My designs for future characters.

super scar

Apr 5, 2004
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This is my thread for characters in the Bat-world based on Begins designs. Any requests and ideas are welcome.
I'll just start off with the Bman that most of the characters will be based off.
(Villains may also be included)
Isn't that just a straightforward drawing of the 'Begins suit?
Yes it is. That's what I'm doing is basing costumes off the Begins designs.
Here's a quick sketch for the Robin outfit. Just a sketch and I might have the final (mask included) up tonight...
Looks nice, put try and use brownish red colours for Robin that'll look better I think.
yeah, make the tunic more "rust colored" and add a raised red "R" emblem and its a very good costume.

He still has to be hung Vader, have you read Dark Victory? Him and Loeb get hung by Sophia Falcone.

Batman 3 will be basicly a translation to film of Dark Victory minus all the villain except Two Face, The Riddler, Calendar Man, and The Falcone Family.
It does'nt have to be characters that might appear in the second film. Just anyone from Batman and I'll try and work it to go along with Nolans style.
Anyway here's another Robin design. My photoshop is down so if anyone wants to have a try at colouring any of them in the future P.M, me and I'll send a hi- res image.
Detective Flass said:
He still has to be hung Vader, have you read Dark Victory? Him and Loeb get hung by Sophia Falcone.

Batman 3 will be basicly a translation to film of Dark Victory minus all the villain except Two Face, The Riddler, Calendar Man, and The Falcone Family.

No, i have yet to read Dark Victory and why dont you try Joker and Two-Face, the Big Two
What would make you think that, Flass?
don't even listen to Flass. Everything he "knows" will happen with the franchise is really what he wants to happen.

I like your Batman and Robin designs a lot. I especially like the symbol on Bats and how you made Robin's outfit faithful, yet realistic. I cant wait to see your villians.
Detective Flass said:
The Joker is only in BATMAN 2 if it's a trilogy.
So if it's not a trilogy, Joker won't be in it at all?
Super Scar- that Robin is excellent, though I do think the mask is a tiny bit Batman and Robin-esque.
Spidey-Boy said:
don't even listen to Flass. Everything he "knows" will happen with the franchise is really what he wants to happen.

I like your Batman and Robin designs a lot. I especially like the symbol on Bats and how you made Robin's outfit faithful, yet realistic. I cant wait to see your villians.

I whole heartidly agree... Flass has been so full of it recently, i dont know what it is. He makes it seem like he is Nolan or a WB exec.

At ease soldiers, there's plenty of threads for that sort of thing.
Thanks for the compliments. This will be the last of my Robin designs for just now.
I'll try some villains next.
i like it, the first concept that got the sleekness and agilness of Robin. All the other suit concepts were great, but this has the style also.

I like your Robin designs Super Scar, I love how you went with a younger Robin... which is more to the comics. Can't wait to see soem ideas for villians.
Thanx, once again. I'm glad people like the designs.
This next one is a preliminary sketch of the Riddler. It might not be to everyones liking, so, please post on how I can improve them. Still keeping with Nolans theme though.
pretty cool, but maybe add a question mark to the hat and tie?

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