Here are my thoughts posted two days ago at Alvaro's:
...just when things couldn't get any worse...
Okay, lets examine a few things:
1. Adult Thor gets the hammer made for him. Thus negating the possibility of a Thor: Son of Asgard movie, overlooking he lifted it as a youth, also that Odin wielded the hammer on occasion.
Has Protosevich ever read a Thor comic...?
"This is not THOR the superhero as portrayed in the Marvel comics - a god on Earth who performs super-heroic feats, rescues damsels in distresses, fights supervillains and does all of the usual stuff straight out of the How To Be A Superhero Handbook.
As suspected this movie has nothing to do with the Mighty Thor! Thus its a total and utter waste of the franchise.
This is the tale of THOR, son of Odin and Prince of Asgard and his journey from arrogant boob (not the good kind-sorry folks) to the true heroic ideal.
More idiocy. They have Thor go from hero to bully to hero again within the same movie. Yet they totally omit the entire reason for Thor going to Earth - to learn humility. In this movie hes already learnt his lesson it seems by the end of the movie. Thus invalidating the entire reason for Thor on Earth, his whole history as Don Blake. Talk about defecating on the comics...
Another key element that was missing from the script for me was its portrayal of ASGARD somehow. I was hoping this ASGARD would be some how influenced by the work of THOR co-creator, the late great comic god Jack Kirby. But no, this version will give its Production Designer(s) the chance to create stunning richly detailed Nine Worlds more "realistically", and again, as a comic book geek I was disappointed. I really wanted to get my Kirby on here.
Chalk up another "Jumping on the Lord of the Rings Bandwagon" moment from Hollywood.
Theres are a lot of special effects as ASGARD goes to war and THOR faces the treacherous LOKI and there is the obligatory "A New Hero Is Born" ending.
Totally underwhelming climax. Loki should have been the main villain but the climax should have been against some overwhelming opponent like the Destroyer.
THOR is a very good script to be sure, but it's humorless.
Even though it features the Warriors Three who are basically light relief in every Thor book they ever appeared in!
I can't see THOR hitting the kind of financial figures the bigwigs have come to expect.
Of course not because its a crock of **** with absolutely nothing to do with the comics, absolutely no respect for the comics, an underwhelming story that not only jumps on the Lord of the Rings bandwagon but openly bounces up and down on it.
It totally invalidates all future Thor movies and you can damn well guarantee I'll be writing to Kevin Feige within the week.
The gloves are officially OFF! I can't take anymore of this cr@p lying down.