New X-Men Group One-Sheet!



I'm new to the boards and I haven't seen this posted yet, but has anyone noticed that Rogue is shown with the Brotherhood in the new poster on SHH! ? I know there's been a lot said about her possibly taking the cure but is it possible she might actually join the brotherhood??? Could that be why Storm says something along the lines of "you're either with us or you're against us"?
where is this poster, i can't find it (got a link?)

welcome to the hype
I still think this doesn't mean anything.
nice one passage, hadn't seen that one

i guess only time will tell, but i think its more likley that she just takes the cure
Just weird that ALL of the characters are the X-Men are on the one side of Wolverine and ALL of the main Brotherhood characters are on the other side.
That's a very nice poster there. I don't think they could say they put Rogue on the right because of space, because they could have easily shoved Wolverine across. There must be something significant about this.
Oh, dear...I hope this doesn't mean anything. :down
This was posted in the photos thread.

I know. But considering the dynamics of the poster itself I think it deserves its own thread.
I think people are reading too much into it. I think it was more room to fit her on the right side than on the left. Has more to do with semetry. 6 on one side and 6 on the other and 4 in the middle.
I like how the poster establishes the fact that we have 16 main characters in this film. Lets you know who's going to be at the crux of the story line too. :up:
Lightning Strikez! said:
I like how the poster establishes the fact that we have 16 main characters in this film. Lets you know who's going to be at the crux of the story line too. :up:

And Colossus is in there. ;)
It comes from a Spanish web that calls the movie "The Last Battle" when the Spanish title is "The Last Decision"...

It doesn't mean nothing at all.
I dont think rogue being on that side means anything. I think they literally just couldnt fit her on the xmens side lol.

Look at the posters for X2 as well, deathstrike and pyro are up front with the xmen in the lineup while key characters like nightcrawler and mystique are at the back. It didnt mean anything at all.
cyclops is shooting kool-aid out of his eyes.....why are famkes hands glowing?......why isnt callisto in the front?.......why is halle blind?......why does ice-man look like severed body parts?

someone please remove the text
I wish Logan wasn't so huge. :o
Lightning Strikez! said:
I know. But considering the dynamics of the poster itself I think it deserves its own thread.
Ooh, ok yeah you're totally right.
It's true that it could mean nothing just like the X2 poster but its different when they take one single character like this and put them on the opposite side. If they had put Rogue and let's say, Beast or Angel, on the other side as well then it probably wouldn't even get much attention. But the fact that its just her and the rest of the Brotherhood has to mean something.

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