The Dark Knight Nolan more excited about Hoffman than Penguin

i dun get Nolan comments on the penguin not being able to fit in a "real" take on Batman. Hes just a chubby,short,arogant, rich guy who becomes a crime boss. It doesn't bother me either way if Oswald isn't in the flick, it just an odd thing to state. I mean Batman begins had a secret society of Ninjas, trying to rid Gotham city of evil buy destroying the water supply. Im sure Nolan has his reasons, so nevermind then.
I knew that Penguin wasn't going to be in the movie since that interview where Nolan laughed about the Hoffman/Penguin rumor.
How is Penguin hard to do? All he needs is a monacle, top hat or bowler hat, a tuxedo suit, and a long bird-like nose. I think either Nolan is fibbing here or Penguin is just going to be a nightclub owner and the Q & A is false.
To tell you the truth, I'm actually relieved there is no Penguin in it, nothing against him but the first day I heard he would be in I was greatly dissapointed. Not because he is The Penguin, just because he is another Bat-villan. I never liked the idea of two villans per film, I know it worked great in Batman Begins, but thats the only time its worked great, I honestly prefer Spider-Man's one villan per film record (apart from of corse "Spider-Man 3"). I understand that Nolan probably could have found a good way to link Penguin and Joker togrther, just like he did with Ras Al Ghul and Scarecrow, but I honestly believe that Joker is such a strong villan (metaphorically speaking, of corse) that he needs no partner in this film. This idea of Joker not needing another villan to star with him coupled with my dislike of the concept of two villans per film, makes me very happy to hear this news, and with Nolan himself, now I'm looking forward to "The Dark Knight" even more, if thats possible
I never cared much for The Pengin being in this film anyways. But if he ends up being in the film, and it works within the story laid out, I'd be cool with it.
El Payaso said:
But that's just an average ordinary guy... waitasec! Penguin is that too.:hyper:

Hey, this Carmine Falcone picture is very important, you´d the perfect penguin.
How on earth can the penguin be one of the trickier villans??

Did Christopher Nolan actually say this, yeah realism but the filmsare about a man who dresses as a bat, in the Dark knight the villian is a guy who essetially looks like a clown PERMANENTLY, if the penguin is a trickier villian then what does that say for the joker??

Will we see Ledger looking a bit pale liking to smile now and then with dyed green hair?

I really really hope not.

I understand that maybe Clayface, Killer croc are a little over the top, but the penguin is the most realistic villan in the rogues gallery, hes a short fat guy with a big nose, who happens to be a criminal, how realistic does nolan want the villiansto be?

i really hope thats fake.

or wrong,

or something.
Some of you are overreacting. It could be one of two things: Maybe Nolan is only familiar with the Penguin before Chuck Dixon's re-invention of the character about 5 years ago (y'know, back when the character was nothing more than a guy obsessed with birds, and commiting bird related crimes, with gimmicky umbrellas)? I mean, lets face it, that version of the character wouldn't fit with the Begins world, and it may very well be the only version of the character he's familiar with. Or... and this may also go hand in hand with the first reason, he simply doesn't like the character, and has no interest in putting him in one of the films. Even after he became a mob boss, the Penguin wasn't anything that special. At any rate, no big loss.
Having a Penguin be a villain is rediculous anyways.
^Yup maybe he can be BW servant when Alfred dies.
Hey check that site out people. Its really cool.
I dunno, the quote is odd. As others have said, Penguin is not tricky.

Here's another thing - Penguin not being in the movie woudln't change what we thought we knew about the plot, because... all we knew was "British Arms Dealer," that doesn't have to mean Penguin, it could be... who knows?

Also, just as Dr. Crane wasn't really Scarecrow until the end of Begins, and Ra's wasn't revealed to be Ra's until the end, it's possible that the arms dealer would be a non-gimmicky Oswald C. Cobblepot.

But, maybe not. Hell, I don't know.

Oh, and Blueberry? That's not Penguin in that pic. It's just some dude. 1.) Penguin wouldn't be in Arkham, he's not nuts. He's just a crook. He'd be in a prison. 2.) If we were meant to think that was Penguin, I'd think there would be some sort of subtle visual clue. The fact that he's an older guy looking out his little window doesn't tell us anything. I mean it could be Penguin, or Rupert Thorne, or the Ventriloquist, or Matt Hagen in disguise! But I doubt it. I think he's an inmate looking out his window as Batman goes by. End of discussion.
Keyser Sushi said:
I dunno, the quote is odd. As others have said, Penguin is not tricky.

Here's another thing - Penguin not being in the movie woudln't change what we thought we knew about the plot, because... all we knew was "British Arms Dealer," that doesn't have to mean Penguin, it could be... who knows?
Or the whole "british arms dealer" idea altogether could be false.
Crooklyn said:
Or the whole "british arms dealer" idea altogether could be false.

Yeah, it could be. I didin't mean to imply otherwise. I was just providing another alternative. As it stands there is nothing that immediately debunks those early rumors.
Keyser Sushi said:
Here's another thing - Penguin not being in the movie woudln't change what we thought we knew about the plot, because... all we knew was "British Arms Dealer," that doesn't have to mean Penguin, it could be... who knows?

We also know it's a classic rogue, if the BOF insider is to be believed. We all jumped to the conclusion of Penguin because it made the most sense (classic rogue as a British arms dealer), but it could've been someone else. But what other classic villains could conceivably be arms dealers? Penguins the only one that fits so well. Riddler maybe?
Katsuro said:
We also know it's a classic rogue, if the BOF insider is to be believed.

We do? I don't remember that. :(

We all jumped to the conclusion of Penguin because it made the most sense (classic rogue as a British arms dealer), but it could've been someone else. But what other classic villains could conceivably be arms dealers? Penguins the only one that fits so well. Riddler maybe?

Penguin does seem the most logical choice. But again, that opens the door for a non-gimmicky Oswald Cobblepot - a non "wak-wak," non bird-or-umbrella-obsessed guy. Who knows?

I never believed the names Jett assigned to the characters in those rumors, because he said Sal Maroni was the mob boss with ties to Bruce's father, and that never made a lot of sense to me. I always assumed Lew Moxon. But who knows.

Maybe the whole thing was bunk after all. :huh:
StorminNorman said:
:cmad: Michael Caine will out live us all.

I certainly hope so. I just recently saw him on "The Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno" the other night promoting The Prestige and he certainly looked a bit -- I don't know, peaky. His hands were shaking a bit and he looked more gray and frail than ever.

He'll probably be fine for The Dark Knight. But will he live for the third chapter? I certainly hope so. Of course, people had the same concern for Michael Gough, and the man's still with us, so who knows...
Retroman said:
Spotted this at C2F. From a Christopher Nolan interview with Esquire.


I guess this means Penguins out?
Nolan's going to ruin these movies with the whole stupid reality thing. It's a comic book, you have a movie about a guy in a bat suit, get over it.

He's too hung up on not doing another B&R, he's already shown it can be serious, you go from there, look at the comics, they aren't stupid and they have larger than life characters, 'cause it's a comic book, okay don't look at the 60's books but, modern books show how cool it can be. There are alot of stories they are going to miss out on from Nolan's lack of imagination.:dew:
Morgoth said:
Nolan's going to ruin these movies with the whole stupid reality thing. It's a comic book, you have a movie about a guy in a bat suit, get over it.

He's too hung up on not doing another B&R, he's already shown it can be serious, you go from there, look at the comics, they aren't stupid and they have larger than life characters, 'cause it's a comic book, okay don't look at the 60's books but, modern books show how cool it can be. There are alot of stories they are going to miss out on from Nolan's lack of imagination.:dew:

Because Batman Begins was sooo out of line with the Comics, right. Give me a break.
Morgoth said:
Nolan's going to ruin these movies with the whole stupid reality thing. It's a comic book, you have a movie about a guy in a bat suit, get over it.

He's too hung up on not doing another B&R, he's already shown it can be serious, you go from there, look at the comics, they aren't stupid and they have larger than life characters, 'cause it's a comic book, okay don't look at the 60's books but, modern books show how cool it can be. There are alot of stories they are going to miss out on from Nolan's lack of imagination.:dew:

I hate change.

Hahahahahahaha, relax man. We shouldn't doubt a successful filmmaker at this early stage in the game.

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