and it's rare in comics, it really is. If he put out one book a year, I'm sorry but it's totally worth it.

Thanks for being one of the reasons that no one cares about deadlines anymore. Please stop collecting.
I never said I didn't care about deadlines I just feel that some creators have more then earned the right to be late. Would I rather they have the issues finished and 100% in the can before promising shipping dates? Yes I would, but if they want to keep soliciting stuff from a guy like Hitch and it's late...well I'm ok because I KNOW I wil lbe geting my moneys worth when it does come by getting the best work the artist can do and not some lame half assed job or a crappy fill in.
I love this guy's work. I am pumped.
He is a terrible artist.

BWAHAHAHA! Thanks for the laugh. I needed it.

I don't know,'d have to be art attached to a great story to make Bagley's project the only DC comic I buy. I'm not the kind who buys comics just for being drawn well.
I'd like to see Bagley's Batman. Does anyone have a scan or anything?
Ugh, I would hate to see his Batman. DC can have him. Stick him on Teen Titans or something.
Whatever Not Jake. As a real Jake, I am pumped. I know i have expressed this already but a few beers later a am really pumped about this even more. This guy's art is not only sharp and clear but... say it with me... CON-SIS-TENT.
Sorry dude my vote for sharp,clear and consistant artist went to John Romita JR.
I wish he would slow down a little. His stuff can look nice but I think it looks rushed a lot. Sloppy.
He'd be good on a more youth orientated title like Teen Titans, Robin and Blue Beetle. I think Beetle would be a nice place for him to start. Or GLC: Recharge.

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