No evil shall escape my sight...The Official John Stewart Thread

Ooooh, I hadn't thought of Whittle, but I love American Gods and he may be my new top pick for John now.

Trevante Rhodes is still a great option too, though.
Just looked it up and yeah, he is a big comic book fan. Dude definitely has the physique for it, that's for sure.

I think that's the issue I'm having with the Boyega and Oyelowo suggestions. Both are great actors (Oyelowo in particular is amazing) but I've always pictured John as a f***ing tank who looks like he could break anyone in the room in half. Even if Boyega or Oyelowo bulked up a lot, I still don't picture either of them being able to fit that kind of a mold.

But Whittle and Rhodes certainly do.
I hope either of the 2 would be cast. They seem to be the best.

Rhodes just did Moonlight and has the upcoming Predator reboot and some special forces film with Chris Hemsworth due out in January. And Whittle is soon to be filming season 2 of American Gods.

Since we don't have much activity here these days, I thought I'd show you guys my new Justice League Series John Stewart bust and my finished custom 1/6 John figure.
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Tyrese is too thirsty for this for me to ever truly believe he's really in consideration.
Terese is too crap for this for me to ever truly believe he's really in consideration.
Which is why I went with Lance Gross as my next best option or even Derek Luke
Hasn't it been like 5 years of Tyrese talking about getting the role? His chances are def running out. Hard to believe he's pushing 40.
For me, it has to be David Oyelowo, right age, definite screen presence and you could buy him as ex-military and flawless american accent.
The dude is in his 40s and I think Stewart is supposed to be the young rookie Lantern here. Hal would probably be the one played by someone in their 40s. I don't see them looking for actors that old for John Stewart, even though someone like Oyelowo could indeed be a good choice.
The dude is in his 40s and I think Stewart is supposed to be the young rookie Lantern here. Hal would probably be the one played by someone in their 40s. I don't see them looking for actors that old for John Stewart, even though someone like Oyelowo could indeed be a good choice.

I concur. We need someone late 20's or early 30's. I think Trevante Rhodes would be the best choice.

Unless they truly want an unknown.
The dude is in his 40s and I think Stewart is supposed to be the young rookie Lantern here. Hal would probably be the one played by someone in their 40s. I don't see them looking for actors that old for John Stewart, even though someone like Oyelowo could indeed be a good choice.

If he's a young 'rookie' lantern of Jon, then it won't be the correct interpretation of Stewart on film then, if they head in that direction.
I saw someone else post this on another post,. but what about John Boyega?
If he's a young 'rookie' lantern of Jon, then it won't be the correct interpretation of Stewart on film then, if they head in that direction.

Well he is supposed to be the new Green Lantern so it makes sense to be a rookie. The John Stewart from the JL cartoon for instance was a veteran GL, but here I guess Hal Jordan would be the one playing that role. Plus, in the older comics John was initially depicted as being much younger than Hal when he first got his ring, so I wouldn't really say it would be an "incorrect" interpretation to show him as a young rookie Lantern.
Boyega reads almost TOO young to me. Trevante Rhodes is only a few years older, but he seems so much more like a grown up, whereas Boyega seems like he could still pass for a recent high school graduate.
I'd definitely go for Trevante Rhodes over Boyega. Just don't think Boyega is right for this.
I'd want to see how BOyega does in Pacific Rim. In all honesty though,. does anythign think WB even knows what htey are doing with Gl at this point?
I know that I am completely wrong. I know that he is in good for the role. I know that he is not a good actor. But doggoneit I like Tyrese.
I'd be cool with Boyega I guess but he wouldn't be my choice. Rhodes is the best choice by far
Yeah Boyega doesn't feel quite right to me but he's a quality actor so if he ends up with the role, I'm fine with it.

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