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MCU Fight: Ronan with the Power Stone Vs. Hela


Sentinel of the Spaceways
Jun 1, 2010
Reaction score
We will be doing VS. battles for the MCU every week and will be using the Winners and Losers to create an accurate power tier list created by some of it's biggest fans (you). So don't forget to VOTE and after voting for a Winner please include a comment on which power tier, both the Winner and Loser should reside within. Also, see below for more details on the characters abilities as well as for a list of available power tiers to choose from.

Don't forget to put which Tier group you think Ronan with The Power Stone and Hela belong to in your posts. :up:

So, without further delay here is this week's match up.



*****Here are some of their powers, abilities and relevant feats.*****


- Kree Physiology: As a Kree, Ronan had the following superhuman abilities.

- Superhuman Strength: Ronan possessed enough strength to knock Drax around like a rag doll and could physically take on the entire Guardians team, single-handedly. He was thought to be one of the strongest of the Kree and was worshiped by some for his great power. His strength was impressive enough that he was even able to survive direct exposure to the Power Stone's power long enough until combining it with his Cosmi-Rod. It is possible that his natural abilities were augmented by exposure to the Infinity Stone.

- Superhuman Durability: While not indestructible, Ronan had incredible durability that was well beyond that of a human.

- Superhuman Agility: Despite his massive size, Ronan was easily able to counter all the hits that Drax, in a drunken state, tried to give him, at least when he chose to do so.

- Regenerative Healing Factor: As with all Kree, Ronan possessed a healing factor which allowed him to recover from injuries in a much shorter timespan than Humans.

- Expert Tactician: Ronan was an experienced and exonerated member of the Kree military, and as such, he was a skilled strategist. He led the Sakaarans during the Battle of Xandar.

- Master Combatant: As a warrior and military figurehead, it is only natural that Ronan would have extensive combat and military training. He had very impressive hand to hand skills, easily countering Drax the Destroyer's hits with little effort and defeating him in battle twice. He also trained Gamora and Nebula to become expert warriors.

- Hammer Mastery: Thanks to his training, Ronan is extremely proficient in wielding melee weapons, especially his hammer, the Cosmi-Rod.

- Cosmi-Rod: Ronan the Accuser was the wielder of the powerful hammer known as the Cosmi-Rod, a large staff-like war hammer. In addition to using it as a melee weapon, he can also fire some sort of force that is capable of snapping a person's neck by twisting their head 180 degrees, as he did to The Other. When Ronan pushed the Power Stone into the Weapon, the hammer increased in power and became capable of firing blasts of energy which annihilated the entire Nova Corps fleet and came close to being used to destroy Xandar.

- Kree Armor: Ronan used a technologically advanced battlesuit that enhanced his strength and durability to levels higher than they already were. The Armor was powerful enough not to shatter when shot in the chest plate with the Hadron Enforcer, although Ronan's strength had been considerably increased by this stage.

- Dark Aster: Ronan was the commander of his own spacecraft, the Dark Aster, which came with a complete crew and combat squadron.


- Asgardian Physiology: As the eldest child of Odin, Hela has tremendous superhuman abilities and supernatural powers, far superior to those of any other Asgardian, even her younger brother Thor. It appears only the late Odin in his prime surpassed Hela's power among Asgardians, making Hela the second most powerful Asgardian of her time and one of the most powerful beings in the Nine Realms.

- Superhuman Strength: Hela possesses tremendous levels of superhuman strength, which allowed her to single-handedly wipe out all of the Valkyries (with only their leader barely surviving), and to even easily catch Mjølnir with one hand after it was thrown at her with full speed, before crushing it in her hand with no visible effort, in spite of it being one of the most powerful weapons in existence, causing it to explode in a blast of lightning. Hela later slaughtered the Warriors Three, Skurge, and the combined might of the Einherjar with ease. Furthermore, she was able to easily physically dominate Thor himself in two of their three battles, sending him flying with her attacks, and proved to have enough strength to injure the nearly invulnerable Asgardian, easily overpowered and tossed Valkyrie. away. Even after Thor gained his full powers, Hela proved to be still too strong for him. Only a fully-empowered Surtur and Odin at his prime was stronger than Hela, with Odin imprisoning her in Hel and Surtur managing to destroy her by destroying Asgard.

- Superhuman Durability: Hela's body, much like that of Thor, appears nigh-invulnerable, although her durability surpasses even her brother's, which allowed Hela to easily block spear strikes from a Gungnir-wielding Thor with her bare hands, and to even catch Mjølnir without injury. Hela was even unharmed after grabbing a handful of the Eternal Flame, impaled through the torso with an Einherjar's sword and stabbed with Gungnir by Thor without her body or her clothing being damaged, and emerged completely unharmed after a fully-empowered Thor hit her with massive lightning bolts. Indeed, only revived and enhanced Surtur's Twilight Sword was able to crush her, thus sending the Goddess of Death into oblivion.

- Superhuman Stamina: Like all Asgardians, Hela's musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of humans or normal Asgardians, allowing her to defeat numerous Asgardians, as well as fight against the combined might of Thor and Valkyrie without tiring.

- Superhuman Speed: Hela can move at exceptionally high speeds, as she was fast enough to keep up with and even outpace Thor and Valkyrie in combat, as well as even being fast enough to catch Mjølnir with one hand.

- Superhuman Agility: Hela naturally possesses greater agility, dexterity, balance, and body coordination than that of a human, and even most other Asgardians, with her managing to dodge and outpace Thor and Valkyrie's attacks for the majority of her battles with them and easily jump through a crater and land fully on her feet.

- Extended Longevity: Due to her connection to Asgard and to Hel, Hela is immortal and will not die, so long as the realm of Asgard exists.

- Supernatural Connection: As the first born of Odin, Hela has a supernatural connection to the realm Asgard, and can draw power from Asgard itself to perform incredible supernatural abilities. Hela can manifest various physical structures out of thin air, ranging from weapons to ground structures to even her own armor. She can even draw power from Asgard to enhance her natural abilities.

- Life and Death Manipulation: Hela was exiled for all eternity in the afterlife realm of Hel where the souls of those who died without being honored are driven to.

- Weapon Manifestation: Hela can manifest various weapons out of different parts of her body, though she would usually generate Necroswords, daggers, spears, and axes. These weapons are incredibly durable and sharp, enough to not only instantly kill the likes of Warriors Three and Skurge, but also even pierce right through Thor's nigh-invulnerable body, with Hela thus gouging his right eye out with a Necrosword. She also manifested the Bloodaxe, which she then gave to Skurge. Hela later launched oversized blades into a large gate to a secret cave where the fleeing Asgardians were hiding, allowed her to bring it down by telekinetically pulling the blades down along with the gate. She was also able to generate these spike-like constructs from the ground to pierce Surtur with, but that ultimately proved ineffective against the Fire Giant.

- Structure Manifestation: Hela could manifest metallic, blade-like structures from the ground surrounding her, as seen when she attempted to prevent Loki's spaceship containing the Asgardians from launching from the doomed realm, and later when she attempted to gain elevation during her short battle with Surtur.

- Armor Manifestation: After being freed by Odin's death, Hela was able to repair the damage to her clothing and make her headdress appear and disappear from her head.

- Necromancy: Hela, as the self-proclaimed "Goddess of Death", demonstrated being able to resurrect her allies, using a handful of flame from the Eternal Flame and tossing it against the ground to create a huge blast of green infernal energy. As such, she was able to revive her pet wolf Fenris and her Berserkers after discovering their corpses under Odin's Vault. She has ruled in the realm of Hel, where the souls of those who died without being honored are driven to.

- Master Combatant: Hela is immensely formidable and deadly warrioress in both armed and hand-to-hand combat, as she was the original owner of Mjølnir and the chief of the legion of Asgard as well as Odin's Executioner. Her skills are so tremendous that she easily managed to singlehandedly slay the entire Einherjar army of Asgard, as well as swiftly slay all of the Warriors Three whom were among the greatest warriors of Asgard. Indeed, Hela's combat skills are superior to even Valkyrie and Thor immensely skilled and powerful Asgardian warriors in their own right, with her notably able to battle both of them simultaneously, and beat Thor into submission in two of their three battles, even gouging out Thor's right eye with her Necrosword, as well as easily defeating Valkyrie in battle while she single-handedly slaughtered the Valkyries. While a fully-powered Thor (after receiving guidance from Odin's spirit) was able to almost match her to a stalemate, Hela still proved herself too much for him, necessitating Loki to resurrect Surtur and start Ragnarök[2]. Only Odin was ever able to defeat Hela in battle, having been the one who cast her out of Asgard and imprisoned her in Hel.

- Master Swordwoman: While Hela usually prefers to fight with her bare hands and telekinetically hurled weapons, she is also an tremendously skilled swordswoman, typically wielding a Necroswords. Indeed, Hela's skills allowed her to easily slaughter all of Asgard's Einherjar and Valkyries and even gain the upper hand over Thor using Gungnir and easily disarm him of his blades.

- Arcane Lore: Hela has been shown to have an encyclopedic knowledge of mystical artifacts and energy and also has great skill in handling them, as demonstrated when she easily caught Mjølnir (possibly due to being the hammer's original wielder) and shattered the nearly indestructible Asgardian Hammer, withstood repeated attacks from Gungnir, and withstood grabbing a handful of the Eternal Flame. She was also quickly able to tell that the Infinity Gauntlet in Odin's Vault was a fake replica, that the Casket of Ancient Winters was no longer functional, and that the Tesseract could still be useful to her. She was, however, surprised when she laid eyes upon the crowned skull of Surtur, having believed it was much bigger.

- Expert Leader: As the Chief of the Legion of Asgard and Odin's Executioner, Hela was known to be a very effective and brutal leader, with her skills in leadership being essential in Asgard's violent conquest of the Nine Realms.

- Mjølnir (formerly): Hela was the first owner of Mjølnir as the Executioner of Asgard and King Odin's first-born, until she was imprisoned in Hel by her own father. After her banishment, it was passed down to Thor, until she herself destroyed it after Thor threw the weapon at her upon her freedom.

- Necroswords: Hela is capable of manifesting Necroswords from her body, which she usually uses as throwing weapons but she also is exceptionally capable with using these swords for melee combat. These swords are more than strong and durable enough to instantly kill the Warriors Three each with a single stab, and even harm Thor.

- Bloodaxe: Hela conjured this weapon, but never used it, rather lending it to Skurge for his job as her executioner.

- Eternal Flame: Hela utilized the power of the Eternal Flame to resurrect her undead warriors as well as her loyal pet Asgardian wolf, Fenris.

*****Below is the list of power tiers to choose from. Please select a power tier for each character doing battle (the characters below in Red are not in any particular order). Be aware both characters can share the same power tier*****

The character's current statuses below are as follows


*****NOTE: Characters that are OFFICIAL will always be Placed above characters that are UNOFFICIAL.*****

Cosmic Tier (cosmic/interdimension level power/presence on a planetary scale, at the minimum)


Eson the Searcher with Infinity Stone

Surtur Prime

Ego the Living Planet


Doctor Strange with Time Gem (Reality Hack)

Transcendent Tier (City to planetary level power & Cosmic/interdimensional level influence on a local scale)]

Ultron Prime (Vibranium)



Powerhouse Tier (Beyond top tier, power/interdimensional power on a block to city Level)

Hulkbuster Iron Man

Ghost Rider




Malekith (with Reality Gem)

Doctor Strange


Destroyer Armor

Giant Man


Top Tier (Street to block level)

Aldrich Killian

Drax the Destroyer

Iron Man


Iron Monger



War Machine

Scarlett Witch







Korath The Pursuer








Pepper Potts with Extremis




Baron Mordo

Master Wong

Superhuman Tier (Street Level)

Captain America




Black Panther

Red Skull

Winter Solider


Eric Savin (Extremis Soldier)

Ellen Brandt (Extremis Soldier)


Luke Cage

Iron Fist

Jessica Jones


Madame Gao

Mr. Hyde





The Patriot

Carl Creed the Absorbing Man




Ant Man

Yellow Jacket

Street Tier (non super human, agent level)


Black Widow




Batroc The Leaper

Rocket Raccoon

Coleen Wing


Batroc The Leaper





Peggy Carter

Sharon Carter Agent 13

Dum Dum Dugan

Mocking Bird

Maria Hill

Misty Knight

The Punisher

Nick Fury

Phil Coulson


*****As I mentioned earlier, as fights occur an official tier list will be created and updated by me and that can be viewed here.*****


So enjoy and we are looking forward to the results. Spread the word.
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I have given it a little bit of thought and I am going to say Hela takes this one. I think the Power Stone might make Ronan the more powerful of the two characters, but Hela is a crazy fighter and I think she could destroy Ronan's Cosmi-Rod (Hammer), just like the Guardians did leaving the Power Stone in a free for all with Hela coming up on top in that battle.

At least that's how I see it.

Ronan. The power stone makes people a beast. It's close fight but there is a reason Celestials only carried it around.
Hela, for a couple reasons. First, despite being extremely powerful and durable, Hela actually is skilled at avoidance, so it isn't a certain thing she'll get hit by Ronan's attacks. Second, while the Power Stone gave Ronan a vast power upgrade, he wasn't invincible. . . or more precisely, his Universal Weapon wasn't invincible. Third, Hela is herself demonstrably capable of using and channeling artifacts of vast power, in a way none of the people who faced Ronan could really say ( save maybe Peter, except he also had no idea what he was doing ).

So, despite having more actual raw power, I can't see Ronan winning. He's largely going to miss with his attacks, and either have his UW smashed or else control over the Infinity Stone directly contested.
Technically the Power Stone should give Ronan a very good boost but in the end of the day Hela seems more dangerous and skilled/powerful enough to take him down. It’s not only the power of an artifact that makes the wielder but also the way in which he controls/uses it. And Ronan didn’t seem all that great wielding that power.
Technically the Power Stone should give Ronan a very good boost but in the end of the day Hela seems more dangerous and skilled/powerful enough to take him down. It’s not only the power of an artifact that makes the wielder but also the way in which he controls/uses it. And Ronan didn’t seem all that great wielding that power.

I agree :up:

All he did was threaten and promise to do stuff with it, he never actually did much with it (besides destroying that fleet).
Even the power stone wouldn't be enough of a boost for MCU Ronan to take out Hela. He's been more talk than action while Hela has been all action (while also great at the talk).
Both Transcendent tier.
8 or 9 times out of 10 Hela takes this, Ronan could be theoretically more powerful but he's had no time to get proficient with the Stone.

I'mma vote Ronan though, guessing he landed a lucky shot.

Strange vs Hela would make sense?
Both Transcendent tier.
8 or 9 times out of 10 Hela takes this, Ronan could be theoretically more powerful but he's had no time to get proficient with the Stone.

I'mma vote Ronan though, guessing he landed a lucky shot.

Strange vs Hela would make sense?

Thank you for helping us with the Tier placements for these characters, and I agree both should be on the Transcendent Tier.

Hela, for a couple reasons. First, despite being extremely powerful and durable, Hela actually is skilled at avoidance, so it isn't a certain thing she'll get hit by Ronan's attacks. Second, while the Power Stone gave Ronan a vast power upgrade, he wasn't invincible. . . or more precisely, his Universal Weapon wasn't invincible. Third, Hela is herself demonstrably capable of using and channeling artifacts of vast power, in a way none of the people who faced Ronan could really say ( save maybe Peter, except he also had no idea what he was doing ).

So, despite having more actual raw power, I can't see Ronan winning. He's largely going to miss with his attacks, and either have his UW smashed or else control over the Infinity Stone directly contested.

I felt the exact same way. Also, I was thinking if the Stones themselves are an upgrade to the characters powers, perhaps they do not provide all characters with the same level of power and the amount of power may be dependent on the characters base power without the stone. For example.

I don't know if Ronan with the Power Stone would ever be as powerful as a Celestial with a Power Stone because Ronan's base level of power is not as powerful as that of the Celestial. I realize this is speculation, but it could explain why various characters holding stones seem to have demonstrated various levels of power while possessing them.

Anyways, just a thought.

Even the power stone wouldn't be enough of a boost for MCU Ronan to take out Hela. He's been more talk than action while Hela has been all action (while also great at the talk).

I voted Ronan, but I regret it doing so. Hela was, indeed, much more impressive and dangerous, while Ronan was strong, but not much more than it.
I wish I could change it.
Even the power stone wouldn't be enough of a boost for MCU Ronan to take out Hela. He's been more talk than action while Hela has been all action (while also great at the talk).


While the stone is the source of most of Robin's power Hela's power was her own. It is something that can be taken from him. Also remember that Hela's blades kill Asgardians very easily, and they are far far tougher than humans.

If the fight took place on Asgard it would be Hela, easily. Off Asgard might be a lot closer.

Ultimately, stone wielders ( e.g. Malekith) can be destroyed, even if the stone can't.

Hela wins. Hela v Thanos would be interesting.
Ronan no stone vs Hela, Hela wins easily. Ronan with stone vs Hela, Ronan wins. He simply was invulnerable and only defeated by breaking his staff. Hela was bested by Surtur in Thor: Ragnarok, and the Orb contains more power than Surtur had. He simply needs to touch the surface they fight on and she loses, period.
Ronan was about to 1 shot all of Xandar before he lost to CIS/PIS
Maybe Hela could break Ronan's Hammer(maybe) but PIS/CIS aside Powerstone Ronan should be able to overkill Hela with 1 shot so I give it to him 99/100

I agree :up:

All he did was threaten and promise to do stuff with it, he never actually did much with it (besides destroying that fleet).
I think your understating what should be a very compelling feat I don't see Hella breaking the nova core omnishield with her feats or tanking Dark Astor like the fleet did
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He gets smacked around by Hela, with minimal damage thanks to the power gem durability boost.

Then he one shots with one lucky hit.

Edit: He doesn't one shot. That's hyperbole lol. But with the power gem, which is strong enough to destroy a planet, I would imaginr Ronan can generate enough destructive/concussive force to knock her out with a a fair number of hits.

Hela took Thor's lightning blast, but I don't see her taking strikes and blasts from the power gem unscathed.

Hela is powerful, I think she ends up near the top of the transcendent tier, but she isn't beating anyone with the power gem, in my opinion.
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I think your understating what should be a very compelling feat I don't see Hella breaking the nova core omnishield with her feats or tanking Dark Astor like the fleet did

Hela defeated the entire Asgardian army, air ships included.
Hela is godly but depending on how Ronan uses the stone he can easily destroy her in a single hit.

While the stone is the source of most of Robin's power Hela's power was her own. It is something that can be taken from him. Also remember that Hela's blades kill Asgardians very easily, and they are far far tougher than humans.

If the fight took place on Asgard it would be Hela, easily. Off Asgard might be a lot closer.

Ultimately, stone wielders ( e.g. Malekith) can be destroyed, even if the stone can't.

Hela wins. Hela v Thanos would be interesting.

The problem with Thanos at the moment is he has no Feats. Our placement of him Speculatively is only due to what other characters have said about him and the fact that Ronan seemed to be afraid of him until he got the Power Stone. So, it is not really a lot to go on. Also, with Avengers Infinity War around the corner, I don't know if we will really see any Feats by him without some Infinity Stones in the Gauntlet, making the current Thanos listing something that may need to be changed.


He gets smacked around by Hela, with minimal damage thanks to the power gem durability boost.

Then he one shots with one lucky hit.

Edit: He doesn't one shot. That's hyperbole lol. But with the power gem, which is strong enough to destroy a planet, I would imaginr Ronan can generate enough destructive/concussive force to knock her out with a a fair number of hits.

Hela took Thor's lightning blast, but I don't see her taking strikes and blasts from the power gem unscathed.

Hela is powerful, I think she ends up near the top of the transcendent tier, but she isn't beating anyone with the power gem, in my opinion.

So, is the belief then that the Power Stone provides anyone that holds it with the same level of power? Meaning would Ronan with the Power Stone be equal to Eson the Celestial with the Power Stone, since both have the power and durability of the Power Stone essentially?

Or is it believed that the Power Stone only greatly enhances the base power and durability of the Character? Meaning that if the Celestial's base power is over Ronan's base power, then the Celestial with the Power Stone would always be more powerful than Ronan with the Power Stone.

I think it is more the 2nd way, but I am just curious on how others perceive it. Because I kind of feel like some people are perceiving Eson's Feat of destroying a planet to be also Ronan's Feat or power level through the connection of the Power Stone. Meaning if Eson did it then Ronan could do it also, and I am not sure that is the case.

Also, it would seem to me that all the Infinity Stones while completely different should be equal in strength and intensity for their individual purposes. So, if I am right and the characters use the Stones to only enhance their base powers, it could also explain why a character like Malekith in my opinion never reached the same power level as say Ronan.

At least that is how I see it.

I like Ronan more than most but I still say Hela.
So, is the belief then that the Power Stone provides anyone that holds it with the same level of power? Meaning would Ronan with the Power Stone be equal to Eson the Celestial with the Power Stone, since both have the power and durability of the Power Stone essentially?

Or is it believed that the Power Stone only greatly enhances the base power and durability of the Character? Meaning that if the Celestial's base power is over Ronan's base power, then the Celestial with the Power Stone would always be more powerful than Ronan with the Power Stone.

I think it is more the 2nd way, but I am just curious on how others perceive it. Because I kind of feel like some people are perceiving Eson's Feat of destroying a planet to be also Ronan's Feat or power level through the connection of the Power Stone. Meaning if Eson did it then Ronan could do it also, and I am not sure that is the case.

Also, it would seem to me that all the Infinity Stones while completely different should be equal in strength and intensity for their individual purposes. So, if I am right and the characters use the Stones to only enhance their base powers, it could also explain why a character like Malekith in my opinion never reached the same power level as say Ronan.

At least that is how I see it.

There are numerous theories as to how the Powerstone works in the MCU and 616

-It could boost everyone the same amount significantly closing the gap between Ronan and Eson if they both have the powerstone

-It's ability to boost could be limited only by the mental capacity of the wielder

but even in the later case Ronan with Stone has enough feats to Overkill Hela in 1 shot, 1 shot Novacore shield in a huge cone type attack, and probably 1 shot all of Xandar
Remember how Hela walked past the tesseract ( which contains a infinity stone ) and didn't really bother with it ? Clearly she's not all that fussed about infinity stones.

The way I see this fight going down is Ronan opening his big mouth to say some ridiculous crap ( while raising the stone to blast her) and Hela putting a Necrosword through it and into his brainstem.

End of fight.

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