Max Headroom is Moloch!

So who exactly is this guy? Is this good casting or not, I'm really not familiar with him or his work.
So who exactly is this guy? Is this good casting or not, I'm really not familiar with him or his work.

Yes it is. More recently he played a survivor in the Dawn of the Dead remake.
The father with the teenager daughter. He becomes a zombie and is shot.
AWESOEM casting.

Simply perfect. That guy's just plain cool. Great addition to the cast.
So who exactly is this guy? Is this good casting or not, I'm really not familiar with him or his work.

He's done voice work in animated shows, played Sherlock Holmes a few years ago in a few TV movies, PSI Factor. He will be great for the young and old Moloch.
He was also on Honey, I shrunk the Kids and the new Dawn of the Dead.
Isn't he pretty tall? I'm going to get a kick out of his scenes with Rorschach. It'll be extra-cool to see people so much taller get scared of him.
So who exactly is this guy? Is this good casting or not, I'm really not familiar with him or his work.

Meh... He'll probably be ok but there are probably others who could play the part as well or better. Unless my hearing has gone, at about 2:51 in the video link below, he says something like "Happy Harry's Nightclub" and this video came out around the same time that watchmen did in the 80's. Could it have been a watchmen reference?
I loved Max Headroom, this guy was also my choice for Rorschach before JEH.
He can currently be seen playing a cryptozoolologist on Eureka on SciFi.
Have you seen Eureka? He plays Taggart, before that he used to do Coke Commercials and he had his own TV show as "Max Headroom"

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