Comics Official CAPTAIN BRITAIN AND MI:13 Discussion Thread


Ghost of all things X
Sep 2, 2005
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New Excalibur

Creative Team: Chris Claremont(writer) & Scott Eaton(artist)


Team Members: Captain Britain, Dazzler, Noctourne, Pete Wisdom, Juggernaut, Sage

Storyline Info: Thanks to M-Day, the mutant population has been decimated, and Britain needs heroes once again. Excalibur has been reformed, the sword is drawn again, and this group of heroes is about to face dangers that they have never experienced before, including psychotic versions of some of their best friends and allies, as well as themselves.

I couldnt really get into this book. I really like Nocturne, Wisdom, and Juggernaut which is why I'm still checking out the book. I felt that Juggie has become a little bit dunce and child like during the beginning of the series. He's almost the Tick now.
I have to say I'm really into this book. I guess that's because this is the one team where there isn't any member that I dislike or can't stand.

With Uncanny, X-men, and Astonshing the pressence of Emma Frost just ruins everything for me, especailly in Astonishing. The lack of Storm in Uncanny is another huge disappointment for me that stops me from enjoying it as much as I'd like. The fact that she's being destoryed in Black Panther makes it all the worse. Still it's the Emma factor that really stops me from enjoying it.

New X-men isn't enjoyable anymore since they depowered David and Danni and even removed Danni from the title by way of the skank Emma. Then there is all the killing of the students and former students.

Wolverine is a great character but I don't read his title since while I like him, I don't like him enough to read about him all the time. I never really read Exiles, same for X-Factor.

As for Ultiamte X-men, Millar's run still has left a very bad impression on me so it's hard to really getting into the series save for the Peter Parker (Spider-man) and Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat) relationship but I get a lot more of that in Ultiamte Spider-man.

So New Excalibur has really been a pleasant run so far. It being set in the UK is a welcome change as well. Dazzler is a cool character and would love to see more of her. I really dig the pink hair. I liked Juggernaut when he was in X-men. Same for Sage who I also thought was interesting, especailly her power. Not to mention sexy :). Nocturne was a welcome surprise. Would love to see more moments with Nightcrawler and her, especailly when she refered to him as her father and he liked it. Vote is still out on Wisdom though but seemes decent. Captain Britan is cool. I'm a fan of Captain America and always wanted to read about Captain Britian. Though I wonder if this is the same CB that fought along side Captain America during WW2 or if this guy is a different one?

Looking forward to where this title is headed.
cerealkiller182 said:
I couldnt really get into this book. I really like Nocturne, Wisdom, and Juggernaut which is why I'm still checking out the book. I felt that Juggie has become a little bit dunce and child like during the beginning of the series. He's almost the Tick now.
LoL the Tick analogy is a pretty good one.
Gave this book a chance, somes been ok, somes been pretty bad, the english accents are all appalling, Nocturne is still COMPLETELY out of character (i worry about exiles as it seems that Claremont cant have read an issue) the art is real pretty tho :) and i actually quite like the look of the team together. I read Extreme for far too long though just cos the art was pretty, im not doing it again.
I'm not liking this book so far, but I really would like to. It seems too hokey. I think the "Dark X-Men" is one of the worst ideas in recent history. The dialogue isn't winning points with me either. "We're Warwolves, we wear who we kill!" Yeaaaaaahhhhh, ok then.

I really like the team line up, but the characterization seems off. Nocturne is way too Valley Girl now, and I hate that. While it has admittedly been a while since we've seen Dazzler she seems rather immature now too. Plus I am totally off put by the fact that her husband is missing, she somehow lost her baby and escaped from the Mojoverse but yet she seems very unconcerned with any of it.

This book just got off to a bad start. We're five issues in and the reason for this team's existance, other than to protect Great Britain, isn't apparent to me. It's just another X-squad across the pond. I mean Marvel has said in interviews what the team is for... but rather than start off with generic fights against generic "evil mutants" I wish they would've started by focusing on the characters and the reason they're going to be a part of this team.
Until he writes Nocturne like she used to be written, until he stops writing her completely out of character, I won't buy it...but I want to because I like the characters. Sucks.
I do like this book. A Lot. It is exactly what Excalibur should be. Nocturne is a little girlier than she used to be, perhaps this is her way of coping with being stuck in an alternate world, or perhaps Mojo did something to her (I don't remember that white stripe on her hair for one). We just have to wait and see.

And about the Dark X-Men... raise your hand if you think Xavier is actually the Shadow King in Xavier's body...
Nocturne has atail right if so ryan never draws it. What issue is chamber supposed to be in.
ghost113 said:
Nocturne has atail right if so ryan never draws it. What issue is chamber supposed to be in.
The tail is retractable.

I'm liking the title so far, although the last issue was a little lackluster. The always awesome Pete Wisdom is the big draw though, and I wouldn't mind them phasing out one or two of the cast members and get some more British blood in there, like a repowered Chamber.
i got the first two issues and i didn't like it but i want to finish that arc but i can't find three anywhere, and i wanna to get the issue where chamber appears.
This book is so incredibly boring.

I've bought every issue since it started and I really don't know why I don't just drop it. Dazzler with the short hair is just weird to me, and the dialogue between her and Nocturne, to put it bluntly. Claremont is just way too out of touch with how people like that would really talk.

Everything is so cliched, but since I think Pete Wisdom is a really interesting character I'll probably keep picking it up for a few more issues and hope it goes somewhere. Otherwise I'll probably ditch it pretty soon.
I don't find the book boring but I definately don't get excited when it comes out like my other X-books. I'm really just hoping that Juggernaut gets his gem back sometime in the book.
Joaqenix said:
This book is so incredibly boring.

I've bought every issue since it started and I really don't know why I don't just drop it. Dazzler with the short hair is just weird to me, and the dialogue between her and Nocturne, to put it bluntly. Claremont is just way too out of touch with how people like that would really talk.

I agree. He even spells "girl" "grrl" when Nocturne and Dazzler are talking to each other. I loved the first run of Excalibur, but this second attempt of Claremont's isn't gelling with me.

Has anyone said if someone else will take of writing duties for a while as Claremont is recovering? I know he won't be taking over Exiles right away as planned. What about Excalibur?
what are Nocturnes abilities? and what was her personality like?
Nocturne demonstrates the same strength and agility like her father, and ability to cling to walls.

She also has the ability to possess people by phasing into their bodies for one luna cycles (approx 12hours).

She can also generate 'hex-bolts' which she has named after her mother (the scarlet witch's) powers. However they are not the same thing. Her hex bolts are infact compressed spheres of dimensional shifting energy (from the same dimension that nightcrawler teleports through), which on impact, have the effect of temporarily shifting their target's molecules from this dimension and the next causing extreme pain.
SMroxs said:
I agree. He even spells "girl" "grrl" when Nocturne and Dazzler are talking to each other. I loved the first run of Excalibur, but this second attempt of Claremont's isn't gelling with me.
After sufficient outcry from fans over at ComiXfan, Claremont immediately vowed never to do that again.

She can also generate 'hex-bolts' which she has named after her mother (the scarlet witch's) powers. However they are not the same thing. Her hex bolts are infact compressed spheres of dimensional shifting energy (from the same dimension that nightcrawler teleports through), which on impact, have the effect of temporarily shifting their target's molecules from this dimension and the next causing extreme pain.
Has she even used these in Excal though? I can't remember.
She hasn't even used them since she left Exiles, her entire X-Men run & Excalibur to date hasn't seen her use them at all, as well her tail, and her possession powers to date in Excalibur hasn't been that successful to date either.
Why do so many of Excalibur's members have to be expatriatrate Americans-Shadowcat, Juggernaut et al or even Europeans(pace Nightcrawler)? Doesn't the Uk have any native born superhumans(even after M-Day) Also what position will the team take on the Civil War( I suspect that Excalibur, in common with Alpha Flight or The Winter Guard, will take a neutral position on it-regarding it as an American problem even though most of its members are US citizens (by either birth or naturalisation)?

I posted this on the other Excalibur board awhile ago, these are the remaining British mutants after M-Day...including European ones (we are after all in the EU)....


Pete Widsom
Captain Britain ... I know he's not a mutant.
Jamie Braddock
Pete Wisdom
Magma ???(Nova Roma or British...were not quite sure)
Chamber ????(Something tells me there is more in store for him)
Sway ???(Marvel has hinted that she might not be dead, and she was introduced to Moria in London suggesting she may be British-Chinese).






Empath - Spanish
M - French/Monacon/Yugoslavian/Algerian
Mr. M - Belgian
Mystique - Austrian
Nightcrawler - German
Nocturne - American/German/Latvian
Magik (Amanda Sefton) - German
Sage - Serbian/Balkan (Either way Eastern Block Europe)
Siryn - Irish

My perfect Excalibur team would have....

Pete Wisdom
Captain Britain

That makes half the team British... Pete Wisdom, Captain Britain, Wolfsbane

One Irish...Siryn

And two token EU characters that i think are really interesting and underused... Empath, Monet
^As cool as that'd be, that would involve messing with the X-Factor roster and that that book is gold. Good line-up though :up:
I think Excalibur's good the way it is right now. Let's give this team a chance before we change it.
Chamber UK said:
Sway ???(Marvel has hinted that she might not be dead, and she was introduced to Moria in London suggesting she may be British-Chinese).

Um, no, Sway met Moira in New York, and trained with her in Moira's stateside labs that were only a few hours away from the institute. Her parents were from China, and immigrated to California.

I don't know if you want to include Petra on the list too, as her family immigrated from Denmark when her mother was pregnant with her.
Colossal Spoons said:
^As cool as that'd be, that would involve messing with the X-Factor roster and that that book is gold. Good line-up though :up:

Agreed X-Factor is Gold at the moment and am enjoying Wolfsbane, Siryn and M on it.

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