The Dark Knight Mob Bosses in BB2


Sep 26, 2005
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1. What Mob Boss(es) do you want in BB2?

2. Who should play the character?

3. How major of a villian should the Mob Boss be?
1. Rupert Thorne and Boss Maroni

2. Paul Sorvino and Chris Noth

3. I want Thorne and Maroni fighting over Falcone's old turf, more or less replace Falcone in TLH with Thorne.
Thorne would win. He's a badass.

Brian Cox for Thorne. There's no other choice. For me that's like Patrick Stewart and Prof X: perfect.

I like the idea of Noth as Maroni. I've said that before.
I'd take Sal Maroni (as played by Ray Liotta!) and Roman Sionis AKA Black Mask (there are several actos I wouldn't mind in this role, no real favorite). They'd be the major villains in the first half of the film or so, until Joker makes his reveal. Also, Oswald Cobblepot (Bob Hoskins or Phillip Seymour Hoffman) would be a British arms dealer that they meet with in one scene.
1.Maroni-Ray Liotta
2.Rupert Thorne-Brian Cox,i just realized how perfetct he is,he sounds JUST like the TAS Voice Actor.

i would save Thorne for three.
oh,how does this sound:

the Carmine Falcone in Begins a Ras style decoy with the REAL Falcone operateing behind the scenes with him filling in potentially dangerous situations?.just a idea.
bdsproductions said:
oh,how does this sound:

the Carmine Falcone in Begins a Ras style decoy with the REAL Falcone operateing behind the scenes with him filling in potentially dangerous situations?.just a idea.

lol. That's funny. But seriously, you are kidding... right?
1) Maroni

2) Ray Liotta. I was the first one to suggest him back around October and I've been for him ever since.

3) Fairly large, but not as much as Batman or The Joker.
1. Boss Maroni.

2. Ray Liotta, Chazz Palminteri, Al Pacino, Gabriel Byrne, or Alec Baldwin.

3. Falcone sized.
I'd also like to see Black Mask, played by Leonardo DiCaprio. He'd have a pretty big part, a business rival to Bruce as well as threat to Batman as one of the city's top crime bosses.
bds said:
oh,how does this sound:

the Carmine Falcone in Begins a Ras style decoy with the REAL Falcone operateing behind the scenes with him filling in potentially dangerous situations?.just a idea.
Somebody really wants an accurate TLH interpretation of Falcone.
Ronny Shade said:
Somebody really wants an accurate TLH interpretation of Falcone.

i would kill for that.....and i will......come here ronny....MUWAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAH!.yeah,Falcone was wa-sted in Begins.if you ask me Thorne would have been better in that role.
I don't want to see Thorne go out like that. He's much to hardcore. He was always way badder than all the other bosses. He'd go out in the most badass way possible if he even went out at all.
I kind of want a blend. The new underworld king who has ruthlessly taken over is the Black Mask, a mysterious figurehead. As it turns out, Black Mask is Roman Sionis, the new golden boy of Gotham.

Black Mask and his crew could be at war with Rupert Thorne. Maroni could be an enforcer on either side, preferrably Black Mask's.

Alberto Falcone could also be in the mix, as he has been recruited by, let's say Thorne, for information or something. Thorne regards him as weak, but doesn't realize how psychopathic Falcone is.

Oh, and I think the Oswald Cobblepot (The Penguin) should be a part of the underworld, a British gun-runner.

Roman Sionis / Black Mask - Jake Gyllenhaal (Jarhead, Brokeback Mountain)

Sal Maroni - Gabriel Byrne (The Usual Suspects, Assault on Precinct 13)

Oswald Cobblepot / Penguin - Timothy Spall (The Last Samurai, The Prisoner of Azkaban)

Rupert Thorne - Albert Finney (Big Fish, Erin Brockovich)

Alberto Falcone - Matthew Goode (Match Point, Chasing Liberty)

Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Brick, Manic)

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